I grieve for our once great nation and our democracy. I grieve for the veterans, both dead and alive, who fought fascism only for this toxic mix of stupid, hateful people to hand our country over to fascists. I grieve for what could have been with either Hillary or Kamala at the helm. We are living the Twilight Zone.

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WHO APPROPRIATED $7MILLION DOLLARS TO APARTHEID CLYDE?!! That court order better be enforced! Who knows how much malware was installed in those servers. This is cyber terrorism. And these pencil dicks are paying themselves?!😡😡😡😡 The watchwords for all of us are evident: RAISE HOLY FUCKING HELL!!!😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡

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How much data has been exposed and to whom? If there are downloads, who has them and where are they? How many backdoors are there? Are there any clean backups for the original software? How many catastrophic bugs have they introduced? So many questions.

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"McMeltyCar Von Penis Rocket" just nudged "Apartheid Clyde" out of first place in my rankings for the Suth Ifrikin. 😁

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Your writing, and especially your videos, are wonderful. Sometimes it's a deep chortle, sometimes an out loud "guffaw," and always there's a sobering essence of truth. You have certainly hit the resonant frequency of protest.

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So glad you’re hanging tough, JoJo.

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Never change. 🙏😘

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We lack leaders at the DNC that have the right priorities. It is not just fundraising. Oh that we had some organizers. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/a-movements-success?r=3m1bs

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The Democrats need to regroup, rebrand and remessage. That will take time and will take some new moderate minded leadership to deliver their message.

In the mean time. We need a third party - The Independent Party - deliver a platform the other Parties won't touch but resonate with voters regardless of aisle leaning:

1. Term limits for all branches of government - yes, you too Supreme Court

2. Campaign Finance reform...thank you Supreme Court and Bitch McConnell for creating Muskinstein. Do we really need to prove how dumb this decision was again?

3. Blind voting for Impeachments. This is for us since our elected leaders are lemmings and cowards (Kinzinger and Cheney excluded - and thank you - Country before Party - you both took the hard road - we salute you).

4. Ranked Choice Voting...goodbye gerrymandering and the most popular candidate wins...imagine that.

5. Retire the War College - a relic of times gone by when mass communication and frequent state residence relocations didn't exist.

6. Adopt a Flat Tax system. Our current system is far too cumbersome and confusing, plus, this is the one area where Republicans embrace a socialist-like concept...shocker.

7. Elected officials while in office are restricted to earn only the pay scale of their respective office. No more rags-to-riches which is a clear conflict of interest.

8. Get rid of lobbyists - how is that crap even legal?

9. Ethics standards for the Supreme Court. duh.

10. Make universal healthcare: Hospitalizations, emergency surgeries, life limb and eyesight ED visits. Beyond that, expand the Health Savings account. Indigent care is conducted by the medical schools and residency programs.

We can do this folks. Now is that time.

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I agree on this in many ways. There are many programs that are critical. Universal healthcare and pharmacy would end medical debt and obviate the need for health insurance and that scamming. Nationwide childcare would free up mothers to work. A living wage through supplements and minimum wage increases. No taxes below $40,000/$80,000 family. Higher taxes in the wealthy and corporations. Free college is needed. Campaign finance reform will happen after the election if we demand that.

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Better call it something else. That party has BEEN dead and unable to strike up enough of something to legitimize it to the tune of GOP or Dem. Whatever has been lacking better be put in, or you can talk all you want to about it. Won't be taken seriously until then. I'm just being realistic. Been voting for 50 years and the Independent Party is always just a flutter.

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JoJo - you are my Spirit Animal! Rock on Sister.

PS to all:

Just caught wind of a stand-down economic day for later this month on the 28th. Try to make a concerted effort not to make any purchases that day. Time to hit every cowardly oxygen thieving "Yes Sir may I have another" Repukelican currently mouth breathing in the Legislative Branch where it will hurt them most...their wallet.

I would love to see us conduct a monthly iteration of the above on the 4th of each month and call it: 4thU 47!

If queen Elon wants to gut our government and send qualified people packing in the name of loyalty to the Orange Messiah...I say we help him to the same to his own companies. Time to put Elon out of business. Noooow before anyone pours their heart out to Elon in sympathy with his extended arm solute, fear not! Donny Dipship will be at the ready to help Elon fill out the Bankruptcy paperwork. Who better to help Adolf - oops, typo - Elon than a Stable Genius who has more failed business than successful! So, rest easy, everyone's favorite space cadet will be just fine.

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A person who consistently cowers to a bully and demonstrates an innate inability to think on their own?

What is a Republican.


Let's continue with Party Before Country for $300 Alex

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Now that we are openly racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, bigoted, classless, disrespectful, and self-centered in all we do and for the whole world to see, can we now stop pretending we're not?


The Statue of Liberty

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DOGE is not a legal entity. Congress creates departments not EO by the Felon. Everything the muskrat is doing is illegal

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Finally, after years of research, we are pleased to announce a word for word English translation of Mein Kampf!

Pick up your copy of Project 2025 wherever hatred is sold, or at your local Hobbie Lobby, Home Depot or Chick-fil-a today!

Also available at the follow web site:


Just announced! Receive your free copy of Project 2025 with the purchase of any Tesla vehicle!

Have a wonderful White day!

and Sieg Heil!


Every Republican member of Congress and Senate

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Thank you Jo!! Great way to start the morning. I'm excited for your new podcast too. Can't believe they gave them $7M dollars. The hits just keep on comin'. I'm so thankful for people like you who help keep me sane. You're the best!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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That floating dumpster cartoon is my current favorite. Thank you Jo!

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Dear Minister of Propaganda, Oberstleutnant Carlson,

We have reviewed your points on, "The Great Replacement Theory" as discussed on Fox State TV and we wish to express that we couldn't agree more.


The American Indians

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You always come through, JoJo. You help us laugh in these dark times.

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