I join you and the majority of Americans who don't give a single GD flying fuck either Jo.

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He’s not cold , nor is uncomfortable. He just does and says whatever he thinks will make him a victim or bring attention to something else , in this case the focus of his infidelity and bribe, and election fraud. I’ve read that many of the pundits don’t think much of this trial, but its all here: his lying/conman game; dishonesty to his family and public, carelessly breaking laws, and his inability to do anything of importance or selflessness.

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Fuck the pundits, too.😡

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You are spot on .. and he knows it .. thats why he is scrapping so hard to avoid this one ..

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It’s hard for me to understand that he is cold -all that blubber should keep him warm.

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I've assumed all along that the elegant, fair-minded and kindly Judge Merchan just quietly and without comment dialed down the temp 1) to help Von ShitzInPantz stay awake, and 2) as a compassionate response to the stench. Every degree up or down has everyone in the room gagging more or less from the smell of his rotting corpse, and best to be thoughtful to the jury. (Bet there are medical pros in the room that can corroborate.) And every day, his every complaint reminds me of this likelihood. It's like every move Merchan makes, it's to help him. It's almost like he's looking to make the conviction bulletproof / appeal-proof. The arctic courtroom did NOT start out that way.

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Brilliantly clear. Thank you!

Additionally, 1) I'd think the diapers should keep his well-padded ass warm. 2) He can survive on his fat stores for a week, so what's the problem with 4 hours at a time? 3) Boo fuckin' who.

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Best video ever

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Perfectly articulated, Jo!

Couldn’t agree more👍🏼💙

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It's like the freakshow at the county fair

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Hey Jo me either but I read another theory on his being cold that somehow makes sense to me as well and that is; he is so fucked and he knows it and that’s his body giving him internal shivers and he’s so dumb he doesn’t even realize that it’s his own body that is attacking his nervous system. What do you think about that? 😂😂

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That’s true, physiologically. But I also think he has the physiology of a reptile (along with every other characteristic ) so you’d think he could tolerate it.

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That is insulting to reptiles! Reptiles have hearts and usually just go about their business not bothering anyone until time to eat. Trump spends 24/7 bothering the world ….and reptiles often have pretty skins not bloated orange peeling skin.

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I have read similiar information .. there’s some people who are digging into posible drugs he’s taking and they have an impresive dialog going on. Not sure what to think of it …

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Powerful and on point.

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Neither do I JoJo. Neither do I.

But his cult does. There is much proverbial rending of clothes, gnashing of teeth, and pulling out hair while wailing in despair at his "suppression".

And I am here. for. it.

And letting it make me smile at their discomfort.

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I heard he is looking for heated diapers!

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That get a like and a giggle 🤭

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My single flying fuck is also unavailable for Lard Ass.

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So tell me how you REALLY feel about Putin’s Agent Orange. Is it like my hatred of him ; “… with the intensity of a million … billion white hot suns !”

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Best video post yet! But I just think he would do just fine in that “meat locker cooler “ of a court room because of how fucking cold blooded is. Every one of his MAGA slime bucket supporters are as depraved as he is, just as insensitive (that’s being kind) to all of the suffering victims of his depraved “policies”. I look forward to the day he has to sit in a “cold jail cell”. Orange is the new T****! (Still can’t type his name w/o Gaging.

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I rarely call him by his name. Everything BUT his name, and when I do maybe that's the only fuck I have to give. LOL

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I'm going to add this to my collection of useful quotes: "They all bought the tickets, and now they get to ride the ride."

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