
This is so meaningful to me because I have gone from warrior to withdrawal due to those feelings of demoralization and frankly, depression. I’m too old, I’m too isolated, I’m too not enough I’m too much, when logically I know that’s bs. But how easily those feelings can overwhelm and defeat what is actually at my core. I need to find a new supportive group who share the core values and beliefs I embody. However it’s easier said than done so yeah, the small steps first.

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Rachel Vindman is absolutely right about doing what one can.

I'm way too introverted to canvas on the phone or door to door, but I can contribute to candidates what little I can and share online the writings of those I admire who speak the truth.

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And by the way Joanne... you gotta like and respect... you.

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Rachel Vindman is a real firecracker. Who knew? You gotta like and respect her.

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Adding on: Loved how you pointed out that the things people attack you for are the things they know are true about themselves. These people who attack cannot bare to admit they are wrong. It's easier to cling to the lies.

You know you are on the right track when people attack with emotion the truth you state that is backed up by facts and evidence.

Keep doing you!

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