So, Trump and his taint-licking toadies want you to believe the United States Army is lying about the desecration of a sacred military shrine but the draft dodging, rapist, traitor, felon who incited an attack on our Capitol is telling the truth?
Yeah, I don’t fucking think so.
Look, we’ve jumped the shark so badly as a nation now — if Tom Hanks came back tomorrow from his little tropical rendezvous with a volleyball, and you were tasked with filling him in on some of the stories he’d missed while away, I suspect he’d pretty quickly look at you like you’d officially flown the fuck over the cuckoo’s nest, grab Wilson along with some spicy looking basketball strange just to make the lonely eternity a tad more interesting, stock the raft with Lunchables knowing he’d be long gone before they ever expired, and proceed to cast his own damn ass right back into the sea.
Because, while he recognized the sheer lunacy of his closest confidant in all the world being a bloody hand-printed sports ball, by the time you got to the orange painted, former reality tv game show host inciting a deadly attack on our Capitol, getting convicted and THEN starting a fight with our nation’s most sacred military shrine, he’d know he had to tap out.
He’d know then that nothing he’d ever done on leatherball love island (and there were more than a few long nights when he’d done some shit he wasn’t particularly proud of), that nothing could be anywhere close to having to watch adult human beings walking around in red hats and MAGA Snuggies with Maxipads on their ears because they worshipped a traitorous and criminally stupid son-of-a-bitch who picked a fight with the final resting place for our troops and their families.
And frankly, who could blame him. This shit is well beyond the pale. It’s so far beyond it that it’s making hosed-off on a boat Elon look downright swarthy by comparison. Ok, maybe not quite, but you take my point.
We’ve been on the inside of this hangry, poopy-diapered two-year old’s nonstop applesauce slinging temper tantrum for so long now, we often don’t even recognize how far gone we are.
But I really, really think that if anything is going to collectively snap us back into some semblance of semi-rational situational awareness, it just might be the fact that a draft-dodging former so-called “commander-in-chief” long-since notorious for disrespecting and disparaging our troops, is in a protracted pissing match with the United States Army and the hallowed ground that is Arlington National Cemetery.
Yes. This is where we are now.
We got here largely as a result of that melon-hued madman taking the wheel and gleefully steering this entire little experiment of ours toward the edge of a chaos cliff. But he didn’t do it alone. A lot of people held their noses and handed him the wheel. The worst of them cheered him on. Many more simply looked the other way while he put his foot on the gas.
And now we’re sitting here, staring down at the ravine before us, teetering on the cliff side, scratching our heads and wondering how the fuck shit got this bad.
And the thing is, we know exactly how we landed here. We lived it. We’ve been forced to endure it for a very, very long time. And it’s been both mind-numbing and maddening to witness.
We know this should have ended when he said he liked heroes “who weren’t captured” about John McCain. That should have ended him. I was personally certain at the time that it would. Boy what a fool I was, huh?
When he took someone’s Purple Heart and said he’d “always wanted one” and that to be handed one was “much easier” than getting one himself. When he attacked that Gold Star family. When he told that military widow that her husband “knew what he had signed up for.” It should have been over after every single one of those horrific moments.
It should have been over when he tried to gut the VA. When he downplayed the brain injuries our troops suffered because he attacked Iran. It should have been over when the Atlantic story came out revealing how he had referred to our fallen of war as “suckers” and “losers.”
It should have been over when General John Kelly said Trump told him that he refused to be seen with war-wounded amputees, and that he asked him “what was in it for them” in reference to our fallen.
It wasn’t. It isn’t. Instead, he’s only pushed the American people and his own party of enablers further and further down the increasingly dark path of either accommodating his perpetually disgusting disparagements of our men and women in uniform, or simply looking away.
But never, ever apologizing for them. Never.
Very recently, he said the Medal of Honor had less value than the Medal of Freedom because the recipients of the former were often “dead or shot up.” He even doubled down on that shit in the days which followed. And now this — this reprehensible desecration of Arlington… this opportunistic, propagandizing prostitution of that truly special and sacred space.
Something which otherwise would have been unfathomable. But not when it comes to him. Because when it comes to nothing is unfathomable. Nothing.
He doesn’t give a fuck. Worse than that — he repeatedly spits in the face of our military and their families.
He hates them because unlike him, they are capable of putting others above themselves, of putting something like our freedom, above themselves.
They are beholden to a code of moral conduct. They uphold the oaths they’ve sworn. And he sees all of that as weakness.
He wouldn’t know what any of that means if it stood up, pants him down to his shit-covered fat ass and slapped the deck stain right the fuck off his stupid face.
He’s not better than any of this. He is a piece of shit.
But WE are better than this.
We honor our fallen heroes here.
If a leader from another country did 1/1000th of the things he’s done, there would be pubic outcry for their fucking head.
But he’s gotten a pass every damn time.
No more.
I believe that the American people are tired of this shit. I believe that military members and their loved ones are sick of this shit.
Folks just ain’t in the market for his revolting anti-American, anti-military garbage anymore.
And that’s why I believe that we have to keep telling these stories. Keep talking to our friends, our families, our neighbors, our f’ng Uber drivers and grocery store cashiers. Keep highlighting what a ghoul he is. Keep shining a collective light on how un-American he is.
It’s making a difference. It’s breaking through. I believe it with all my heart.
I’ve heard from former Republicans I’m close to, and they’re telling me that they’re voting for Kamala, in part because of stories like Arlington.
He won’t stop doing this shit. He’s only going to get worse. And every time he does, every time he goes lower, we will drag him and his fake fucking bone spurs all day long.
We are better than Donald Trump. Our soldiers deserve better than Donald Trump.
Our country may not be perfect, but we are better than that. I have to believe we are better than that.
We are better than him.
Yes, it’s a low fucking bar — and yes, there are some seriously smoothbrained doozies out there like Eric Trump, but collectively it’s still true.
And that is why he will lose.
Kamala to the Whitehouse, DonOLD to the BIG House.
There is no bottom to this guy, Jo. He’s a disgrace, and we will be a disgrace if we empower him again.