Apropos of nothing, thought you and your subscribers might get a kick out of a possible "way out"::

Senator John Thune

United States Senate SD-511

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Thune,

As I'm sure you're aware, you/your caucus are the only hope we have of saving this country from the far-right extremism that took down Italy and Germany--and came close to taking down this country--in the mid-1940's.

What we, your constituents, are aware of is that the majority of your members

a) can't stand Donald Trump

b) are frightened to death of Donald Trump (excerpt from Mitt Romney's autobiography: "When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning toward voting to convict [Donald Trump, after the House had impeached him], the others urged him to reconsider. 'You can't do that,' Romney recalled someone saying. 'Think of your personal safety,' said another.

'Think of your children.')

(And no, those are not lines from "The Godfather", "Goodfellas", or "The Sopranos". They're lines overheard in the Congress of the United States of America!)

How to get around that? How to keep your members and their families safe, while those members save America--and, while they're at it, keep the U. S. Senate from being reduced to a kaffeeklatsch, which Trump has dreamed of doing since Day One.

How do you do all that?

Easy: with one "I'm Spartacus" moment after another:

To review: in the 1960 movie, there is a scene where a large group of slaves is gathered together, sitting in a field.

Up rides a representative from the slaves' master—the Commander of Italy—with a message: "Your lives are to be spared.

"Slaves you were and slaves you remain. But the terrible penalty of crucifixion has been set aside, on the single condition that you identify the body or the living person of the slave called 'Spartacus'."

At which point. there is a massive silence among the slaves, which goes on for several seconds, during which we see Spartacus, himself, weighing whether he should identify himself and save his fellow slaves.

Decision made, he starts to rise to announce himself, but with the slave to his right rising with him and beating him to the punch: “I’m Spartacus”, followed by the slave to his left: “I’m Spartacus”, then a slave in the rear: “I’m Spartacus”, and on and on until every slave has stood up and said “I’m Spartacus”.

You get the point: if only a handful of your members says “No” to whatever Trump is proposing—but especially to his ridiculous and often dangerous Cabinet picks—those members will stick out like a sore thumb, and instantly risk harm to themselves and their families—to say nothing of getting primaried, which the Trump team has promised to do to anyone who doesn’t toe the Trump line.

However, if, like the scene in “Spartacus”, every member of your caucus stands up and says “No” to Trump, what’s the latter going to do: primary all 53 of them?! Threaten the lives and families of all 53 of them?!

I don’t think so.

So, that’s it; that’s the solution.

"Dramatic"? Yes. But that's why millions of Americans voted for Trump: because he brings "drama" into their otherwise-undramatic lives, so why not "call him at his own game"?

Hopefully, you’ve already thought of that. If not, I present the above for your consideration.

Thank you,

David A. Rives

Liberty, Missouri

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Bravo! and Thank you! I have written to Chuck Schumer (my senator) almost weekly. Poor man. Last time I quoted the WSJ to him about Leon Smuk doxing federal employees and threatening them via his poison site. I believe I demanded he rescind all of Smuck's contracts with the government too.

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Good for you (re writing to Schumer). Maybe he'll finally use some of those 1600 SAT points to, a) rescind all of Smuck's contracts with the government; b) get some of his Republican friends (if he has any) to participate in one "I'm Spartacus" moment after another.

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Well done!

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Thank you. Now, "pass it on"!

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Thank you. Now "pass it on!"

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To quash senate nominations we have to write our senators in mass. Here is a draft letter. https://bit.ly/3CYZq1G

A gift from JoJo, I hope. It is something I do well. Download, copy, reword, complete, send, share. Permission granted with no restrictions. We have to be many and we have to be loud. Thank you.

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My gosh, JoJo. This got a lot of likes and your support helped.

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My heart aches for the little girl that you were but it burns with admiration for the woman you have become. Sisterhood is indeed powerful.

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You are on Fire 🔥 today, JoJo,as always, I'm with you kiddo 💪 and will reStack ASAP 💯👍😘

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I am keeping my car tank at least half full so I may drive to you when you call us to the battle field! I swear, do you know when the "news" has me too depressed to function? This came at just the right time. I get overwhelmed a lot and scared a lot because I am 72 and that felon has the desire and backing (of the lowest of us all) to deny me the retirement I paid for all my working years; he has the desire and backing (of a certain minority) to deny me the health care I paid for and still pay for! The appointments are each one worse than the last too and, I admit, I'm afraid the republicans won't stand up to him. I don't care! Jo will lead us to toss his rotten hide on the pyre of history; where he will be judged wanting. Keep your fire burning Jo, it is warming a lot of us.

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I'm not afraid because in spite of what things may look like on the outside Christ Jesus is still in control - of everybody and everything - whether they are aware of this or not. I've read the end of HIS BOOK AND WE WIN!!

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Glad you aren't backing down from bullies, ma'am! I'd pity the fool who would bet against you!

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You have learned to be a very strong independent woman. Your ideas are always welcome. It’s time to flush the American cesspool of magadoom that permeates the souls of asskissing fascist loving magaheads. Keep writing and sharing your story to enlighten those poor souls

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My wife and I remind folks that bullies are ALWAYS cowards. People, especially women, who fight back against mango Mussolini are marginalized, attacked for being "shrill" or "Not smiling" or some other bullshit. tRump tries to fire them, jail them, evict them (learned that from his slumlord dad) . So we fight back & he hates it. GOOD! Frak him & his bizarre nominees.

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WOW just WOW.


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Damn. Your brilliance, strength, grace and joy feeds the soul of our community. You bring laughter and tears at once. Thank you.

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Stand by, stand back, your time shall come. Too many bullies, a toxic stew does make. They will poison themselves, while leaving us weaker, but hopefully wiser. Be ready to repair the damage when the call comes.

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I’d like to make a comment that is both smart and memorable, but the only thing I can say is:

smart women will be our only salvation.

They must be joined, in a fight against evil people.

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Goddamned right they better brace themselves for us. Eighty years ago there were a bunch of American soldiers fighting for freedom in the Ardennes. We must do them honor with our fight. We fight against the same sort of ideology as they did.

Gen. Anthony McAuliffe (101st Airborne in Bastogne) said it best when the Germans demanded that he surrender: "NUTS". That's my response to fucking Trump and all of his sycophants. We stand on the shoulders of heroes!!💪💪🇺🇸

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Bullies are weak, they back down when confronted, we know the felon needs his daily dose of adulation from his flunkies.

Eventually, he will get tired of Co-president musk getting so much attention, and there will be a great falling out. We just have to keep calling musk the co-president or shadow president, and it will get through to him.

The result will be infighting and chaos, and nothing will get done the way he’s threatened.

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JoJo for the win!

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