Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Everything you say is fair. That’s the most horrifying thing about all this, Jo.

I also believe some people are irredeemably evil. History is one reason, and the evidence of our eyes another.

It’s clear he is one of them.

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true, and I have come to believe that some people are born without a soul. You can see it in their eyes and in their actions.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Uneasy but I think I could agree

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My wife and I were out to dinner when she got a news flash that the verdict was in. She asked me what I thought but I stayed quiet. Honestly though I felt that it had to be guilty. The verdict came in too quick. Then my wife started reading down the numbers. Guilty on 10 counts...15....26....34!!

This man is evil and so are his cult followers. I don't care if he doesn't go to jail. He will always be known as Trump, convicted felon...or Convicted felon Trump. Already the MAGAs are talking about appealing this to the US Supreme Court. Not surprising...they are contemptible! But that won't happen overnight. It will have to go through the state courts in NY first. Let's savor the moment for now and hope we can keep savoring.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

We certainly deserve this result, and I have been ecstatic about it.

I hope you’re right about this process of appealing to the Supreme Court Court taking a while. However, as we have learned, when SCOTUS wants to adjust the often glacial pace of our legal system for the benefit of the Dear Orange Leader, they'll do so.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I’m just so sick of him and the shitstorm he unleashed on this country. And sick of the republicans and christo-fascists who are rolling happily in it. It’s OUR country not theirs. They can’t have it.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

‘…and what rough beast, its hour come round at last…’

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Brava! There needs to be punishment. What about 30 days in jail for contempt of court to be served immediately* + 1 year in prison with all but 30 days suspended as long as he does 90 hours of community service with the Georgia DOT to be served concurrently with his contempt of court time plus + $?

*Wouldn’t it be fun to see him attend the GOP convention via zoom from Rikers?

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

That would be delightful.😆😆😆

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It would be, and I would be laughing my ass off watching him.

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Jojo as always you nailed it!! Thank you!

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

JoJo, I love you. This scream for sanity mirrored everything, and more, that’s been silently screaming inside my head, keeping me up at night. I will save this articulate essay describing what this fkface is, and use it for reference as I try to explain it to all within my circle. The people I feel sorry for are those trapped in the devils cult. But the convicted felon … fuck him!

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

As usual, very well written and thought out. Your priorities here are spot on. And three need to be many more straight shooters of all stripes like Jersey Jo

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

JoJo, I have enjoyed reading you for a while. I paid my subscription today just to say, today’s “sorry” column describes, in a powerful way, my feelings exactly about this disgusting and despicable human being. Thank you for articulating the frustrations of all of us, and especially for discussing the invocation of God’s will by these crazy people to explain support for Trump. That is certifiably insane, and I say that as a Christian myself. To see what people said about “character matters” with Bill Clinton in the 90’s, and what is said about Trump now(looking at you Lindsey Graham, James Dobson, and so many more), is an absurdity. It continues to drive me insane. Thanks for your insights and your way with words. You and others help keep us all from feeling we must be the crazy ones. We are NOT.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The once great party of Lincoln so quickly taken in by a fascist dictator under the guise of MAGA is the saddest part. That once great party is dead. Party of MAGA is alive and well. Even Susan Collins is no longer willing to at evidence and facts that convicted their leader. His friend Pecker convicted him by telling the truth. His aid Hicks convicted him by telling the truth. His own witness convicted by admitting he was a pipeline to Guiliani. MAGA Senators and Representatives want to blame a judge. How quick they forget it is a jury of real citizens of these United States found him guilty.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The ‘Party of Lincoln’ has been deteriorating since Reagan was elected. He started the whole slide toward tfg.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I can’t think of any better and more accurate descriptions of our situation created by old shitzinpants in diapers and his cult following than what you wrote here. Thank you for your eloquence. It EXACTLY describes the way it is. Mary Trump got it right when she said her uncle (still can’t type his name) “ is the most dangerous man in the world “ and that was almost 4 years ago!

The analysis that states that the main reason for “former” republicans and MAGA members sadistic devotion to old shitstain is the their self perceived need to stay in power shows how how much of a danger they are to our democracy. If they’re willing to destroy the most important institutions in our great country to return the orange blob to power it makes the upcoming election a life and death choice.

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Yep, I have been telling everybody to vote and do so as though your life depends on it, BECAUSE IT DOES!!!! Well, unless you're one of them, who wants to rule over this country like SS soldiers, Hitler, and their cronies.

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Your post is astonishingly comprehensive in its inclusion of those for whom our compassion should rightly be directed.

As a nurse, compassion must be either in my DNA or strongly socialized into my professional practice. Therefore, I sadly experience a moment of empathic recognition for anyone who befalls unfortunate circumstances.

However, in the era of Trumpiopathy, that kernel of compassion seems to be on vacation.

Like you, there is nary a cell recognizable as me that feels anything other than contempt & loathing for this Orange Cyborg!

I delight in the verdict but realize that this only signifies the need to double down on our efforts to ban him from our political landscape - and any other, as far as I am concerned!

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Jo, the first part of your essay today is worthy of being published in every newspaper in America and on every social media site. It’s a daunting task, but perhaps your subscribers have an idea on how to get this out. The impact would be worth it. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I especially loved that it reminded me of the newscasters on Thursday reading out the verdict for each count against Trump. Folks, any ideas.

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Just share, share, share, and if you know anybody working in the media, share with them. If you know any politicians, share. Share on FB which can get lots of attention (especially your timeline). Share on Twitter. If we all do that, it might get the eye of the media. I plan to do all of that.

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Thanks JoJo ..a good reminder that we need to rid the public square of him. There are more legal issues still festering that need to be brought to resolution. We should not be putting up with the stall tactics of Judge Cannon, et all … what in the sam hell are we afraid of!

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Jun 1Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Sadly, I want to celebrate the guilty plea, but I'm afraid that there are too many idiots in our country who will actually vote for this thing ~ And just this morning, a woman I thought I knew, posted a photo of Joe Biden, shaking hands with the devil...immediately I deleted the FB post, but my GOD! What in the name of the Lord, would prompt people to remotely consider Trump being anything other than a disgusting less-than-human- thing? I can't call him a human, he has no soul, he has no sense of decency. Nothing. An empty sick soulless thing that has far too many people blinded by his sick evil rants, tweets and incoherent blathering. If he is the "leader" of the republican party, then a terrible amount of people are running toward a cliff of disaster to consider this thing for president.

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Yes, otherwise NORMAL appearing people who function in civilized society in almost all areas have lost their minds now. It is frightening and bizarre. Fox has brainwashed them, and every single non Trumper and/or Democrat are evil personified. I am genuinely terrified of our future.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I had one in my house the other day. He gets to talking to me after treating my house for bugs. I couldn't believe he was regurgitating things he has heard from that party of people. He said trans people are pedophiles. I told him, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Man, if you want to live a long time, LIVE AND LET LIVE!" He probably won't, but he enjoys talking with me because I'm twice his age and he has some respect left in him for his elders & veterans. Besides, I can put humor into anything. But, DAMN they are dumb.

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I modified my comment to add what dude regurgitated to me. Not to mention being shocked that I hated the orange orangutan. The thing about trans people? No, cisgender males are the pedophiles and they're projecting that crap onto trans women based on disinformation being spread all over the world rapidly. Know what I told him just for grins, and is partially true? I said trans women's dicks don't even work right. LMFAO ... he believed me, so I could tell that kid was just a follower & ignorant. Most people are ignorant when it comes to trans people.

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I feel sorry for all the American voters whose 2016 election of Hillary was stolen (as proven by the jury) by a criminal Russian asset who has tortured us for going on 8 years now💔💔💔

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