I'm sitting here by myself, like I have for the last several years because my family went down the MAGA rabbit hole. It's all good. I'll bet that you drink every drop of that wine. I got your note about getting doxed by Twitter Nazis. Hell, here in Columbus we have fucksticks with Swastika flags showing up marching in the streets. Like I said in my comment on your note, DM me if you need assistance.(I'm very dangerous for my age!) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and hug your kids for me.🦃😃😘

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I hope that you get through the day OK. Just know that there are millions of "us" out here rooting for you darlin' !!

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Hang in there...your column is certainly a must read for me...so happy I discovered you here, though I followed you on Twitter for years until I left and sought therapy for the experience. 😂 DO NOT TAKE ANY SHIT...from anyone. Drink the wine!! Hugs from Alaska!

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Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!

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Same to you Sharon! Thankful for our friendship!! 🦃🦃

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Just read a piece by Andy Borowitz who also had some very helpful tips: “Stuck with MAGA relatives around the table today? Gaslight them by pretending you’re a convert to their movement! Just slip these surefire talking points into the conversation:

Matt Gaetz would have been a great Attorney General. No one cares more about America’s children.

I can’t wait for Trump’s tariffs. I’m sick of paying so little for everything.

American education is a mess, and that’s because we’ve never had someone in charge of it with professional wrestling experience.

The fact that a worm ate half of RFK Jr’s brain means he won’t have as many thoughts distracting him from his job.

If you ask me, Kristi Noem’s dog was asking for it.

Thank God Trump is kicking out all those undocumented workers! If I want fruit and vegetables I’ll just pick them myself.”

Take care all.

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I love TBR!

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Thank you. Mercifully, we will be sharing our TG with our like minded neighbors across the street. No family, all my family lives in Louisiana or Arizona. Just too much food and drink for 4 people, no football to speak of, and both a hopeful and a despairing look toward the future. I am thankful that we live in California, have a Governor who, despite his many flaws, has thrown down the gauntlet of resistance along with other courageous governors and mayors. Here’s what I learned after facing the most horrible thing any parent dreads, the death of our 24-year old son 11 years ago. When the world made no sense in those first terrible days, as it doesn’t right now, I learned that life goes on and so do we. Peace to you and yours JoJo.

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I am so sorry about the loss of your son. Just horrible. 😞 You are so fucking strong. God bless you.

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In the first few horrible months after, my main emotion was bewilderment. How could this happen, how could the world go on as if nothing happened. In November 6, I felt the same bewilderment and total lack of motivation to do anything. Writing helped.


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Thank you.

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There is definitely something unnatural in burying your child. I lost a child to SIDS way back in the 70s. My heart goes out to you.

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Yes. It is a disruption in the natural order. I wish you peace.

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Compassion. That's what I love about y'all.

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Sad to hear: I lost a brother to SIDS. Nothing hurts more

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So sorry to hear that. Peace to you and yours.

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Thanksgiving is hard and challenging this year. My attitude is Fuck’um, relatives or not… If they are dumb enough to make comments in front of you then give them both barrels. Just my opinion, there’s nothing like a good old fashioned Donnybrook. Happy Thanksgiving…

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I'm in the paradoxical situation of flying solo aged 67 by virtue of the fact that I've outlived my family, so I don't have to endure the travel misery or the jaw-clenching ordeal of coping with malicious MAGA relatives. I definitely feel your pain. FWIW, I agree that it's useful to arm yourself with rhetorical comebacks for whenever a MAGA lout tries to incite you, but my move would be to just SUBTRACT myself from the entire shitshow pre-emptively. This is a bright red tipping point, and voting MAGA is a clear statement of cruelty and hatred. Why should WE feel obliged to accomodate when the MAGA hordes clearly mean us harm?

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Happy Thanksgiving dear Jo, and all you beautiful people here in Substack land.🦃 My son and I are finally in a homeless shelter, and very grateful for a roof over our heads at this time. Jo, you’re a sweetheart for your support and caring about me and my son. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, but we’re blessed to have each other and a little bit of food for the moment. Zach and I never ever thought we’d be in this situation, but it can happen to any of us, for sure! I have hope for our country, and believe we’ll all make it through this nightmare standing together. I’m blessed to have a place like Substack to come when I’m feeling down. There’s always great people here to help lift me up and keep me on the right path. Thanks to all of you for the love, courage and kindness. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🙏🦃🧡🍁

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Sending {{{hugs}}} to you and your son. I’m so glad you’ve found shelter, especially in this season of holidays.

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Sending hugs back sweet Sharon from me and my son. We have much to be grateful for and I’m happy to have found a new friend like you. Thank you for your kindness 💙

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I'm so glad you found shelter. What can I do to help?

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What can we do to help you Donna? Please let us help you.

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Jojo, @jojofromjerz

if you read the reply below to Debby, it explains almost everything. I have a Go Fund Me account on Twitter and can link it here if anyone is interested. We’re in a homeless shelter now but still need help with food and necessities. You can use Apple Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle or the GFM. We’d appreciate any assistance you can give. Please let me know if you need my information to use the apps I gave you. We’re really struggling with almost no money to get food right now. I’ll send info via DM here or on Twitter. Thank you dear JoJo for your kindness and support. I’ll await your reply here or in a DM. 🙏

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Hi Debby. I’m supporting my son right now, and till now, we were on the streets. We’re in need of food, all our necessities and I need to pay my storage unit, otherwise it will go to auction, I’ll lose everything. I have a GFM account over on Twitter, but you can also use Apple Cash, Venmo, Cash App and Zelle. Please let me know if you need my information in a DM and I’ll be happy to provide it. Thank you for your kindness sweetie! 🫶

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Wishing you patience and survival, and prominent poisoning to those who doxxed you! Geez!

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God love you dear, and I’m not a religious person at all. I surrounded myself with my left leaning friends for the last three days and have loved every minute of it, I almost wish I had a Trumper or two here today because the liquor is good and I could have a lose tongue soon! It might be fun. Rest and we will all talk soon.💙

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Bless your heart,JoJo, your a real Trooper kid👏 and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day anyway 🦃💯👍💋

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This was great thank you! Btw, did anybody ever figure out why Trump kept mentioning the "Late Great" Hannibal Lecter? What was that? Is he a fan of Sir Anthony Hopkins or was he getting mixed up with that Timothee Chalamet cannibal film? Curious.

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Jojo, I am grateful for YOUR indefatigable humor and unapologetic anger. Here in Kentucky, we need it. Don’t ever change. ❤️

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So glad my entire extended family despises Trump

We are enjoying the holiday, hope we can be thankful soon.

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I am so thankful for you, JoJo. Happy Thanxfkinggiving! Stay calm, and enjoy these ideas from Borowitz:

Stuck with MAGA relatives around the table today? Gaslight them by pretending you’re a convert to their movement! Just slip these surefire talking points into the conversation:

Matt Gaetz would have been a great Attorney General. No one cares more about America’s children.

I can’t wait for Trump’s tariffs. I’m sick of paying so little for everything.

American education is a mess, and that’s because we’ve never had someone in charge of it with professional wrestling experience.

The fact that a worm ate half of RFK Jr’s brain means he won’t have as many thoughts distracting him from his job.

If you ask me, Kristi Noem’s dog was asking for it.

Thank God Trump is kicking out all those undocumented workers! If I want fruit and vegetables I’ll just pick them myself.

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Good luck Jo. I am three days in and nobody has mentioned politics yet. Keeping fingers crossed.

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