"One night is not reflective of his last four years and it is not indicative of his next four either." I'm giving you a standing ovation from Texas, Jo.

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I so needed to hear that. Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Others have noted that many of the "undecided" or "swing" voters noticed the difference between a man with a bad cold discussing policy truthfully and a blowhard bloviating lies about how great he is.

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That’s what I wondered, too; was he sick? If so why the f would they let him go on?

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It should have been announced that Joe had a bad cold before the debate began, people would not have judged him so harshly.

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Couldn’t help but think once the cold was revealed — he seems like me on cold medicine. Is that a possibility? If so, wouldn’t someone say so?

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I think that’s what caused his slow delivery. Cold medicine does that to everyone.

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I question that too.

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Yep. That message is right on! It’s the long game that will win it, not one night. If anything last night emphasizes the HUGE difference between the orange fuck face and JBR. It can’t be any clearer. But since the MSM won’t, we have to repeat over and over what that difference is the same way magats repeat the cult’s message. Thank you for starting that today.

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There is nothing I can add to your piece here that will improve it. Bravo.

You are a GD warrior who understands the moment.

....and you're awesome.

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The "We've gotta dump Biden!" trolls are all over NYT and WaPo comment sections. Sorry, but I'm not dumping the guy who's brought us out of a pandemic, brought down inflation (which is no longer out of control as other trolls and talking heads will have you believe), added more jobs than any president in history, and is positioning himself and his administration to ensure that I still have rights, Social Security and Medicare in 2025 and beyond.

You want a younger candidate? Nominate one. Otherwise shut yer hole. (and the "you" there is strictly in the "royal" sense. Not aimed at anyone in particular).

Biden had one bad night out of the last 4 years and some folks think we should simply change horses in the middle of a raging river. Always a good plan, that.

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Thank you!!👍👍

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The MSM has sold us out. We can no longer trust what any of them write or say.

NYT is no longer all the news that’s fit to print.

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It was horrific. Of course I’ll vote for him but based on that performance, his competence moving forward as the leader of our country is in serious question. Anything is better than Trump but it was stunningly bad.

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It was not good, correct. Not to invoke Rocky here, but its not how hard you get hit. Just keep getting up and moving forward.

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JoJo, I agree—but with the more Regressive Corporate elements of the Democratic Party talking about replacing him, and the Supreme Court's ruling that INSURRECTION! is just dandy if the Right does it, I'm feeling pretty low right now....

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I think the Regressive Corporate elements are Manchin and Sinema and all the other Manchins and Sinemas in waiting. Transparency in campaign funding can't come fast enough.

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(I.e., I think we are all going to have to get very, very clear on propaganda and how to spot it.)

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Well said, thanks. Still ridin' with Biden here.

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Thank you JoJo for the inspiration. … I’m not one to have my motivation undone by one debate .. althouogh I will readily admit my dauper is down a wee bit this morning. I know what I wll be doing until the election and it mirrors your thoughts. My hope is that the average american saw the orange man at what he is, a lying, sniveling weasel. I will restack your material from here out to the election. Thank you for today, I needed your message to heal my heart!

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Amen, girl. 👍❤️💙💖💙💙💙❤️☘️😘

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Excellent message! Thank you for your sanity!

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Thank you; one night cannot be the measure of Joe. He was not in good form and probably ill but not wanting to back out of the debate!

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As always; well said!

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I could 😘 you for saying what few others will. Keep America Free, Vote Biden!

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Watching NC rally, this is how Biden should have been like last night with millions watching. He needs to take this rally to every state.

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Well, then he better get his butt on the road for rallies, start doing press conferences and bring energy. I don’t think he can do that at 81, but I’d be thrilled to be proven wrong. Maybe this butt-kicking can turn into a wake-up call for Biden and those who have been sheltering him.

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