A HUNDRED MILLION TIMES THIS. When I actually have to go out and get food for the family, I look at each person: "Are you one of them? Are you one of them? You?" Will we ever feel hope, joy again?
I am exhausted! I have 2 granddaughters in college, a granddaughter-in-law and an infant great-granddaughter. My grandson's family is in a red state. I am frightened for them.
I have been fighting since 2020 and thought we put Trump behind us for good. Nothing is going to convince voters upset with their standard of living that Harris was a far better candidate then Trump, that any Democrat was better. When people want change they vote for that. Their lives will become much harder. Much crueler. And I fully expect there will be no presidential election in 2028.
I need a break from all this. My mental health demands it.
Deal. I hope I'm man enough to live up to what you said.
Although I'm in CA - the BEST coast I think, there are lots of "them" running around here, unsupervised and unattended when they should be on leash and in shelters.
Once a week I attend my local Optimist Club meeting - I've been a member for 43+ years and hope I did some good for some kid in that time. We recite the Pledge every meeting. I don't think I can do that. It's not my country any more. It is not good to be forced to feel this way.
HOW could ANY woman vote for that piece of shit. Permit me to rephrase if the foregoing sounded or is sexist. HOW could ANY human vote for that fat tub of goo.
I can relate.....this is not my country anymore and I will not recite the pledge or even acknowledge the POS as my president. I have decided not to say his name ever - one refer to him as the POS or the felon. And I asked my husband to take down our American Flag yesterday that was hanging on our house. I will not use that flag again until we have the UNITED states back again.
I want to say that I am so apologetic to my late father who was a Korean non-war vet and my late uncle Leo (dad's bro), a WW 2 veteran. My heart hurts so much for all those who fought for the freedoms in our country. I will never forget.....
My dad was a WWII Japanese prisoner of war from December of '41 to August of '45. I was 7 months old when he was captured and my mom was pregnant with my sister.
The clips on our flag pole (wall mount) broke. Once repaired, I will fly it upside down until January 21, 2029. THAT IS A LONG TIME. That is depressing to contemplate. At my age it is hardly a sure bet I'll be here then. My Dad was a vet - Army Air Corps in WWII and Korea. He would have despised the Orange Turd. Mom too. I miss them terribly even after all this time (24 years) but am so glad they didn't see this.
I gave up the flag thing in 2016. When I see a flag or hear the word "patriot" all I think of is them. They have dominated our thoughts for 9 years now. I blame the media for most of that. He demands attention. If he isn't getting some, he stages a fake assassination attempt or some other stupid TV news item.
It is VERY sad indeed that whenever I see a flag flying, even in this allegedly (and wrongfully termed) liberal state I assume the worst. We sent the country nixon and reagan and Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes but please don't hate us.
I was an election worker on 11/5 and when a male white man came to vote I would wonder who’s space he was coloring on the ballot. Now I think I know what was the choice most of them made. Most seemed like normal people. But I also can’t fathom why they would make that choice. But then I realized just what you did. Misogyny and racism. That’s it. No voter interviewed would admit to that because they’d be ashamed to admit it….. but they still did it. And it makes me SICK. We still have that kind of country. The choice was between good and evil. PEROD.
The orange shit pulled the greatest grift of all time, and we have to battle him again for the next 4 years.
Deal...Bravo Jo. Another fabulous post!! You express so eloquently everything I am feeling. Altho my two girls are grown, they and my 10 year old Grandson are about the ONLY things keeping me going right now. One minute, one hour, one day at a time. Solidarity. #RiseResistRepeat #Persist #LoveWillKeepUsAlive ❤️🇺🇸💙
P.S. Your daughter is beautiful. Just like her Mom.
Yes, THIS. Thank you, JoJo. I am so unsettled and in shock. This morning in church I was looking around and thinking exactly this. Since I am in Texas and in an evangelical church, I KNOW most did. And my church is NOT the crazy ones you read about who are Christian Narionalist whack jobs now, just pretty regular decent people, at least on the outside. How, how, how can they do this? Trump??
Great essay, JoJo. It really is uncomfortable to be in this country now realizing there is a mass delusion or psychosis or something here. It is scary for my children and grandchildren…………..
Yes, but......I was part of an evangelical church in the 80's/90's. I was so focused on my growth in faith that I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. The pressure to conform was insidious for a long, long time. But I eventually left after 20+ years because I started questioning Christian teachings. I left when I realized the difference between faith and religion. My faith in God has grown markedly since that time while my lack of faith in "religion" has also grown tremendously. Last Monday, my husband and I went to see the move "Conclave", which was another affirmation that I am on the right track spiritually.
DEAL! I'm scared shitless. I'm already playing out various scenarios in my mind-I have no real family here so what if I have to sell my house and become an expat? I have never felt this vulnerable and betrayed. I want the Democrats to listen to new ways to message their ideas...and dammit, I still think Elon screwed with the results. It just doesnt make sense. UGH. Be safe - there's great comfort in community. To coin that familiar phrase, we're all in this together. 💙💙✌️✌️
The way to do that is to start supporting (I mean the DNC, not us specifically although we wouldn't hurt) liberal podcasters, Substackers, and YouTubers.
Getting more liberals on X to actually verbally spar with the aholes. And if Elon wants to shut them down, go public and make a big stink about it. He claims to be a 1st amendment absolutist, then time to show his minions how big a liar he really is.
And it's past time for Democrats to start pointing accusing fingers at the press and calling them conservatively biased! and nothing more than right wing mouthpieces, or they're just Fox lite! Hit them hard that way just like the Republicans did whenever a story ran that was critical of a conservative. They always accused the press of being liberally biased, and it worked. They started falling all over themselves to show they were "fair and balanced". Well, let's see if they like the same treatment from the left.
I agree, Don. I would love to see the DNC sit down some excellent communication and advertising people to discuss strategy, how to handle media, a discussion of the tone and content and where it is seen. I think they would greatly benefit from such an endeavor.
How about supporting progressive media instead of dismissing it or trying to control it? (These things happened in Columbus, so now there's little progressive media here.)
I know, right?? I’ve had a nagging feeling about Elon having done something especially after Trump started saying early on that they had all the votes they needed , etc. it was just so weird…
I cannot like this enough. This is everything I have been living and then some. I keep on crying. I am so damn scared it isn't funny. I'm deleting most of my political emails because I just can't take one more thing. I did ask my daughter if she knew where I could get fentanil, but that was a just in case move. I'm on social security and medicare. I will be out on the street (or in a homeless camp since homelessness will be illegal) if they take that away.
Joyce Vance said in her substack today that the "excuse" people used was the economy and immigration. So, most of the fucking country has been asleep? We have the best economy in the world, Kamala had a plan to cut some of the obscene profits corporations are making and instead they voted for Musk's buddy? Because that's just what Elon needs, more government contracts god dammit!
Like many of us, I know damn well most of my little red town voted for him and I can barely be polite to people - and that's not knowing what they actually did on election day. If I know you supported him, you are dead to me. I can't possibly be expected to be "nice" when you just damned over half the population to death, rape (which I gather Mr. Fuentes has been threatening - daughter got so mad she was going to send him a bag of dicks-gummies- but I said why give him anything; or just plain inequality.
I follow the Meidas Touch Network and I must say those lawyer brothers are talking up battle positions and don't seem to be afraid (yet?). I'm terrified. I'm terrified for Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, the entire Biden family, George Conway and you too Jo. And then there's God awful juvenile delinquent vance when he 25th amendments trump - probably in March?
Did you all see the Instagram post that some company in PA told the workers there will be no Christmas bonus this year because they will be using the money to pre-tariff-buy supplies they will need next year. The people were shocked because they believed trump that the foreign country pays the tariff. WTH were the major media companies while THAT lie went down gullible throats?
I really, really want to be mad at all those suckers, losers, and worthless fuckers who voted for him, but honestly, they should be thanked for showing us just who they are.
No. I'm mad at the 12 or so million people who just couldn't be bothered to show up again to vote for the one person who said she was willing to fight for all of them. You didn't vote for the orange felon, but you helped elect him. Why? Because of "the economy doesn't work for me". Bullshit! The "economy" has NEVER worked for you, me or anyone else. It works for the whole COUNTRY, not the individual. You just occasionally benefit from it. And here's another thing.
Prices are high because corporations decided to make more profit for their shareholders by raising those prices and blaming inflation. And some of them even came out and said that's exactly what they did! But did you pay attention? No. No you didn't. Instead you chose to sit it out because a stupid, vile and utterly ignominious man made some noise with his blowhole about taking care of inflation. Which was already down, so all he's going to do is take credit for what someone else did. And BTW, the shareholders who REALLY benefitted? Yeah they aren't you and your 401K, or those who are getting a dividend of $50 or so every quarter. No, those who benefitted are the ones getting $50 MILLION in dividends every quarter.
Or maybe it's that you didn't want to vote for "genocide". Well WAKE UP!! Biden didn't have any choice in sending the aid because CONGRESS allocated it for Israel. Or have you forgotten what got Dump impeached the first time for making the "perfect" phone call? You know....the one where he threatened Zelenskyy with withholding aid unless he found dirt on Biden, or better yet, just publicly announced they had something.
Yeah. They impeached him for withholding aid to Ukraine. So you think if Biden had withheld aid to Israel the MAGA House wouldn't have jumped to impeach him? Even if the Senate wouldn't have had a trial, they'd have still done it.
And now you sad little fuckers have helped the guy who told Netanyahu to "finish the job", so congratulations! You get to call someone else out for genocide, only this time you'll be right. Hope you're happy.
Or maybe finally it's just that you're too lazy to actually participate in the system that keeps you able to live the way you do. Not really into politics? Well let me clue you in. EVERYONE you pay money to, of get money from, ALL do politics. Either to make sure they keep getting yours, or to give you less of theirs.
And if my blame is misplaced, and they all really did vote, and this election was actually truly stolen by the GOP because they had 4 years to work out a plan and execute it, then I apologize in advance.
Do I think it was stolen? I can't answer that yet. But I do know there is a whole lot of hinky in this election, like how some states were called before ALL the votes in that state were even physically able to have been counted with accuracy. Or how it certainly seems like Trump somehow managed to win the EC AND the popular vote as well, despite having lost the latter twice in a row. Last time that was done was W in 2004. And, he also managed to sweep all 7 swing states, something not done by ANY candidate since Reagan did it in '84, and that WAS a verifiable landslide.
And finally, he somehow managed to win "bigly" by running the least effective campaign on record because he NEVER really reached out to add voters to his base. And he even told them "We don't need your votes, we've got all the votes we need", not once, but at least 3 times.
Too bad no-one ever really looked into that.
So, here we are with either an election that was truly stolen, or the least qualified, most vile person to ever reenter the office was aided in getting election due to either sexism and racism, or plain, simple apathy.
OMG....how true is this? After the election, I have had to come to the conclusion that everyone that is not in my inner circle of friends and even some immediate family, is truly the enemy within....
I am so afraid of militants breaking my door down after the first of the year because of my work against fascism and involvement in pro-democracy grassroots organizations. I would make regular posts to FB and threads over the past 2 years. Now, I am feeling that even those who I thought I could trust with my anger and thoughts may be someone that I can't. I do not want to foster any new relationships if I don't know where one stands politically. And I really do not desire to continue friend or even familial relationships with those who voted for the felon. Absolutely no common values or morals.
I will not accept some dems saying that we need to "accept" the choice of more than half of voters. I will never accept morons who thought the POS was "entertaining and funny" enough to vote for the him. He is going to have the fucking nuclear codes.
I am glad I am at the end of my life - will turn 70 tomorrow 11/11/24. But I will fight to the death for my granddaughters and young women who are in a shitty place right now.
Hang in there JoJo! I had the same feeling at the gym that slightly over half of these folks pulled the lever to kill the democracy that my ancestors who have fought in every American war to preserve our democracy and freedom! I have maybe 10-15 years left and I will see my ancestors shortly and they will stare at me and say how could your generation do this? I sure know I will not see the Orange Idiot in Heaven!!!
JoJo, it’s a deal. I also feel very alone and I don’t where to turn. I have so much distrust I can hardly handle it. Today I chose not to sit in with company because I think I know their stance. I wasn’t lying about not feeling well. I’ve been crying so much and I am physically sick to my stomach. I had to block my gr-daughter on FB. For the life me I do not understand. Your daughter is so pretty and looks like her mom. Hug her tight. Know you have a lot of friends here and we need to support one another.
You've got mine 🤝 JoJo and I feel you, sweetheart. We're in this Together Girl 💋 Be Well and will reStack ASAP 💯👍p.s. how's the smoke from the fire's?!
A HUNDRED MILLION TIMES THIS. When I actually have to go out and get food for the family, I look at each person: "Are you one of them? Are you one of them? You?" Will we ever feel hope, joy again?
We will. We 100% will. Because we will not accept this. We will fight. And we will win.
I am exhausted! I have 2 granddaughters in college, a granddaughter-in-law and an infant great-granddaughter. My grandson's family is in a red state. I am frightened for them.
I have been fighting since 2020 and thought we put Trump behind us for good. Nothing is going to convince voters upset with their standard of living that Harris was a far better candidate then Trump, that any Democrat was better. When people want change they vote for that. Their lives will become much harder. Much crueler. And I fully expect there will be no presidential election in 2028.
I need a break from all this. My mental health demands it.
It’s just SO exhausting…
Deal. I hope I'm man enough to live up to what you said.
Although I'm in CA - the BEST coast I think, there are lots of "them" running around here, unsupervised and unattended when they should be on leash and in shelters.
Once a week I attend my local Optimist Club meeting - I've been a member for 43+ years and hope I did some good for some kid in that time. We recite the Pledge every meeting. I don't think I can do that. It's not my country any more. It is not good to be forced to feel this way.
HOW could ANY woman vote for that piece of shit. Permit me to rephrase if the foregoing sounded or is sexist. HOW could ANY human vote for that fat tub of goo.
I can relate.....this is not my country anymore and I will not recite the pledge or even acknowledge the POS as my president. I have decided not to say his name ever - one refer to him as the POS or the felon. And I asked my husband to take down our American Flag yesterday that was hanging on our house. I will not use that flag again until we have the UNITED states back again.
I want to say that I am so apologetic to my late father who was a Korean non-war vet and my late uncle Leo (dad's bro), a WW 2 veteran. My heart hurts so much for all those who fought for the freedoms in our country. I will never forget.....
My dad fought in WWII and watched his younger brother be killed fighting the Nazis. So what did the idiots in this country do? Elect an orange nazi.
I, too, voted for my daughter 39 and for my granddaughters 18 and 3. The stupids are making war on them because they are smart, strong, and brave.
Thank you, JoJo for expressing my feelings so well.
My dad was a WWII Japanese prisoner of war from December of '41 to August of '45. I was 7 months old when he was captured and my mom was pregnant with my sister.
The clips on our flag pole (wall mount) broke. Once repaired, I will fly it upside down until January 21, 2029. THAT IS A LONG TIME. That is depressing to contemplate. At my age it is hardly a sure bet I'll be here then. My Dad was a vet - Army Air Corps in WWII and Korea. He would have despised the Orange Turd. Mom too. I miss them terribly even after all this time (24 years) but am so glad they didn't see this.
I'm glad my parents didn't see this either. WWII generation.
I call him thump.
I call him thump.
Frump here
I gave up the flag thing in 2016. When I see a flag or hear the word "patriot" all I think of is them. They have dominated our thoughts for 9 years now. I blame the media for most of that. He demands attention. If he isn't getting some, he stages a fake assassination attempt or some other stupid TV news item.
It is VERY sad indeed that whenever I see a flag flying, even in this allegedly (and wrongfully termed) liberal state I assume the worst. We sent the country nixon and reagan and Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes but please don't hate us.
We did the same, we took our flag down in 2016 as well but this is much worse!!!
Not many over at the coast...we're too woke for them...good! We don't want u here!!
I was an election worker on 11/5 and when a male white man came to vote I would wonder who’s space he was coloring on the ballot. Now I think I know what was the choice most of them made. Most seemed like normal people. But I also can’t fathom why they would make that choice. But then I realized just what you did. Misogyny and racism. That’s it. No voter interviewed would admit to that because they’d be ashamed to admit it….. but they still did it. And it makes me SICK. We still have that kind of country. The choice was between good and evil. PEROD.
The orange shit pulled the greatest grift of all time, and we have to battle him again for the next 4 years.
You are completely right. Misogyny and racism.
Hopefully, four years is all it will be.
Deal...Bravo Jo. Another fabulous post!! You express so eloquently everything I am feeling. Altho my two girls are grown, they and my 10 year old Grandson are about the ONLY things keeping me going right now. One minute, one hour, one day at a time. Solidarity. #RiseResistRepeat #Persist #LoveWillKeepUsAlive ❤️🇺🇸💙
P.S. Your daughter is beautiful. Just like her Mom.
Yes, THIS. Thank you, JoJo. I am so unsettled and in shock. This morning in church I was looking around and thinking exactly this. Since I am in Texas and in an evangelical church, I KNOW most did. And my church is NOT the crazy ones you read about who are Christian Narionalist whack jobs now, just pretty regular decent people, at least on the outside. How, how, how can they do this? Trump??
Great essay, JoJo. It really is uncomfortable to be in this country now realizing there is a mass delusion or psychosis or something here. It is scary for my children and grandchildren…………..
Yes, but......I was part of an evangelical church in the 80's/90's. I was so focused on my growth in faith that I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. The pressure to conform was insidious for a long, long time. But I eventually left after 20+ years because I started questioning Christian teachings. I left when I realized the difference between faith and religion. My faith in God has grown markedly since that time while my lack of faith in "religion" has also grown tremendously. Last Monday, my husband and I went to see the move "Conclave", which was another affirmation that I am on the right track spiritually.
DEAL! I'm scared shitless. I'm already playing out various scenarios in my mind-I have no real family here so what if I have to sell my house and become an expat? I have never felt this vulnerable and betrayed. I want the Democrats to listen to new ways to message their ideas...and dammit, I still think Elon screwed with the results. It just doesnt make sense. UGH. Be safe - there's great comfort in community. To coin that familiar phrase, we're all in this together. 💙💙✌️✌️
The way to do that is to start supporting (I mean the DNC, not us specifically although we wouldn't hurt) liberal podcasters, Substackers, and YouTubers.
Getting more liberals on X to actually verbally spar with the aholes. And if Elon wants to shut them down, go public and make a big stink about it. He claims to be a 1st amendment absolutist, then time to show his minions how big a liar he really is.
And it's past time for Democrats to start pointing accusing fingers at the press and calling them conservatively biased! and nothing more than right wing mouthpieces, or they're just Fox lite! Hit them hard that way just like the Republicans did whenever a story ran that was critical of a conservative. They always accused the press of being liberally biased, and it worked. They started falling all over themselves to show they were "fair and balanced". Well, let's see if they like the same treatment from the left.
I agree, Don. I would love to see the DNC sit down some excellent communication and advertising people to discuss strategy, how to handle media, a discussion of the tone and content and where it is seen. I think they would greatly benefit from such an endeavor.
How about supporting progressive media instead of dismissing it or trying to control it? (These things happened in Columbus, so now there's little progressive media here.)
I know, right?? I’ve had a nagging feeling about Elon having done something especially after Trump started saying early on that they had all the votes they needed , etc. it was just so weird…
Holding your hands, hold onto us too. We’ll make it through sweetheart
I’m never ever letting you go.
We’ll be strong together.
100% a deal. We all need community right now and support each other.
I cannot like this enough. This is everything I have been living and then some. I keep on crying. I am so damn scared it isn't funny. I'm deleting most of my political emails because I just can't take one more thing. I did ask my daughter if she knew where I could get fentanil, but that was a just in case move. I'm on social security and medicare. I will be out on the street (or in a homeless camp since homelessness will be illegal) if they take that away.
Joyce Vance said in her substack today that the "excuse" people used was the economy and immigration. So, most of the fucking country has been asleep? We have the best economy in the world, Kamala had a plan to cut some of the obscene profits corporations are making and instead they voted for Musk's buddy? Because that's just what Elon needs, more government contracts god dammit!
Like many of us, I know damn well most of my little red town voted for him and I can barely be polite to people - and that's not knowing what they actually did on election day. If I know you supported him, you are dead to me. I can't possibly be expected to be "nice" when you just damned over half the population to death, rape (which I gather Mr. Fuentes has been threatening - daughter got so mad she was going to send him a bag of dicks-gummies- but I said why give him anything; or just plain inequality.
I follow the Meidas Touch Network and I must say those lawyer brothers are talking up battle positions and don't seem to be afraid (yet?). I'm terrified. I'm terrified for Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, the entire Biden family, George Conway and you too Jo. And then there's God awful juvenile delinquent vance when he 25th amendments trump - probably in March?
Did you all see the Instagram post that some company in PA told the workers there will be no Christmas bonus this year because they will be using the money to pre-tariff-buy supplies they will need next year. The people were shocked because they believed trump that the foreign country pays the tariff. WTH were the major media companies while THAT lie went down gullible throats?
Forget the fentanyl. Your daughter will always need her mom and being a drug addict is no way to go.
I hear you, looking for the hook to grab. Andy Borowitz gave me a little sparkle today. Go check his post from today. See you tomorrow! Hang in there.
I really, really want to be mad at all those suckers, losers, and worthless fuckers who voted for him, but honestly, they should be thanked for showing us just who they are.
No. I'm mad at the 12 or so million people who just couldn't be bothered to show up again to vote for the one person who said she was willing to fight for all of them. You didn't vote for the orange felon, but you helped elect him. Why? Because of "the economy doesn't work for me". Bullshit! The "economy" has NEVER worked for you, me or anyone else. It works for the whole COUNTRY, not the individual. You just occasionally benefit from it. And here's another thing.
Prices are high because corporations decided to make more profit for their shareholders by raising those prices and blaming inflation. And some of them even came out and said that's exactly what they did! But did you pay attention? No. No you didn't. Instead you chose to sit it out because a stupid, vile and utterly ignominious man made some noise with his blowhole about taking care of inflation. Which was already down, so all he's going to do is take credit for what someone else did. And BTW, the shareholders who REALLY benefitted? Yeah they aren't you and your 401K, or those who are getting a dividend of $50 or so every quarter. No, those who benefitted are the ones getting $50 MILLION in dividends every quarter.
Or maybe it's that you didn't want to vote for "genocide". Well WAKE UP!! Biden didn't have any choice in sending the aid because CONGRESS allocated it for Israel. Or have you forgotten what got Dump impeached the first time for making the "perfect" phone call? You know....the one where he threatened Zelenskyy with withholding aid unless he found dirt on Biden, or better yet, just publicly announced they had something.
Yeah. They impeached him for withholding aid to Ukraine. So you think if Biden had withheld aid to Israel the MAGA House wouldn't have jumped to impeach him? Even if the Senate wouldn't have had a trial, they'd have still done it.
And now you sad little fuckers have helped the guy who told Netanyahu to "finish the job", so congratulations! You get to call someone else out for genocide, only this time you'll be right. Hope you're happy.
Or maybe finally it's just that you're too lazy to actually participate in the system that keeps you able to live the way you do. Not really into politics? Well let me clue you in. EVERYONE you pay money to, of get money from, ALL do politics. Either to make sure they keep getting yours, or to give you less of theirs.
And if my blame is misplaced, and they all really did vote, and this election was actually truly stolen by the GOP because they had 4 years to work out a plan and execute it, then I apologize in advance.
Do I think it was stolen? I can't answer that yet. But I do know there is a whole lot of hinky in this election, like how some states were called before ALL the votes in that state were even physically able to have been counted with accuracy. Or how it certainly seems like Trump somehow managed to win the EC AND the popular vote as well, despite having lost the latter twice in a row. Last time that was done was W in 2004. And, he also managed to sweep all 7 swing states, something not done by ANY candidate since Reagan did it in '84, and that WAS a verifiable landslide.
And finally, he somehow managed to win "bigly" by running the least effective campaign on record because he NEVER really reached out to add voters to his base. And he even told them "We don't need your votes, we've got all the votes we need", not once, but at least 3 times.
Too bad no-one ever really looked into that.
So, here we are with either an election that was truly stolen, or the least qualified, most vile person to ever reenter the office was aided in getting election due to either sexism and racism, or plain, simple apathy.
I’m mad at that 12 million too. So fucking mad.
OMG....how true is this? After the election, I have had to come to the conclusion that everyone that is not in my inner circle of friends and even some immediate family, is truly the enemy within....
I am so afraid of militants breaking my door down after the first of the year because of my work against fascism and involvement in pro-democracy grassroots organizations. I would make regular posts to FB and threads over the past 2 years. Now, I am feeling that even those who I thought I could trust with my anger and thoughts may be someone that I can't. I do not want to foster any new relationships if I don't know where one stands politically. And I really do not desire to continue friend or even familial relationships with those who voted for the felon. Absolutely no common values or morals.
I will not accept some dems saying that we need to "accept" the choice of more than half of voters. I will never accept morons who thought the POS was "entertaining and funny" enough to vote for the him. He is going to have the fucking nuclear codes.
I am glad I am at the end of my life - will turn 70 tomorrow 11/11/24. But I will fight to the death for my granddaughters and young women who are in a shitty place right now.
Hang in there JoJo! I had the same feeling at the gym that slightly over half of these folks pulled the lever to kill the democracy that my ancestors who have fought in every American war to preserve our democracy and freedom! I have maybe 10-15 years left and I will see my ancestors shortly and they will stare at me and say how could your generation do this? I sure know I will not see the Orange Idiot in Heaven!!!
JoJo, it’s a deal. I also feel very alone and I don’t where to turn. I have so much distrust I can hardly handle it. Today I chose not to sit in with company because I think I know their stance. I wasn’t lying about not feeling well. I’ve been crying so much and I am physically sick to my stomach. I had to block my gr-daughter on FB. For the life me I do not understand. Your daughter is so pretty and looks like her mom. Hug her tight. Know you have a lot of friends here and we need to support one another.
Linda, sweet, wonderful Linda — you are not alone. We’ve got you. All us loners out here — we’ve got you.
You've got mine 🤝 JoJo and I feel you, sweetheart. We're in this Together Girl 💋 Be Well and will reStack ASAP 💯👍p.s. how's the smoke from the fire's?!