Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

This should be a no-brainer. We have a comparison of leadership by the orange pedophile and President Biden. In excess of 400,000 citizens died during the orange baboon's lack of leadership and did nothing except play golf and rob the treasury. President Biden grabbed the nation by its bootstraps and got the economy going again, got people working again, got products back on the shelves again. This should not be a difficult decision. But even more importantly, and it is not being talked near enough, the repubs have to be voted out up and down the ticket before they succeed in destroying our nation. Wake the fuck up people and THINK! Vote blue up and down the ticket starting with Biden/Harris!!!

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I have said this elsewhere, and I'll say it here as well.

There is a reason the saying "you don't change horses in the middle of the stream" exists. It isn't a humorous aphorism, it's a warning. Just like "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." Joe Biden isn't broken, and changing horses now means drowning in November. It's that simple.

Democrats dooming and glooming over a 90 minute bad appearance don't seem to want to pay attention to the fact that Biden actually ticked UP in the polls, and raised an incredible amount of money over the next few days.

Or the fact that he came out the next day and slayed it. Or the fact that for once, Whatshisname wasn't spewing his lies at a rally, where only a smidgen of them gets reported, and never fact checked or disputed, but instead he was doing it on a national stage. Independents who watched that wouldn't have cared about Biden's seeming fogginess, but rather that the Republican candidate who is now widely reported to be a convicted felon, stood on that stage and lied. Over and Over and Over.

And that some of those lies were so outrageous that it should have convinced them that the Republican candidate was either gaslighting them, insulting their intelligence, or completely off his rocker.

If you're thinking Joe Biden can't win now, then please feel free to not vote at all. But know this. There isn't another candidate out there who can beat Trump on such short notice. Also know that he's going to be sentenced in the NY trial because his immunity claim the first time was rejected by both the judge and the Appeals Court, and by the judge a second time he tried it. Even with this new SCOTUS ruling, nothing he did falls under his official duties as president, and all of the charges against him were from when he was RUNNING for president, NOT after he was elected. And NO. Signing personal or business checks to your personal lawyer are not within the duties of the POTUS, not even in the outer edge.

Time for Democrats to stop being Olive Oyl wringing her hands and saying "Oh dear, oh dear!", and start being Popeye. Eat your spinach and let's go kick Bluto's ass.

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Outstanding piece and very well said. It inspired me to upgrade to a paid subscription!

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Thank you JoJo. You are spot on. I am concerned, but when people like you speak I feel hope.

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Yes let’s! To tie your original ideas together in an alternate narrative:

Wouldn’t it be special if that big bully who’s trying to enact Project 2025 was the one sent back to start middle school all over again?! He’d never fuckin’ make it!

By the way, while driving this afternoon, I got a notification that there was a White House briefing underway, so I tuned it in. After listening to a plethora of reporters ask essentially the same questions about Biden’s fitness over & over again, ad nauseum, I was struck by the astounding patience of Karine Jean-Pierre! She’s gold!

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The last two days sure took the wind out. But after seeing Karine Jean-Pierre parry with the media today, I realize that there has been enormous competence in this administration. While the carnival barkers outside muddy the waters, we have had a stabile and productive management in the White House for 3+ years. We have to continue that. The alternative would be suicide.

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Another wonderful and touching piece. You touched all the bases. Your kids are sooooo very lucky they’ve got an enlightened Mom who cares about them and the world in which they’re growing up.

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Thank you JoJo! Well said. I am voting blue up and down the ballot. I am voting for President Joseph Biden and the amazing Biden administration!

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I felt freakin' horrible yesterday, when all the news slammed into the wall, with our "supreme court" saying little Donnie could do whatever the hell he wants - but then, I realized there happens to be an election coming up, and it is Up To US to vote the slobbering, slurring orange thing to end up far far away from the white house. It is up to US to vote up & down the entire ticket, to remove republicans who idolize the orange thing, and won't stop until Project 2025 is in full throttle. WE remove the bullies, the liars and thugs that are out to destroy our country. Vote Blue

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JoJo, you nailed it once again. I came to the States and started 7th grade in Jersey as a nerdy type who spoke with an English accent and wore funny shoes. Then I skipped 8th and went through high school younger than most. But it all contributed to my being very independent. I applaud your daughter and believe that it will turn out well. And politically, I say stay the course with Honest Joe!!!

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Amen, JoJo.

Trump is nothing more than a fetid flesh puppet for traitors like Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, and thousands more just like them. They are so proud of their plan to ruin our country that they've written it down - Project 2025.


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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

JoJo as much as I love all of your posts, I like this one the best! First off, I have NO doubt your son and daughter will grow up to be incredible adults, this is absolutely a testimony to your child raising. Secondly I can not agree more on you appraisal of the criminal on what he has done to our country and what he is absolutely dying to do if he is elected.we all have to do our part to ensure this doesn't happen, ......no matter what, he is an evil want to be dictator.

Thank you!

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Awesome piece and so much for us to chew on.

But I will say this. Trump is not the problem. He is the symptom.

The problem is that at least 50% of US society has lost it's ability to reason. Has lost it's moral compass. Has lost it's grip on reality. Has no sense of history. Has no depth of understanding of meaningful issues. Has not ever had to deal with true adversity, horror or vileness within it's own borders - the likes of the wars we have witnessed in the last 100 years. Has no idea of how the intricacies of their governmental system actually works. Has no time to learn due to a perpetual hamster-wheel of capitalist slavery. Who cares more about reality TV and entertainment, than news. Who have no clue what's going on in the world outside the US due to a intentionally closed media system.

The list goes on. Its not their fault per se. They are victims to a system that is rigged against them being free-thinkers. The loop has now been successfully closed by those with pernicious intentions. Trump is the result.

But thank the Gods for you and those like you who still have it together. Who have vision and hope and determination, and see what is to be seen.

Keep speaking the word. Everyone's safety depends on it.

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Thanks JoJo. lots of passion there. love to you and your family and to us all. for we all have to stand up to this horror that is so close.

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Jul 3Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Brilliant. You are a great writer. Love your passion.

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Jul 4Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I just finished another SubStack column written by a man I have admired - almost revered - for all of my adult life saying Biden needs to step down for “the good of the country.”

I cried.

I’m so exhausted by all of Trump; the horrible, partisan decisions by the SCOTUS; the disdain CJ Roberts showed towards Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson for daring to disagree with him; and Coney Barrett saying she disagreed with the immunity ruling but sided with them anyway.

But, JoJo, when I read your writings I feel your anger, your passion, and your love for your children. I read how you will do everything in your power to save our democracy for them. I connect with that visceral maternal need to protect, but not too much, them, so they will live in a free world.

My tears dried. My disbelief that he could seriously think Democrats can change course and still win was overwhelming. Now I’m just sad.

Together, we can right this boat for our children and for ourselves.

As always, JoJo, thank you for putting my thoughts and feelings into words.

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Thank you for saying this. Everything I thought I felt about politics changed in 2016. I had small children. I wanted to protect them from everything. I put covers on this and locks on that —- but I couldn’t stop a rapist who made fun of a disabled man from becoming their president.

And I saw that as a failure on my part while understanding rationally that it really wasn’t just on me. I still felt as though I had failed to keep them safe from something.

And I’ve seen it and him that way ever since.

I’m not covering outlets anymore, but I’m going to keep that fucker far far away from the WH.

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