I share your thoughts and pain. I have resolved that the underlying issues are greed, dumbing down, and capitalism. Americans now lack intelligence. We have lived free and in a paradise for so long that we’ve become lax in judgement. It’s a them and us mentality. But, mostly stupidity.

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This is spot on John. Sadly.

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We have become such a destructive society. Can’t give people anything good without finding how some abuse and twist what otherwise could improve life.

Technology is one of these otherwise good developments that could help all of our lives , yet, we witness scamming, spamming - we need passwords, verification, and worry about our accounts being cracked.

This, in itself, shows us the evil that capitalism brings. The imbalance of wealth allows for criminals to become presidents, and, pushes those that “have not” into criminality.

I am sorry for the future of this country. I will have passed well before this destruction begins repair.

Sorry day

Sorry month

Sorry future

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In 2015 I read Jane Meyer's book DARK MONEY. She wrote about the 1972 Powell Memo, a road map that has lead us to where we're at today. DARK MONEY BILLIONAIRES own SCOTUS, GOP, MSM, Universities, and used Trump as an useful idiot, too much of our focus was on Trump and not the DARK MONEY BILLIONAIRES, the HERITAGE FOUNDATION, FEDERALIST SOCIETY, ALEC. Which has been working as a shadow government for 30 years. We have to focus on the real threat to our democracy and its not Trump.

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Mark, I’ve been thinking about just this all day. And wondering what path there is out of it.

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Exactly, Mark. “Cash Rules Everything Around Me” as Wu-Tang says. I also read Jane’s book, and I have a lot of books by others that came after as well. I have the January 6th Committee report autographed by co-chair Bennie Thompson. And recently I read Bob Woodward’s latest. But all my reading hasn’t helped me accept this terrifying turn.

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There are Dems on the take too. (PURGE!!)

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Thanks for expressing everything I’m feeling. It really helped to know that decent people are still “out there”.

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They are everywhere always. We are not alone. We are once again — the resistance.

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I thought I didn’t have any fight left in me. But I’m ready.

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JoJo, in 2 weeks I'll turn 69. I'm tired of living in interesting times. I'm also tired of living among people who think misogyny, fraud, sexual harassment, cheating, lying, and insulting others is perfectly acceptable in a President. I mean.... these are the same people you can convince that dihydrogen monoxide is a dangerous chemical they should avoid at all costs, but can be found in almost everything they eat or drink.

These people exhaust me. They willingly voted for the absolute worst human, and least qualified candidate to ever run for President, all because he was nothing more than an overblown reflection of themselves. I firmly believe that once the economy nose dives, their parents and grandparents are begging to be taken in because SS and Medicare is severely reduced, veterans wind up without health care or any other benefits, and everything they buy costs far more than it ever did, their kids are getting sick more often because vaccines are no longer a thing, and women they know die in a hospital parking lot because they weren't sick enough to get an emergency abortion, these useless dregs of humanity will still be glad they voted for him, and will proudly say so.

I despise each and every one of them for helping bring about the worst time in the history of this country.

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Dearest JoJo, I’ve been waiting to see you write as though I do not know you, your writing has sustained me this last year. And now, this is what has happened. I spent two days walking around in a fugue state (and I am working!) but woke up today getting clearer. We are all here for you and each other. I will not give up but I am taking it easy these days. I live so far away (Australia) but my daughter and nieces and nephews are there. For all the next generation, I will do what I can do. Love, Jocelyn (Sydney, Australia) 🇦🇺

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Something isn't right about this. But I don't do conspiracy theories. I understand that millions of Democrats chose not to vote, and a few did a pro-Palestinian protest vote. Nevertheless, here we are. My hope is that Democrats stand up against trump, or any republican during this tenure. The time for "nice nice" bipartisanship is OVER😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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I will not surrender, I will not abide and I won't become a member of the Fascist Maga Republican Movement. I Will Resist ! We all need Courage now and brace for what's coming. JoJo, your young and you're a Fighter. America is going to need you now more than ever moving forward.You and all the other young progressive people, the Future is in your hands. Thank You for sharing this evening Blessings 🙏 and will reStack ASAP 💯👍💔😘

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I keep wondering if this path is the only way for those people who voted against their own freedom, and even life itself, to realize their mistake, to lay down their arms and hatred and apathy -- when it comes for them. When they can't avoid the pain that was supposed to be for someone else. When it's too late to care about something after everything is gone.

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I'd like to ask a question- in good faith. What will it take? How much? When? Who has to suffer before it becomes real? It's not a game. It's not for funsies. I'm a millennial - what the ever loving fuck are we waiting for? Another million Iraqis? Another million Americans? I'm defeated. I have zero bucks left to give. Who are we? What do we stand for? What are we gonna do? And why not earlier. Again, I'm a millennial- this is no surprise - this is years in the making, at least as long as I've been alive. I'm disappointed. I have no god - only my faith in humanity and if humanity is a reflection of God, I want absolutely nothing to do with him. Shame. Shame on every single person who forgot their neighbor, which is apparently 51% of the voting Republic. Disgusting.

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F-$& the people who stayed home. They’ll be coming for you too.

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Over the past couple of days, I've gone through the grave cycle. Overnight into Wednesday I was in shock. Wednesday I couldn't stop crying. Thursday I was numb. This morning I feel numb. I have to work at my office today, but I choose to work there on Fridays because nobody else in my group goes in, so if I need the privacy to be tearful, I will have it.

Tomorrow morning, I'll be in my usual place: standing on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, defending patients from protesters who holler at them and wave garish, bloody signs trying to convince them not to go in the building. I know myself, and I feel good to think that tomorrow morning, my anger will arrive. God help the ones who stand against me tomorrow. Oops, I'm an atheist. Fuck their God and fuck them. 😂

I'm almost 60 years old, and the way things are going I doubt I'll ever be able to retire. I'll end up working part-time until I can't work anymore, but for now, I'm in my top earning years, and I'm going to amass as much in my 401k as I can while I can, because who the fuck knows what will happen. I'm glad neither of my parents are here to see what has happened to this country. And I'm glad I never had children myself.

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Fraud! There is no fucking way we got fewer votes than 2020

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I’m 63. I watched the Civil Rights play out and I remember how happy the women were when Roe passed. I live in the South, but I was lucky enough to be raised that we all have rights. That none are more important than others. To care for everyone. As a child I was taught my God is a kind God. A God who loves everyone. As I got older I realized many people meant everyone that looks and believes like me. I stopped going to church as a young adult because I couldn’t stomach the hypocrisy. People and their beliefs are so different. I may not understand others cultures or be comfortable with what others do. What I have believed is they have a right to live their lives, love who they want and worship whatever deity they choose, or not. For the past 9 years I’ve been watching it all slip away so quickly. I don’t believe there is anyway to stop them now. They will put 2 young ultra conservatives into the Supreme Court. It will take years for the majority to realize they are being screwed. It will be too late. I see our Freedom flooding away from us. There is nothing that will slow it down. As you get older and have grandchildren you find a love that is even stronger than you feel for your children. All you want to do before you die is make sure everyone in your family is okay and ready to go out into this world. I and many other parents and grandparents will have to say a final farewell to their families in the next 25 years. To not know you are leaving them okay and in the America that you were proud of is gut wrenching!

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The resistance is already stirring and gaining momentum. See and read what blue state governors are saying and doing. And the many many organizations that represent the targeted groups and the many millions of us, too. Take comfort that Kamala did what no candidate from an administration with a 40% approval rating ever did: she got to 48%! She demonstrated her greatness and the need for her to continue to be a leader of our party and devotion to truth and the rule of law, to protecting those in need.

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They gamed the numbers on the "tally" (for lack of a better term) computers. Simple, time- or sequence-triggered program that then erases itself. Also miscounts the total number of votes to "make it look better."

The giveaway? When asked a couple of days before the election if he thought it would be fair, Trump said it would be completely fair and accurate. He would NEVER say that unless he knew what game was afoot. He knew.

And there's no way to prove this. It's not a vast conspiracy; it's one on the scale of the Kennedy assassination. Easy-peasy.

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As always Jo, your feelings are my feelings. Thank you for putting them into words. I too have turned off the news. Now trump’s face and voice, along with his horrible gloating kids and intolerable ass kissing band of allies, will once again be front and center on our television screens, negating the utmost joy I felt when he left office and was no longer an unavoidable presence in our lives. Every time I saw him return the salute of the Marine when he boarded Marine One it made me sick that such a traitorous hypocrite was afforded this honor, especially when he has such disdain and disrespect for our military. His title of Commander in Chief is nauseating. I simply can’t believe he’s back. So my television is no longer tuned to the news. I realize that won’t change the fact that he is once again in office and disgracing our country. But at least I won’t have to see or hear him.

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Your article is the first and only thing I've read since Tuesday, because I am gobsmacked as well.

First time I'm my life I can honestly say fuck the president of the United States

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