
I just fired off this to both of my senators in Kansas. I'm not very good at this but I cannot be silent.

I can no longer be civil with either you (Roger Marshall) or Jerry Moran from now on after what I witnessed today between President Zelensky, the Orange Lunatic, his sidekick Junior Dumbass and let’s not forget Little Marco. Three against ONE which was utterly unforgivable on the world stage and Zelensky was set up for this berating. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life and neither have you.

Every person in the State of Kansas was sickened by this, but worse than that we were humiliated. Being denigrated by those two assholes is not in any belief system of anyone of good conscious in the state of Kansas. Dwight D Eisenhower is rolling over in his grave along with thousands of other veterans of all wars.

The consequences of this will be long lasting and devastating to the United States for God only knows how long. NO ONE will trust the United States from now on, NO ONE. We will have no allies from now on other than dictatorial regimes and those will be superficial. We just threw away over 250 years of good will in the world, just fucking threw it away. God help us because we are going to need some quick reflection of who we want to be as a country for everyone. Is there a way to fix this? I’m here to tell you there is. It’s known as impeachment for treason against the United States. It’s your job to figure out how that works, not mine. It’s why you have the job you do, so I suggest you do it.

This administration will not last, we the people will take it down if that is what is required. We can do that, or have you forgotten about the Declaration of Independence that states “the people have the right to alter or abolish a government that is destructive to their rights. We have the rights to establish a new government.”

We have power in numbers, and we will use it if necessary. So, what will you do Jerry, toe the line? I suspect that will be your answer. If that is what you do, then we are fucked as a nation because this is worse that 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001.

I will leave you both with this thought, I served on the USS FDR CVA42 in the late 60’s early 70’s and both times when we came home from deployment, I was thankful to be home and see my country from sea off the coast of Florida. If I was serving this country today, I would be embarrassed and ashamed that the (so called) president of my country was such a dick to another world leader who is far and above a better leader than three asshole’s he was sitting with.

You’re all in the same boat with him unless you jump out and swim away. What will you do?


William Corbett

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Thank you WC. I'm glad there are still some genuine American heroes left. I watched the news this morning and saw what was clearly an ambush by the whitehouse and it's biased media selection. That was three and a half hours ago and i'm still seething. What a washout. What a waste of a presidency with that idiot taking up the spot.

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Thanks, I’m not a hero, those folks served long before me, but I love this country and what it used to stand for, not bigotry or hate but acceptance of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself!And, thank you for your service, sir.

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You are welcome and I will say I got far more out of those four years than I gave. I didn't realize it at the time but over the years and looking back I can't deny how that time impacted me and my life.

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I agree w this 100%! I am frequently glad my father — who fought in World War II at the age of 16 — is dead, and did not have to see this, bc he would have had that exact reaction except far worse. He was the good kind of Republican, in the South, before the party switched. And I’m glad my 98-year-old Yankee Dem Mom is fully demented now, bc she’d be throwing things at the TV again. She started during the Dubya admin, bc he kept saying, “We’re going to war to keep the peace.”

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Yes, my father went to Europe as well. He was in a support role, lucky for him (and me) but did his part to destroy the fascist movement. He would be enraged to see it embraced so openly by our OWN FUCKING PRESIDENT. Shameful and treasonous!

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My father was drafted in 1944. He was sent to Germany in 1945 just after the war ended. Glad he's not here to see this.

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Mebbe I'll bring back the foam rubber TV brick that someone marketed when Howard Cosell was on Monday Night Football.

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I know how you feel about your parents. My dad served in WWII at age 17. Then the Korean War. My mom died recently. She was so looking forward to voting for Harris. But sadly she died before the election at the age of 88. In a lot of ways I am glad since she would be horrified to see what is happening to this country under trump.

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I am so sorry. It is so hard, no matter how old you are (or how old they are) to lose a parent. I truly believe it is best that she didn’t live to see what our country has become—and all your Dad fought for, twice! I know that feels unbearable for you. But I truly believe is a blessing for your Mom. Your grief will be replaced by your best memories of her one day, and soon you will think of her when you’re happy and you’re smiling. Which I presume to think is what she wanted♥️

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Mr. Art-of-the-Deal failed to close the deal for his boss in Moscow. JD might be a little better.

If I were FOTUS, I'd stay away from windows on high floors.

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Go JoJo Go!

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This was horrendous not just for WWII vets, but for Korean "Military Action" (read WAR) vets like my father, Vietnam "Military Action" (read WAR) vets like many I've known. In short: ANYONE who has put on a uniform (or made sacrifices like military families) to defend our nation...and those of us who love and care for them...should be ashamed of what's being done in our name.

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In 1986, long before “Band of Brothers” or “Saving Private Ryan”, we included a trip to the Normandie battlefields on our honeymoon. My bride and I looked out on the sea of crosses and Stars of David, and openly wept.

Her uncle Bernie, 18, died D-Day + 10. Although his mother’s only son, he did not shamelessly seek deferment. He volunteered and died young. No fucking bone spurs. And, hey, Dick Cheney - five (5!) deferments? “I had other priorities…” Who doesn’t, shithook?

I hate Nazis. There’s only one way to to deal with them. Kill them. “Jews will not replace us”?

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I emailed an apology to President Zalensky at emb_us@mfa.cov.ua

The mailing address is:

Pres. Vdodymyr Zelenskyy

Embassy of Ukraine

3350 M St. NW

Washington DC 20007

Donate to the valiant defense at https://u24.gov.ua

Slava Ukrani!

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Thank you!!!

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Thank you, Jo! I feel strongly that what's goin down is not working for us who love the nation that the framers conceived and implemented via the Constitution.

I'm thinking we need to go full banana democracy, i.e. formally classify Trump, Vance, Musk et.al., and the Project 2025 crew as domestic terrorists.

Here's the part I am having difficulty with-- Pretty sure we'd have to coordinate with the freedom and democracy-lovers in Congress and the Armed Services to fkn remove them to their Cuban vacay resort until we can figure out how to get back to the surface and breathe.

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I have never seen such an open act of treason from anyone, ever. This is not "America First", this is "Russia First". MAGAs got wiped out pretty good during Covid. Maybe RFK can wipe out the rest of them with his anti-vaxx shit. It will serve them right! History is not going to be kind to these Hitler loving fruit bats.

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You are right. This is Make Russia Great Again!!

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Absolutely, Jo. The threat of fascism in the mid-20th century should be a warning to all, yet so many today don't know or care that Naziism caused so much death and destruction and poses an enormous threat to freedom. Unbelievable. Such idiocy in our own country.

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Well said! My 98 yr old FIL loves to brag about serving in WW2. He was drafted toward the end of the war so he didn't see the heavy combat, but he loves to brag. He also voted to usher fascism into this country. The disconnect in that brain is astounding to me.

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JoJo at her best. She is an inspiration. Boy did I ever need this this evening!

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True, true, true, all true. I'm embarrassed and pissed.

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Never seen it thought I would see our government disparage an ally like that. It was a setup. We are screwed

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All the truest and yet saddest words possible. Jojo you’re spot on as always. I didn’t hear the conversation but have zero doubt that Mr “Art of the Steal” did a monumental bait and switch.

Talk about a country collectively pissing into the wind.

I’d promised myself that if the orange menace was reelected our family would leave the country. But we’re not. We are going to do everything we can to fight the fascist cowards that are nothing but Putins but boys. Our ancestors that fought and died for our rights deserve better. If you need inspiration, go walk the freedom trail.

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You are fucking awesome! This soooo needed to be said and you said it so well!

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