Can you guys hear this? My phone won’t play the sound? 🧐

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I thought it was on my end because clicking on the speaker did not change the icon. Thankfully there were excellent subtitles.

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No sound, so I watched the emphatic use of hand gestures. Not a bad way to start the day.

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I can’t hear you 🥲🥲🥲

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No sound on my iPad or iPhone. I can’t even find a volume/mute icon anywhere. Sad face.

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My computer can't hear anything either, so the sound is muted and she doesn't know it.

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Same here

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No, my dear. And I’ve turned my iPad on high audio.

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No, I can't hear it either. On my computer, it shows the speaker icon is muted and it won't let me unmute it. As though Substack's version of this clip has no audio at all. Maybe just try uploading it again?

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The last two days have been a master class in legislative malpractice. First, Speaker God Warrior and his crazy caucus try to impeach the Homeland Security secretary and fail miserably. Then they say no to an immigration bill that gives them most of what they want. In the meantime, Ukraine is running out of ammunition. You were elected to serve the American people, not Emperor Shitstain. No, they don't give a hot fuck!! Beat them over the head with their own bullshit. We need to go for the throat because they're going for ours. (Thank God that Spring Training starts next week)

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It’s a clown show that’s in no way funny. They’re so damn obvious. The people who put them in office must know by now these are a bunch of gold brickers. They’re only good for the chaos they bring

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And the fucking MSM normalizes their bullshit!!😡😡

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No MSM for me. If you know me at all you’ll remember that I stopped watching television news years ago when it became to unbearable to hear about Donald Trumps nonsensical lies as President. Even the Morning Joe that I watched daily and never missed. Trump called in daily about the birther issue running his mouth and I remember when Scarborough threatened to turn Trumps Mike off if he didn’t stop ranting and of course Trump didn’t and Joe silenced him. Trump called back once more. Same thing happened and that’s when he started going on Fox but when he became president I couldn’t bear to hear the reports of his idiocy and see still shots of his face. He split my older brother and me apart, it’s been years now.

I rely on the AP and a couple other news reports, no talking heads, no hyperbole, just facts.

I peak back now and then and I realize when I do just how fake they all are. It’s about ratings. But I never ever watched Fox. I tried to once out of curiosity and lasted on about five minutes watching Fox and friends. It was laughable and sickening at the same time. I got nauseas.

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Total insanity!!🤯😡😡

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So many reliable news sources you don’t need televised news.

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This is the new not normal. All hail Trump

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It’s up to us to shake the Democratic Party’s tree very hard this election season. And we don’t have even another day to lose. I’m starting locally, getting involved in county crazy maga politics, working on elections and donating what I can. Cleaning the local house is perhaps baby steps but it’s something. I’d like to see more regional and national action groups get organized and help us make our voices heard. Grassroots action on a big fucking scale.

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JoJo: Once more, when you're right, you're right. And, we must loudly and often call out the politicians who seem to have no moral center at all in addition to having no courage. But, above all, we must fill the breach, as you are doing, It is we, the people of this nation, who have to assert goodness, moral qualities, and strength! Each of us, every day.

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My sentiments exactly. What to do about it? I wish I knew. They are beyond being embarrassed about their incompetence, their idiocy, or their selfish behavior. Many are getting their 15 minutes of fame and they refuse to relinquish it. Unconscionable behavior is very unflattering.

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You hit the nail on the head. There should be some Democrats raising holy hell. But they aren’t

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The fact is both parties cater to the rich because there's no reason not to. Most of their donors are rich and money has near infinite reach in politics. Rich people can give them access to other rich people, all too willing to bribe everyone else into doing what they want because they control the flow of the economy.

Our cultural obsession with cash is going to destroy us. Democrats will toss the poor bread crumbs to string us along and make us think they're with us, but they only oppose Republicans who oppose their goals, not ours. Republicans just outright shit on the poor, but their base is largely people too stupid to understand that because the Republicans stand there with bloody knives in hand going "Dems stabbed you in the back."

And they believe it. Because it's easier than admitting 98% of their own problems are their own fault.

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Get fucking money out of politics! That's the only thing that will work.

Get rid of access to lobbyists and politicians fundraising. Every candidate gets the same access to debate time. No one gets to smear another candidate - just present your case based only on credible evidence.

Every candidate gets access to Public Radio and TV and the three Broadcast TV stations, not FOX. No cable stations and no other media can be used for campaigning.

All candidates must pass a deep dive background check and a psychological and physical exam before being allowed to run for any Federal or State public office.

The Christofascist Nationalist Movement KKKrowd needs to be deemed a threat to Democracy as do the foundations that support it. All of them have been working for decades to take over and create their version of Gillead.

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My dream is a nation run by facts and kept vibrant by opinions.

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Agreed. Opinions drive ideas and innovation.

Candidates clearly have opinions, but when those opinions are formed by lies and misinformation and conspiracy theories, that's the problem. Facts and evidence can be used to fight those type of opinions as long as those opinions. Education is key to helping our children be able to see what's true and what isn't.

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And Reagan knew that and fucked public education all to Hell. Or Nancy knew that. Or whomever was subbing in while Ronnie's brain was out to lunch. Republicans bitching about coastal elites while every Hollywood candidate runs Republican. Herp a fucking derp.

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That party, that I vote for because the alternative is unthinkable, needs some back bone, people with courage to call a spade a spade and an idiot an idiot! What happened to this party happened so slowly we barely noticed and yes the all mighty dollar is the best motivator for anyone, no one is immune and there’s no cap on how much is enough. The wealthy control the world. Always have and always will.

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We can pretty much end billionaires whenever we want by switching to barter, or a merit based system, or any number of alternatives. If we just agree their money isn't good any more, they have no more power.

Crypto might have succeeded at this if it itself wasn't immediately set up to be gamed. It was essentially a dishonest attempt at this type of thinking. An honest attempt could work if it caught on.

But no one ever puts me in charge of anything so yeah.

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If only

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Their irresponsibility flat pisses me off!😡😡🤬😡

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So is it time for a revolution?

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I mean in a planetary sense it's always time for a revolution...

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Our political system is broken. Dark money has a lot to do with it.

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Saw it earlier on The Twit. IMHO your very finest rant to date! 💗

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Very well done, JoJo. Truth! However, no sound on my iPad. I read the subs.

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I can't hear what you're saying on Substack—sorry. 😢

Thankfully, I was able to find your video on TikTok.

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Where did you find it over there? She has a bunch of accounts.

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I just followed https://www.tiktok.com/@jojofromjerz and found it.

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Thank you very much!

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👍 No problem, enjoy!

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BRAVA!!!!! I don't know that I could have handled hearing it. Was devastating enough to read!

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Exactly how I feel. I've felt that for a long time. Republicans aren't interested in helping people. They only want to hold on to what they have and keep other people from more, more of anything.

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What is amazing to me is why aren't our allies' leaders calling them out on it? WE know they don't want another 4 yrs, heck, 1 minute more of trump! Mike Johnson's days are numbered in my mind. His colleagues are growing tired of his ability to mismanage his party. He's a shifty sneaky mofu, too. President Biden should be calling on our Allies' Heads of state and ask them to go on record that they can't support the chaos that the Republicans are stirring up with trump puling their strings. That might stir up more of the American voters to get riled up. I yield back my time.

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Madge Sporkfoot is the de facto Speaker. She's Trump's whip in the House. I think she's also a GRU asset, like Tucker "Lord Haw Haw" Carlson. Our allies should speak out about Republican irresponsibility on international affairs.

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FUCK the @FatOrangeJesus and his cult of boot liking @RePulsicans and MAGAts.

Come November we WILL cut the head of the snake off

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No Sound.

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Yes, we are being lied to by the Squeaker of the House (among others in the GOP). Do any of them ever speak truth?

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