I am making a shirt to wear grocery shopping that says:

A President should be

Decent and


You disagreed

Well FU

I live in a very Red small town in northern Michigan. I want the Trump voters to know how much I despise them!

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Feel better soon, Jo! We need you at full strength!

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This is exactly why I continually say that you are my spirit animal- the music references alone give you a “⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️” rating 😉

This is my life in Austin. We will be leaving soon because it’s a bit too batshit in this HellState. However, I try to keep a constant steadiness for my countless friends and clients because everyone needs someone to be the rudder of this crazy boat we are on. I have guided many to your real talk journalism in hopes that they can all continue to hear a voice so akin to mine (on a MUCH SMALLER SCALE for sure! Just a longtime Austinite and hairstylist with many friends) on the daily! Thank you JJFJ🥰

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After 42 years in Texas, now in New Mexico!

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Your writing keeps on getting better and better (I'm talking substance, not typos). Sorry that bug caught you.

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Get well soon, Jo! Keep up the good fight. Remember, it’s Good Trouble. ❤️

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Hope you get rid of that virus soon. Love you, lady!

"The Temu Oompa Loompa makes yeast infections look compassionate" Hahahahaha

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After reading your column, I want to stand up and cheer. Get well soon and don’t forget to be good to yourself.

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Since I just recovered from a stomach bug, I can definitely empathize with your norovirus, but mine was much milder. I hope you’re on the mend and feel better soon.

Your writing often says what I would like to say, but you express it much better.

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I just became a paid subscriber, JoJo! I love reading your posts….they keep me sane, in fact I would bet they keep a lot of folks sane!

Thanks for all you are doing for our country . And please whatever you do….don’t stop your cussing and swearing! It’s the best! Happy New Year! And let’s really kick some orange ass..

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Oh yeah ❣️

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Another beautiful essay, norovirus not withstanding! We had to grieve back in November. Now we have to do it all over again. Keep a stiff upper lip. We will all need it. Thanks, JoJo!

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Thank you for your writings!! Full respect!! Hoping you feel better!! Love you 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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James Taylor wasn't of the soundtrack of my youth (yes, I'm that old). Thanks for the memory. We could all use a friend right now.

I sure hope you're feeling better SOON. That freaking bug is vile.

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Beat that Norovirus bug real soon. And keep writing!

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This is so good! Thank you! I am very sorry the norovirus caught you. It’s incredibly easy to transmit - I caught it from washing my granddaughter’s glass (before we realized she had it) and I got to experience projectile vomiting, hers and mine. I hope yours doesn’t last long.

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Get better dear child. The world needs you to remind us who we are.

Someone dear tp me once wrote a blog, the point of which, and the refrain (yes, prose articles can have refrains) was "choose freedom" seems to me that fits right in with what you said.

Choose decency

Choose honesty

Choose freedom

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Norovirus is fucking evil! Stay hydrated, rest and recover! I need you! I'm dealing with my own hellish gut issues right now. Woohoo! ❤️ From Santa Fe.

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