TFG has given assholes permission to hate, to be vile, to insult, and to be entitled, and to expect to be tolerated despite their asshole-ishness.

We're in this together, and unless and until we vote the fcktards out, our kids will never know what it is to be at peace with our neighbors. We owe them that.

We're in this together. Fight on, mama.

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Excellent handling of a bad situation.

There is a straight line from Joseph McCarthy, whose reign of terror ended with Joseph Welch's simple inquiry: " Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” Neither the drunk in front of you nor Trump have ANY sense of decency.

You should be celebrating the possibility of a World Series against my Dodgers instead of having you and your kids subjected to this kind of crap from a random asshole. A night at Riker's would give him some time to think.

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A night at Riker's would have him searching for the nearest bar.

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Right On,JoJo 💯👍🤗! I know exactly what you are saying here! I've always been, and always will be a champion of what's right. I was raised with 4 brothers who were All Assholes growing up. Always challenging each other, and Always picking on me. I learned the hard way, Stand Up for myself or get pounded. The last time one of them pulled shit on me, I sent him to the hospital. Nothing serious except I dotted his eye👊 and bruised his ego.They never bugged me again, and still talk about it! I taught my children to stand up to bullies and always tell someone If they were in trouble. That advice has come in handy over the years. So, Good on You, you little bad ass!! Let's get er' Done this November 💯👍💙🌊

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The kids are adorable. Congratulations for handling the situation so well.

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I agree, beautiful family and kudos to you for being brave in standing up to that creep. 🇺🇸💙🙏

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Beautiful, all three of you. And furious for the three of you. You didn’t deserve to have that jackass argue with you, let alone bully and abuse you. People have always had the capacity to be assholes, but it’s way out of control now. And the orange menace has given them the go-ahead.

And guess what, that big guy who spoke with you after security tossed the goon out? Useless. You’re a fellow human being threatened. With your children. Smh

Arms around you. 💙💙💙

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Honestly, the looks I gave that big guy. 😂😂

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Well written, well handled and a good looking family there!

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Sorry you had to deal with that drunken jerk. But you handled it perfectly.

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Nailed it. The analogy is perfect. We, the true majority, are the ultimate security/decency/justice guards of our fragile 250 year old experiment.

Once again the ‘popular’ vote will surely go for Harris/Walz by many millions over our home grown orange turd in the punchbowl. And once again we will have the relic of the patrician past, our inaccurately named ‘electoral college’ try to thwart our collective will.

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Arthur, let’s stay positive that we carry enough of the middle to win—💙then set about reforming our system.

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I don’t know if it’s just the NY metro area sports franchises or what but I find the fans of these sports teams especially loathsome and I don’t go to very many games but every one I have attended has someone like that bully in your story at every game. It makes me want to never attend them and ruins the good vibes a sporting match should be. Nice picture of the family.

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I promise you, the NY Yankees do not suffer fools. I was really impressed by their handling. But I hear you. Totally.

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I remember a Red Sox player saying, about playing in NY, something like "they cuss at you, their breath smells of beer, their teeth are black or missing, and the men are even worse." It was in jest, and of course, it was from a Boston player, so there

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Okay you are a bad ass in the best way possible. Nice job of taking care of your family and your self. Spotting events are one of our country’s greatest family joys, I know you must have smiled some at the outcome of this encounter. I only hope your children will not be scarred by this and are ready to go back at the next chance. Hang in there super mom,

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So sorry you had this happen to you and your children. How good it would be if they don't sell alcohol at the games, but the money is good, I guess. It is disappointing that the big guy did not help out. But it's great that stadium personnel were on it. Yes, unfortunately, this is what America is like, and it has certainly gotten much, much worse with that awful piece of shit trump in the public eye. We must get past this period of coarseness and hatefulness that he embodies. Best to you, Jo

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Wonderfully said and so true, remember Martin Luther King said in jail, he understood the kkk, but was more concerned with all of the liberals who remained silent.

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I love that you’re a bad ass, Jo, but I’m so sorry that you need to BE a bad ass.

I’m sorry that ANY of us need to be bad asses.

Our country is SO fucked up right now, divided down the middle by an ugly orange line. And the Red-hatted Lemmings are perfectly happy to stand on their side of that line and throw their shit across it because they have been given permission to do so by the bloated orange tick who thinks for them.

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Very well said, Susan!

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F'ng guy, unbelievable. Lady security guard, you're my new second-favorite bad-ass, next to "Jo my way through this" JoJo. Baseball and democracy are sacred, you fuck, get the fuck outta town.

Seriously. I get choked up even during the national anthem for Padres games. Lotta military down here, it's hard not to feel it right in your chest. Hope you guys are all okay. Thanks, Jo. ❤️

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I am so proud of you!

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What a fucking asshole! What really pisses me off is that the people around you let this bullshit happen and didn't knock this dickhead out on the spot.(Which I would have happily done.) I'm glad that that drunken fuck got put out in the street. Good luck in the playoffs.(A fine family photo!😀😀😀)

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The only thing between the Yankees and the World Series is the Guardians.(Filthy bullpen, Jose Ramirez)

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