Oh Grand Master of the Metaphor (and occasionally 'simile') you win, hands down in the writing category. I am beyond insane chortling, after reading this three times. And it's made me want to be louder, to communicate, and not to sit on my hands. You have woken me up!

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Could not say it better than you just did Dan, she makes me lol while trying not to cry and shriek in fear and anger- love you JoJo .. please don’t stop!🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Love you Betsy. There’s got to be laughter in the midst of the crazy. It keeps feeling like we’re not alone in the midst of the insane.

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Yesterday was a crying day. Last night no sleep. I got up this morning energized and full of hope, seeing how the wheels of government and law needed to turn to move Shitler's crimes from the congressional branch to the executive branch. Today is a good day! With more wonderful things to come! Nap time soon........

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I’m sorry you were crying. Sending you hugs!!!

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Another great name for him. Wish I had kept a list of names I've seen around the internet since 2016. What a treasure chest. LOL

If you have some extra hope, can I borrow some? I haven't slept well since the election. Lots of insomnia.

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I’m sorry about the sleep my friend. I get it.

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This just made me smile!!! I really appreciate your kind words. I was in a mood. lol. As evidenced by my writing — those moods tend to vary 🤪

I’m a Gemini too, so…

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God love you, Jo. Many thanks for the glimpse of sanity we need.

Glad your bangs grew back and salmonella didn't kill your friend.

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Haha that last sentence is a book title. 🤣

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Love your metaphor of the 14 year old girl on lip gloss. You mean some of them emulate loony Laura Loomer??????

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I still remember in real time and in sobbing tears ( trying to figure out what was happening on January 6th 2021 ) As the whole horror show went on and on and nobody was stopping it-- I just sat in front of my TV and I was in total shock and fear for what I saw happening to the brave Capitol police who were being beaten by ( I can't even say his name anymore!!) monsters. And now I regurgitate even when I think of the Major Monster about to be inaugurated into the highest office of our land. Innocent people lost their lives because some madman insisted he won an election he lost!! And NOW said monster is going to be back in charge of our nation. WTF is going on?? And where are we heading now?! Four years later and I'm still horrified. And my memory CANNOT be Erased no matter what! Every day I pray for the nightmares to be gone and every day I wake up and nothing is gone and is getting worse and worse. God help us all.

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This is also how I feel. I cannot believe we’re here. I think part of the reason I try to make jokes when I’m not being serious, it’s because it helps me cope. Maybe a little…

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That's why I'm reading you and the other substack articles ( a few bucks a month for all of these is a small amount of money for my sanity - my therapy). Because I need a smile, a chuckle, a guffaw, a belly laff! For my coping skills. So thank you and every other writer who is contributing to my mental health 👍🏽❤️

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Good one! Unfortunately my deadbeat Congressman is an insurrectionist who voted to decertify the election, damn his black soul. So there’s no point in calling him. But I will never forget what I watched incredulously on Jan 6 as it happened.

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Ugh call my asshole Kean then lol.

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Call him anyway. If it doesn't change his behavior and, like mine, it probably won't, at least it will make his staff uncomfortable to be working for such a jerk.

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The congressional branch has nothing to do with convicting Shitler. All they do is make laws. Let's hope to hell that many of these lawmakers who took part in J6th are also held accountable by the FBI and DOJ. When Harris gets in, I believe we will have a very robust DOJ that will turn perceptions of justice for our nation around.

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No one is forgetting the insurrection on either side! It seems that Shitler is getting off the hook. But nay he is not. Jack Smith and Chutkan have the case parked for future use. So those of us who are part of the RESISTANCE need to take heart, buck up and keep faith moving forward!

I believe Merchan will give Trump sentencing that is temporarily suspended, pending Stinky Pants stays away from committing more felonies. With the certification now being certified, it sealed the deal on new felonies for him and his billionaire cronies. So his freedom is short lived. I believe Merchan knows this.

France, Germany and the UK are already onto him/them; in their own elections. France's President is threatening to arrest Musk. With the U.S. certification, the crime has now moved from the congressional branch, to the executive branch, with the DOJ. Garland get off your ass!

Also, Biden can now issue an executive order 45 days beyond January 20th, due to a whiff of election interference stink, giving the agencies time to seal a tight case. Meanwhile, Biden and Harris stay out of it, so that by the time she is found the rightful winner, the magats have had time to reconsider their stupidity. Ya know, the FAFO thing.

I believe the DOJ and Election Fraud Board have been on this case for 6 years, laying traps. Think of Eric Garland's brief glimpse of cybersecurity fraud that they are following.

I believe that the J6th insurrection case will still unfold. At the least, Jack Smith will be issuing a summary statement of the charges, soon. I believe we will be seeing big announcements by the FBI, DOJ, CIA and DOD very soon on election interference. Some of which is pertaining to the sanctions matter by the Treasury Department, and more.

So, have we swept J6th under the rug? HELL NO!

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I'm bracing for impact, and I sincerely believe something went wrong (on purpose) with the software in various poling locations. Why would that MF say he didn't need anymore votes long before the election? Yeah, he said it. He's so stupid, he tells on himself. I see the initials EM written all over this, and you know something? My software hunches are rarely wrong, if ever. That was my career (well, the best part of it). Was in that industry from 1978 - 2006.

I smell a big fat rat and nobody's talking about it. Perhaps the DOJ & Election Fraud Board are on the case, but I have little faith in the government, because they're always behind times when it comes to software. Well, when it comes to many things, they are behind and antiquated.

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Absofreakinglutely LOVE your writing. When you’re vulnerable. When you’re voluble. When you’re vociferously humorous. All the time, because you’re fierce and funny and taking 0.0% shit from anyone. Plus loving and respectful [can one be one without the other?] when that’s what’s called for.

Blaze on Glory Star!

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Ok — so stealing the Vs thing… 🔥

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PS: This whole fucking thing has caused us as citizens to become stronger, more active in our governance, and more educated in Constitutional law. What hasn't killed us has made us stronger. And Shitler will NEVER see the Oval Office again! Pin these words!

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You are right, sir! That's the silver lining in this mess. People have never paid as much attention to politics ... in a very long time.

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I'm positive ELonia is working on a neuroanalyzer (a la Men in Black) to make us all forget the treasonous sh*tweasels' and their murderous rampage.

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You are a brilliant writer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You are my favorite on 🦋and I have subscribed to follow you here as well.

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I'm trying to imagine how your inspiration hits you...and smiling the whole time.

You are a BEAST!!!!

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Temu Sauron *chef's kiss!!!! Just about the time I'm going to blow, you stick one of those in there and I become as gentle as a kitten (never forget they have claws. ;) )

I have been haunting Schumer's email for quite some time. I also send almost 15 form letters a week to both senators and my congress critter. I am thrilled to say I have a DEM in congress for the first time in forever!

Daily Beast update (which somehow shows up as a little item in the corner (so does the Hill, I know not why) tells me maga is already turning on Zuckerberg. Gives me hope? People are hating on the smarmy Leon like never before (should I have a "seen" in front of before?) Some unread newsletter said the Donald is looking to walk back his campaign promises. Geesh, he hasn't even taken office yet! If I weren't medicated, I'd be a wreck.

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Indeed, she is a master of the metaphor. She makes me laugh. She makes me want to do more than just sit and watch this insane conflict run its course. I want to believe that if we all move forward against this for we can make a difference. That we can win this insane war.

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We can and we will. And lord knows I love me a mixed metaphor. 😂

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Even President Biden pulled an Obama "Look forward, not back," yesterday. Jesus, these people. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a63353740/president-biden-jan-6-anniversary-column/

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Your point about stomping and screaming is key. Why aren't the Democrats doing it? Is there no recognition that the other team isn’t playing by any rules? They seem so proud of themselves for peacefully transferring power to a POS who's made no secret of the fact that he wants to tear up The Constitution. I just don't get it.

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I wish I knew I really do.

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Quite frankly, I'm disgusted with their "go high" philosophy. Talk about adhering to 'politically correct' at the absolute wrong time. There's a time to throw that shit out the window and the time is NOW! They are afraid of him, and the cowardliness of it makes me sick. I mean, I get it but severely disagree with laying down for his bullshit. He'll run them over. Put the vehicle in reverse and run over them. Then throw it back in drive and run over them again.

Seen this happen in personal relationships, and the person who lied down for it only ended up with "victim mentality". It's on the American people now, which will certainly put us at odds what that maggot cult. Don't they realize what they've done? Know how to stop a bully? Bloody his/her nose. TF are these politicians doing? Dysfunctional MF's. Sigh

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Huge props for " . . . single-tooth, thesaurus - phobic fucksticks."

Keep it up, Jo!

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