MAGA wants to go down ‘Joe is on vacation during a disaster’ road do they?
No. I promise you, they fucking do not.
I have an entirely different essay working for later (depending on how long these meatballs take) but I have to get this shit off my chest first.
Because this is some next level gaslighting bullshit and no way can I let this shit slide.
For all the outrage manufacturing hypocritical Magaidiots out there with their ‘Hawaii needs help and Brandon is on vacation’ bullshit:
A. let’s pretend for a minute that you actually give a shit about anyone else’s pain and suffering…Ok, that’s over.
B. President Biden issued a federal disaster declaration on THURSDAY and has sent whatever federal assistance is needed and then some to help the people of Hawaii with the recovery. And he’s monitoring the entire situation as we speak.
C. If you really, really wanna Fucking go there, may I remind you that your despotic dotard played red state/blue state politics, ‘if they didn’t vote for me I’m not gonna help them’ when it came to the country’s disaster response, he threw paper towels at hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico, posed for a thumbs up photo op with a newly orphaned baby after a mass shooting in Texas, blamed the state of CA for its wildfires, and of course while thousands of Americans were dying daily from a virus he said was a “hoax” even though he damn well knew it wasn’t, he was golfing. Like a lot. Refrigerator trucks were filling up with the bodies of our fellow citizens, and he was on the back nine.
So don’t. Just Fucking don’t even try to gaslight us. Joe Biden takes the occasional weekend nap on the beach, but still puts Americans in need FIRST.
Trump, when he wasn’t golfing, tried to deny blue states disaster aid cuz he was big mad at them and golfed through an entire f’ng global pandemic.
So just Fucking don’t.
And I am not done here. Not by a mile.
But I gotta get these Turkey meatballs in the oven because they take some time and it’s late thanks to some fun kid stuff today, but man oh man, am I fired up.
Back soon to rant more. Argh.
I live on Maui and federal help has been awesome. Chinook helicopters to drop water and get the fires contained, FEMA already on the ground. Supplies and replacement parts for the electrical grid and cell towers being flown in.
People are still suffering because it is not an overnight effort to restore the grid and cell towers and the roads are littered with fallen trees and poles so it is very difficult to get to stranded people. 1000 are still missing but we already have help from other states with cadaver dogs and search and rescue.
The situation is very, very difficult and it will be no easy or fast fix with probably over $6 billion in damage. (Not to mention the loss of our precious historical buildings and artifacts)
But it is a hell of a lot better than the shitshow that Puerto Rico endured under Trump.
If Drumpf got a dollar for every American he fucked over in a crisis, he wouldn't be crowdfunding his legal fees.