Oh no the trash tier lawyer isn't gonna take it any more!

What a twisted sister.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Brilliant! 🤣🤣🤣 but to many Americans are falling for this shit show. Are we whistling past the graveyard?

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I am wrecking myself as I crash into the "OMG he's gonna win and we're screwed" side and then careen over to the "It's gonna be so sweet when he's rejected yet again" side. Back and forth I go and it's making me nuts. Not to mention a basket case.

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I do the same. I think: no way he can legally be elected President with all the indictments, being guilty of rape etc...but then I think of all that’s happened already and his poll numbers are high? WTH America? Can this really happen again only worse because we know how insane he is? I mean this man was recorded telling people about secret files! And he’s not in a max security prison? The man is the biggest threat to our nation since...the Cold War when we lived in fear of a nuclear strike!

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I refuse to let this bullshit drive me crazy.

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I’ve managed to keep myself only a LITTLE bit crazy Charlie. But I tell ya, if Dipshit is “polling” (try not to pay too much attention to ‘em mind ya) ahead in 5 or 6 swing states a month ahead of the election? ...

I may go full boat and call for those fine young men in their clean white coats. Thankfully this is an excellent support group. 😉

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Polls have become bullshit. They're a way for the MSM to create a horse race for their bottom line.

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That’s why I cut out MSM but I have lately watched the main hour of morning Joe, the only one that talks and acts like real people. And still remember him cutting Trumps mic off. That was a good one.

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Yep, the first hour of Morning Joe is pretty near much all ya need. I also watch Maddow and Psaki Sundays and Mondays for sanity. The rest of it? Meh!

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I believe she’s too stupid to know she’s on her way to being sanctioned big time!

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Right. She thinks she’s going to be protected by Donald Trump but she’ll find out as the J6 idiots did that he’s a human, and I use that noun loosely, piranha.

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She's done in the legal profession.

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HabbaDabbaDoo (respects to Fred Flintstone) is a piece of work taught by Dear Leader the value of feigned outrage and performance art. Judges have had to sanction her, tell her to to stop yelling and sit the fuck down several times now.

But Orange Daddy loves it when she acts like a toddler in his image, thus these antics shall continue unabated. In the end she likely won’t get paid and may be disbarred. Happens to all the not so bright ones that fall into an orbit around Planet Pussy Grabber. Nearly inevitable! 😏

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One has to wonder what she is going to do about it??? Stop trying to practice law?? Might be her best bet.

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She has her eyes on politics or Fox, but she has a good chance of ending up at the Bunny Ranch with Bobo.

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Stomp her feet and yell some more at Judge Engoron? 😅

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He so enjoys the worship of idiots.

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Same reason he loves the J6 thugs and refers to them as “hostages” Patris. Anyone willing to do violence or any other bidding at his behest is a “patriot”. But in the end with Mango Menace, loyalty is a one way street. Once they are no longer useful to him, under the bus they go. Just ask Micheal Cohen and probably thousands of others. People are ultimately disposable as the filthy adult Depends he soils daily 😞

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True. Very true.

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The tears of Scarlet O'Habba.

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Any guesses when she'll get her eyes done so she looks more like Melanoma?

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Maybe Donnie will make some suggestions. He got Cassidy Hutchinson to add blonde highlights. 👱‍♀️ 😃

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Love the quivering chin. AI assisted?

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😂 pouty lips just like his tarty wife. Get a life Ali Baba, or he’ll take you down with him.

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Alina Habba's lofty legal career highlight will be recorded as Trump's performative "Sock Puppet". The second would be inhaling the gas fumes in the parking garage, on her journey via a step-ladder to self-humiliation.

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She needs to be hanging out a window . I am madder than hell, and I am not going to take it anymore! How do you spell loser?

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