As an American who has appreciated the terrible sacrifices the people of Ukraine have made protecting their country and the rest of the world from Putin’s Russia, I apologize. The childish and horrible display by Putin’s number one and two agents: Trump and Vance was horrible and true Trump theater. You can be sure that these two and the insane Musk do not represent the people of the United States. Until this Administration is dead and gone I advise you not to make any agreements with them as they cannot be trusted.
Please remember Trump and his Administration do not represent the average people of the US.
I am Praying for Ukraine’s success and ridding the US of these Russian agents.
The "president" of the USA is nothing but a criminal shake-down artist who lies incessantly, abandons allies, welches on venerable pledges, openly supports authoritarians, undermines our trusted and sacrosanct traditions, grabs for unprecedented dictatorial powers, and betrays our national interests. He belongs in prison, not the White House. What a shameful attack job on a true patriot who loves his country, President Zelenskyy. Fuck drumpf, Vontz, and Liddle Marco for their staged fucking homily to belittle and extort.
Thank you Michelle for identifying what I felt, it was like being back in an abusive situation. I wanted to scream at them to stop. That smirky little pos Vance, how dare he point his finger at President Zelensky! It was disgusting to watch.
You nailed it with this discussion. As ex-military, I am sickened beyond belief at what went down in the Oval Office yesterday. In one week, basically, the US flipped allegiance to become part of the axis of evil and eschewed our main allies, Europe, and by the way, also Canada and Mexico. WTF!? What did I serve for .. 1977 to 1992.. Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to know that a majority of Americans support them, and we (and Congress and the Judiciary) need to remove the executive trio. Republicans in leadership positions need to grow spines and find some integrity.
I'm old now, but in my youth and moving towards middle age, I served in the USAF. I started in one career field, transferred to another, and finally to my last career. In that phase I was part of a combat team that fought in Grenada, Panama, Gulf 1, and was an observer in Bosnia. The disgusting display I saw from the Oval Office made me want to run amok with a hammer.
How DARE Cadet Bone Spurs and REMF Couchfuck McGee (or whatever his name is) talk like that to a leader of a country fighting for its very life?!? It not only disgusted, but infuriated me.
I sure didn't serve and fight for this sham of a president. But honestly I'm far less angry at those two bloated toads than I am at the people who voted for the slimy shambolic beast, and stole the election for the worst person to ever disgrace the country.
At the beginning of Trump's first Presidency, at the time rumours of "Russian Interference" in the Election first started circulating. Surprisingly, the brilliant Craig Unger, investigative journalist's book, "House of Trump, House of Putin" didn't, and still hasn't received anywhere near the recognition it has deserved. It is as relevant today as it was back in 2017.
At the time, Trump was claiming, (dating back to 1980) that he didn't know any Russians, had never done any business with Russians and certainly had no contact with any nefarious Russian Mafia Oligarchs or Intelligence Officials.
Unger's meticulous research proves the massive lies Trump has sold the nation about where his true allegiances lie, are imbecilic fabrications.
At a time when Trump was $4 Billion in debt, Trump's "Laundremat" , which Russians were using to heavily launder money through investments in Trump's apartments and condos, effectively saved the day. As for not knowing any Russian Mafia figures or Oligarchs, at that time there were something like 13 Russian "Don's' who had purchased multiple apartments in Trump's own home in Trump Tower. Trump's relationship with the Russians goes back 40 years. Unger's book is so thoroughly researched, it contains over 1100 footnotes!
If you haven't read Unger's book, I would urge you to do so, because suddenly Trump's policies and relationship with Russia and Putin, become a great deal more accurately predictive and far less of Trump trying to throw everyone off balance and distracted.
For Trump, as the officially most vexatious litigant in the country, it seems kinda strange that if Unger's book was that overused Trump cliche of being "fake news", you would have thought Trump would have attempted to sue Craig Unger into oblivion.
But then again to do so, it would expose all of Trump's lies and the facts of his relationshio with the Russians, to a very large portion of an ignorant American public.
The meeting at the White House between Zelensky, Trump and the V-P, was a poorly disguised, preconceived "hit job" on Zelensky and Ukraine by Trump and Vance. But it was deliberately performed for an audience of one - Vladimir Putin.
Trump's attempts to demand a large share of Ukraine's "Rare Earth Minerals" Reserves, many of which still remain to be developed, was correctly rejected by Zelensky because it came with no future security guarantees in response to any further Russian aggression or invasion. Furthermore, a substantial proportion of these undeveloped "Rare Earth Monerals" are currently lying in the 20% of areas within Ukraine, behind Russian lines. Trump was probably guessing he could just bluff Zelensky into the deal. It must be difficult for Trump to manage his stress levels and temper, when is he probably the greatest ignorant imbecile of any national world leader.
There were some entertaining highlights during the week, with some prominent world leaders. Macron was a highlight. He is in no way intimidated by Trump - the situation is quite the reverse. I think it might have something to do with the fact that Trump is not multilingual. Macron, really asserted himself at times, when Trump was just spewing his usual verbal diahorrea full off lies. He corrected him , stating that Russia was the aggressor and had invaded Ukraine. When Trump lied, claiming that the U.S. had donated more money and military munitions than any other Ukraine allies and they had received it as a loan from the EU and European allies, Macron grabbed Trump by the arm to interject and pointed out that the Europeans had supplied the most total aid and it had been gifted "or donated" by the Europeans, and not loaned as claimed by Trump.
Based on yesterday's Putin Puppet Play performed perfectly by our very own Orange Messiah and his favorite bearded Care Bear put on for the Russian media who were "unwittingly" allowed into the Oval Office (fascinating security oversight...) for Pres Zelensky's visit, are we all now considered to have dual citizenship with Russia?
Chrystia Freeland or Mark Carney are odds on favourites to be Prime Minister and Charles is likely to still be the King on March the nineth 2025 and Trump is not going to be better grounded in reality and JD Vance needs a couch not an office in Blair House.
Its been a quarter of a century since Chrystia Freeland wrote Sale of the Century and Plutocrats came shortly after and Putin banned Chrystia from Russia last century. Mark Carney makes 2008 insignificant to Canadians. Mark Carney was Governor of the Bank of Canada and saved Canada's bacon and he was governor of the Bank of England and warned about the consequences of Brexit.
Excellent, ladies. You encapsulated my feelings on yesterday's detritus exactly. All that the Greatest Generation stood and fought for was pissed and shit on by those two cockroaches. I'm both angry and sad at the same time. But I was proud of President Zelensky. Through all the abuse thrown at him, he didn't take the bait. Europe has a surprise for the Shitgibbon. They intend to make sure Ukraine wins.
I am sorry for what I am about to write - but, we need to come face to face with this likely reality. My opinion...just my opinion.
Trump and his White Christian Supremist blind faith followers desire to change the United States into a fascist oligarchy. Trump and his followers see the United States' debt as a creation of the Left and leaving us weak and vulnerable as a nation. They too (unjustly) view our Nato Allies as intentionally letting the US go into military debt while they sit idle and reap the benefits of our military superiority. This perceived weakness has angered him and his base. They feel that the US should dictate how the world order goes, not the other way around.
Changing the US into a fascist oligarchy allows Trump's administration to become the law and it also aligns "our" interests with Putin - hence the growing bromance between the two. Trump wants to be viewed as a tough guy and only desires to affiliate with other perceived tough guys. Once the transition to this new form of government occurs and our Constitution becomes irrelevant (given the current pace, I am estimating several months at most). Trump will embolden his base and insulate them from accountability while they enforce this transition. Anyone who fights against this transition will quickly be labeled as anti-American which will serve as grounds for search, seizure, detainment and likely execution.
Once a fascist oligarchy, Trump will declare that the current US debt is erased since that was created by the prior US Government. The alliance between Trump and Putin will formalize and they will then meet with China. The Three will sign a non-aggression pact. This new axis will then decide how to divide up the worlds' geography and resources (now does Trump's desire to take Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal become a bit clearer?). The axis (the new Triumvirate) will put it simply to the geographical areas - submit or be destroyed (again, does this make what is happening in Ukraine clearer?). Anyone in prior opposing leadership positions will be unceremoniously killed. The remaining will be forced to swear allegiance.
So, now you see why Trump was saying that Zelensky was in no position to protest - either sign away Ukraine or we will take it by force. That meeting had nothing to do with a peace agreement but rather an extortion and capitulation. Trump purposefully orchestrated that hit-job to show other countries watching, the US will dictate how things go - your position is to grab your ankles and scream out, "thank you Sir may I have another".
Look no further than the wind sock flip flops occurring within the Republican Party now - Graham being the most glaring and insulting. Almost overnight a historical adversary of ours now becomes an ally?
We are likely in a position where if some of the Republican elected officials discover their spine, our system of checks and balances will be ignored.
Thank you for always shining the light on truth I was thinking about how the White House is treating the press pool. It should be called the cess pool of news
Dear President Zelensky,
As an American who has appreciated the terrible sacrifices the people of Ukraine have made protecting their country and the rest of the world from Putin’s Russia, I apologize. The childish and horrible display by Putin’s number one and two agents: Trump and Vance was horrible and true Trump theater. You can be sure that these two and the insane Musk do not represent the people of the United States. Until this Administration is dead and gone I advise you not to make any agreements with them as they cannot be trusted.
Please remember Trump and his Administration do not represent the average people of the US.
I am Praying for Ukraine’s success and ridding the US of these Russian agents.
Hale Irwin
I am shedding tears for our country and Zelensky and his people.🥲🥲
The "president" of the USA is nothing but a criminal shake-down artist who lies incessantly, abandons allies, welches on venerable pledges, openly supports authoritarians, undermines our trusted and sacrosanct traditions, grabs for unprecedented dictatorial powers, and betrays our national interests. He belongs in prison, not the White House. What a shameful attack job on a true patriot who loves his country, President Zelenskyy. Fuck drumpf, Vontz, and Liddle Marco for their staged fucking homily to belittle and extort.
Thank you Michelle for identifying what I felt, it was like being back in an abusive situation. I wanted to scream at them to stop. That smirky little pos Vance, how dare he point his finger at President Zelensky! It was disgusting to watch.
You nailed it with this discussion. As ex-military, I am sickened beyond belief at what went down in the Oval Office yesterday. In one week, basically, the US flipped allegiance to become part of the axis of evil and eschewed our main allies, Europe, and by the way, also Canada and Mexico. WTF!? What did I serve for .. 1977 to 1992.. Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to know that a majority of Americans support them, and we (and Congress and the Judiciary) need to remove the executive trio. Republicans in leadership positions need to grow spines and find some integrity.
Ditto - COL(R) US Army
Best ever Zelenski quote "I'm not playing cards"
I'm old now, but in my youth and moving towards middle age, I served in the USAF. I started in one career field, transferred to another, and finally to my last career. In that phase I was part of a combat team that fought in Grenada, Panama, Gulf 1, and was an observer in Bosnia. The disgusting display I saw from the Oval Office made me want to run amok with a hammer.
How DARE Cadet Bone Spurs and REMF Couchfuck McGee (or whatever his name is) talk like that to a leader of a country fighting for its very life?!? It not only disgusted, but infuriated me.
I sure didn't serve and fight for this sham of a president. But honestly I'm far less angry at those two bloated toads than I am at the people who voted for the slimy shambolic beast, and stole the election for the worst person to ever disgrace the country.
At the beginning of Trump's first Presidency, at the time rumours of "Russian Interference" in the Election first started circulating. Surprisingly, the brilliant Craig Unger, investigative journalist's book, "House of Trump, House of Putin" didn't, and still hasn't received anywhere near the recognition it has deserved. It is as relevant today as it was back in 2017.
At the time, Trump was claiming, (dating back to 1980) that he didn't know any Russians, had never done any business with Russians and certainly had no contact with any nefarious Russian Mafia Oligarchs or Intelligence Officials.
Unger's meticulous research proves the massive lies Trump has sold the nation about where his true allegiances lie, are imbecilic fabrications.
At a time when Trump was $4 Billion in debt, Trump's "Laundremat" , which Russians were using to heavily launder money through investments in Trump's apartments and condos, effectively saved the day. As for not knowing any Russian Mafia figures or Oligarchs, at that time there were something like 13 Russian "Don's' who had purchased multiple apartments in Trump's own home in Trump Tower. Trump's relationship with the Russians goes back 40 years. Unger's book is so thoroughly researched, it contains over 1100 footnotes!
If you haven't read Unger's book, I would urge you to do so, because suddenly Trump's policies and relationship with Russia and Putin, become a great deal more accurately predictive and far less of Trump trying to throw everyone off balance and distracted.
For Trump, as the officially most vexatious litigant in the country, it seems kinda strange that if Unger's book was that overused Trump cliche of being "fake news", you would have thought Trump would have attempted to sue Craig Unger into oblivion.
But then again to do so, it would expose all of Trump's lies and the facts of his relationshio with the Russians, to a very large portion of an ignorant American public.
The meeting at the White House between Zelensky, Trump and the V-P, was a poorly disguised, preconceived "hit job" on Zelensky and Ukraine by Trump and Vance. But it was deliberately performed for an audience of one - Vladimir Putin.
Trump's attempts to demand a large share of Ukraine's "Rare Earth Minerals" Reserves, many of which still remain to be developed, was correctly rejected by Zelensky because it came with no future security guarantees in response to any further Russian aggression or invasion. Furthermore, a substantial proportion of these undeveloped "Rare Earth Monerals" are currently lying in the 20% of areas within Ukraine, behind Russian lines. Trump was probably guessing he could just bluff Zelensky into the deal. It must be difficult for Trump to manage his stress levels and temper, when is he probably the greatest ignorant imbecile of any national world leader.
There were some entertaining highlights during the week, with some prominent world leaders. Macron was a highlight. He is in no way intimidated by Trump - the situation is quite the reverse. I think it might have something to do with the fact that Trump is not multilingual. Macron, really asserted himself at times, when Trump was just spewing his usual verbal diahorrea full off lies. He corrected him , stating that Russia was the aggressor and had invaded Ukraine. When Trump lied, claiming that the U.S. had donated more money and military munitions than any other Ukraine allies and they had received it as a loan from the EU and European allies, Macron grabbed Trump by the arm to interject and pointed out that the Europeans had supplied the most total aid and it had been gifted "or donated" by the Europeans, and not loaned as claimed by Trump.
J.K. Lee
Wonderful show. Nothing fills me with more hope for America's future than irrepressible women like you.
Based on yesterday's Putin Puppet Play performed perfectly by our very own Orange Messiah and his favorite bearded Care Bear put on for the Russian media who were "unwittingly" allowed into the Oval Office (fascinating security oversight...) for Pres Zelensky's visit, are we all now considered to have dual citizenship with Russia?
Chrystia Freeland or Mark Carney are odds on favourites to be Prime Minister and Charles is likely to still be the King on March the nineth 2025 and Trump is not going to be better grounded in reality and JD Vance needs a couch not an office in Blair House.
Its been a quarter of a century since Chrystia Freeland wrote Sale of the Century and Plutocrats came shortly after and Putin banned Chrystia from Russia last century. Mark Carney makes 2008 insignificant to Canadians. Mark Carney was Governor of the Bank of Canada and saved Canada's bacon and he was governor of the Bank of England and warned about the consequences of Brexit.
Excellent, ladies. You encapsulated my feelings on yesterday's detritus exactly. All that the Greatest Generation stood and fought for was pissed and shit on by those two cockroaches. I'm both angry and sad at the same time. But I was proud of President Zelensky. Through all the abuse thrown at him, he didn't take the bait. Europe has a surprise for the Shitgibbon. They intend to make sure Ukraine wins.
I have seen enough of the White House gas lighting. The smoke and mirrors from Musk is bad enough. The lack of civil manner when hosting a head of state was despicable conduct. Felons generally do better.
I am sorry for what I am about to write - but, we need to come face to face with this likely reality. My opinion...just my opinion.
Trump and his White Christian Supremist blind faith followers desire to change the United States into a fascist oligarchy. Trump and his followers see the United States' debt as a creation of the Left and leaving us weak and vulnerable as a nation. They too (unjustly) view our Nato Allies as intentionally letting the US go into military debt while they sit idle and reap the benefits of our military superiority. This perceived weakness has angered him and his base. They feel that the US should dictate how the world order goes, not the other way around.
Changing the US into a fascist oligarchy allows Trump's administration to become the law and it also aligns "our" interests with Putin - hence the growing bromance between the two. Trump wants to be viewed as a tough guy and only desires to affiliate with other perceived tough guys. Once the transition to this new form of government occurs and our Constitution becomes irrelevant (given the current pace, I am estimating several months at most). Trump will embolden his base and insulate them from accountability while they enforce this transition. Anyone who fights against this transition will quickly be labeled as anti-American which will serve as grounds for search, seizure, detainment and likely execution.
Once a fascist oligarchy, Trump will declare that the current US debt is erased since that was created by the prior US Government. The alliance between Trump and Putin will formalize and they will then meet with China. The Three will sign a non-aggression pact. This new axis will then decide how to divide up the worlds' geography and resources (now does Trump's desire to take Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal become a bit clearer?). The axis (the new Triumvirate) will put it simply to the geographical areas - submit or be destroyed (again, does this make what is happening in Ukraine clearer?). Anyone in prior opposing leadership positions will be unceremoniously killed. The remaining will be forced to swear allegiance.
So, now you see why Trump was saying that Zelensky was in no position to protest - either sign away Ukraine or we will take it by force. That meeting had nothing to do with a peace agreement but rather an extortion and capitulation. Trump purposefully orchestrated that hit-job to show other countries watching, the US will dictate how things go - your position is to grab your ankles and scream out, "thank you Sir may I have another".
Look no further than the wind sock flip flops occurring within the Republican Party now - Graham being the most glaring and insulting. Almost overnight a historical adversary of ours now becomes an ally?
We are likely in a position where if some of the Republican elected officials discover their spine, our system of checks and balances will be ignored.
Great conversation that gets to the heart of so many things I am thinking and feeling after yesterday’s disgraceful shitshow. Thank you.
The Ukraine ambassador was a woman.
Thank you for always shining the light on truth I was thinking about how the White House is treating the press pool. It should be called the cess pool of news