I am in awe of your courage and resilience. Please keep up the excellent work. We hear you - we see you.

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Thank you for sharing Jo. There are a lot of us dudes out here who are right there with you, and stand at the ready to do whatever it takes.

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Yes, dudes!

Stand with us.

Ans stand by us.

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What a beautifully written essay! Critically important, honest, raw yet still humorous. We need you here in Texas!

Short of that I am sharing your work with like-minded folks/ folks that may be good deep down but have been led astray.

As always, thank you !

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Need 10 million like her in that state controlled by the maga cult!

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Like the Rebel Alliance!

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I am with you Jojo. I fought for women’s rights with Gloria Steinem and raised my daughter to do the same. I will fight against this shit until the day I die. 💪🏾

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Please watch, “Feminism: What were we thinking “ on Netflix.

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Yell it again, sisters, moms, aunties, grandmothers, ladies, girls, daughters.

We stand together.

Outing myself: raped, age 12.

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I’m so sorry for what was done to you. You are a warrior!!!

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Jojo, thank you.

Yes, Ma’am, we are warriors!

Bring back the Me Too! movement.

Yes, victims we were, but now we must to join hands, lock elbows, stand firm.

It stops with us.

We need to understand little boys are assaulted and raped at stomach curdling rate.

Go to Rainn.org

This must to stop with us.

Pigs of Trump’s ilk don’t care.

Trump cultivates the conventions of hurting those he thinks are weak and small.

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I'm so sorry. I hope you managed to overcome like our friend Jo and not let what that thing did ruin your life. So young, did you even understand?

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Thank you for your thoughts and for your very good question.

I hadn’t thought about getting over. I am one of many. We are many. 1 in four? 1 in six?

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Thank you. I agree with every word, have young grandkids, also thankfully was not impregnated by rapist. Thanks for all the things you write.

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Yes, JoJo. Imagine the little-fingered person bragging about the size of his digits. I haven’t been in a dressing room lately without thinking about E. Jean.

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Should we refer to Orange Dipshit as "the Short Fingered Vulgarian" or perhaps "Lord Weemittens"?

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I still treasure a purchase I made at the Strand Bookstore on Christmas Eve 2016–Trump’s Small Hand Soap. Even funnier now.

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Very well written! Thanks for writing this and putting your heart-breaking story in it. I'm all in on supporting you and other women in this fight! A president and cabinet of sexual predators makes me sick!!!

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There's a website which makes me laugh every time I check it out: Despair.com. They specialize in graphics reminiscent of those encouragement/uplifting posters seen framed in companies E-suites.

The most appropriate one for the upcoming month is titled: "Despair". The caption reads "It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black."

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Keep it up JoJo. We are listening and acting on these current times.

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Obviously, I can't begin to feel your pain and lifelong anguish. IMO, that pain may well have forged the woman you are today – and the power you project. DON'T EVER STOP. You are making a difference. Thank you.

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We've got your back, Jo!

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Brava, JoJo! I'm hoping ladies take self-defense seriously. Take some classes and YES fight back.

The night of the election, I found myself binging on The Handmaid's Tale. If you get a chance, watch it but not around your children. It's chilling but also triumphant. Five seasons. Seems to me that's what they're setting up here, without the reason in the movie. There is a book behind that TV series and they're banning it from libraries (perhaps even schools). I doubt that is a study book in schools.

The reason is that white people are dying faster than they're being born. Sometime during the last century, it wasn't advised to have more than 2 children. That set up the wave of this because other races didn't heed that advice.

Idiot maggots have said they will not be replaced without realizing where it came from. Nobody is trying to outnumber white people on purpose. If they didn't do something about it, it was going to happen around the 2030's or 2040's. It's total bullshit that they've waged this war on women for that reason, then blame it on the Black, Brown, Yellow, and Red people of this land.

I'm with you for reasons you probably already know. FIGHT like hell.

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How awful for you JoJo. And awful for every other woman or girl in this Country.

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Join the Lysistrata Movement

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Greg, brilliant! Yes!

Lysistrata of Athens: , the main character the Aristophanes play, was determined to stop the Peloponnesian War. She recruited women from both sides of the war to withhold sex from the warring men.

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Dear Jo…

This is some serious shit.

Truly grateful for your clarity.

The need for safety net choices is paramount since it appears we will never be able to stop the monstrous behavior no matter how hard we try to educate.

We will resist and fight for what’s right!

Onward into the new year….

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