Disappearing an insurrection.
The same Confederate flag flying, single-tooth, thesaurus-phobic fucksticks who still can’t “get over” losing the Civil fucking War one hundred and fifty nine years ago, would like you to know that they aren’t talking about the events of January 6th, 2021 anymore (as if they ever have)… because there’s no point in “reliving the events of the past.”
No point?
We’re not talking about that time I drunk cut my own bangs and ended up looking like the love child of Nicholas Bradford and the unfrozen caveman lawyer from SNL. We’re not talking about that time I asked my 6th grade math substitute teacher when she was “due” because she looked pregnant but very much was not. We’re not talking about that time when my dear friend gave himself salmonella by getting chicken juice on a blueberry muffin. (No, that’s not innuendo, and yes I had questions too, believe me).
We are not talking about the metric fuckton of limited-time, buy now, end-cap at your local Walmart combo-pack of stupid shit any of us has done or not done, seen or not seen, slept with, stood up to, secretly psychoanalyzed, stalked or spilled on your mother-in-laws sitting room rug only to turn around and blame it on your own unsuspecting kid. We aren’t talking about all the shit we wish we never did and might like to forget. The shit we want everyone who ever knew it happened to forever fucking forget.
We are talking about a deadly motherfucking attack on the citadel of this democracy, four years ago yesterday. An attack launched in an effort to subvert the will of more than 80 million Americans via horrific violence. Via fear. Via melon-hued madman and his barnacle band of merry fuckwits who were then, and are now, hell-bent on burning it all down because who the fuck cares and why the fuck not.
An attack inspired by and incited by, the very same Tan Mom Does Treason that will be returning to the very fucking office he tried and failed to steal on that dark day we ALL saw, and heard, and lived. In real time.
We’re talking about returning to power the kinds of KKK-curious kankers who are right now, as we speak, actively trying to get us to “forget” (aka reverse) a whole host of “events from the past” like the 19th Amendment, the abolishment of slavery, child labor laws, Obergefell, Brown Vs the Board of Education and the Polio fucking vaccine.
We’re talking about a middle-earthian Dark Lord controlled Orc-like cult of a so-called political party so dumb they’d get fired from a blow job, so incompetent they’d fail a fucking survey, and so useless they’d ask you for the number if you told them to call 911.
But also so inherently evil, they’d make Palpatine look like a Girl Scout, Scar look like a family man, and Cruella de Vil look like Sarah f’ng McLachlan.
MAGA tried and narrowly failed to break democracy four years ago, and then what did the slimmest margin of the stupidest festering boil ooze of the American electorate do…
They handed MAGA the keys to the goddamn city, and said “You don’t need to bash in the windows in order to shit on the floor of the People’s House - you should be walking in proudly before you defecate all over democracy!!”
They’re rather civilized that way aren’t they?
And maybe, just maybe, the media should stop talking about this year as “markedly different” from 2020, as if they’re talking about the certification of our election putting on a surprising amount of weight since that day a rabid mob of Trump humping trailer trash turnips forced themselves on our Capitol like it was wearing a short skirt and just asking for trouble.
Maybe just maybe the media saying that this certification was “without incident” makes it sound like it managed to avoid a cat fight between sisters at a retirement party because the older one just can’t seem to ever fucking FORGET about that time the younger one used a butter knife to break into her room to “borrow” her favorite sweater only to fucking ruin it because some asshole sitting next to her at a party spilled a glass of red wine on her and his mother-in-law’s sitting room rug.
Maybe just maybe we could and should be talking about the fact that Magic Eraser Milf porn watcher Mike Johnson is scrubbing the truth of January 6th like it’s his internet search history before his day-one-dictator daddy can canonize the GI Glue-eaters who gauged out the eyeballs of the Capitol Police “for Merica.”
Because that’s what’s coming. And at the risk of redundancy, it’s fucking insane. It’s lunacy. It’s batshit, Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs banana-grams Orwell just jumped out the window because he just cannot with this shit, BONKERS.
We are being gaslit like we’re a 14 year old girl on TikTok who believes a plumping lip gloss can transform her face the way only plastic surgery can.
All while they “distract” with rage porn manufactured fear mongering bullshit.
And the press is reporting on all of this as if it’s just a “departure” from the last time, when the LAST TIME was the Battle of the f’ng Bastards.
I’m sorry, but I refuse to sit back in silence watching the Republican-led, billionaire-funded, legacy media assisted erosion of our own history and our collective memory unfold before me like I’m one of the other captives helplessly watching Khan put that fucking worm thing in Chekov’s ear.
We have to stomp our feet and scream and shout and make noise and do everything we can to stop them from tearing all of our minds to shreds so they can rebuild them of their own making.
One thing we can actually do — is to call our members of Congress. Call them and tell them that they cannot support ANY effort initiated by Temu Sauron to pardon the January 6th terrorists.
They know what the fuck happened that day. They know, even if they’re pretending otherwise. Call them and tell them that you’re watching. They’re terrified of adult diaper boy, but they’re also still scared of us.
And they should be.
Not because we’re going to gather outside the gates of their offices with an axe to grind and wall poop to smear, but because we’re voters. And they STILL work for us.
Not the pussy-grabbing pestilence they’ve sworn fealty to.
Call them. Tell them. Every day if you can.
(Copy and paste this link) https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
We know what happened on January 6th 2021. It was not peaceful protest, it wasn’t legitimate political discourse, it wasn’t antifa, the deep state, the real housewives of New Jersey, drag queens or furries.
It was a violent and deadly attack, not just on a building, not just on our elected officials and Capitol police, not just on our institutions, but on our very democracy itself. On the bedrock of WHO we are.
And if we allow them to fully whitewash the events of that day, the way they are trying to, then they’ll be able to do anything.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
George Orwell, 1984
Love you guys. Stay safe, stay sane (ish), stay away from Khan.
Jo ❤️
Oh Grand Master of the Metaphor (and occasionally 'simile') you win, hands down in the writing category. I am beyond insane chortling, after reading this three times. And it's made me want to be louder, to communicate, and not to sit on my hands. You have woken me up!
God love you, Jo. Many thanks for the glimpse of sanity we need.
Glad your bangs grew back and salmonella didn't kill your friend.