Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I loved the "they moved the line" repetition. That's what they always do. It's becoming more and more apparent that, with Trump, they have no line.

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Agreed and I am keeping track - The GQP has moved the line a Zillion times and are prepared to move it a Zillion more… Let’s vote peeps and get your peeps to vote … our future depends on it!

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"Boerberting Putin" - ha!

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Interestingly in my corner of the country, a young man drove to the service garage where my son works as a mechanic flying Trump flags on his shiny red

pick -up truck. Turns out he was getting gas next door. So my son walks up to him and asks very politely, “Are those the new flags of futility?” The young man obviously not knowing the meaning of futility, nodded his head with a big grin and thumbs up. Son just nodded and smiled back, “ That what I thought they looked like.” True story.

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Oh my fucking God!!😂😂

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The jerk got caught. He got his hand slapped. It will be interesting to see what happens at sentencing.

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Jojo, you always say exactly say what everyone needs to hear. The ONLY line MAGA sees is the line straight to the White House. That’s their geometry, no matter who it hurts or who it destroys. Just like their cult leader. If you can keep saying it and we keep repeating it, your message will start to sink in to those who are receptive to rhat message.

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

“The ONLY line MAGA sees is the line straight to the White House”

Nailed it

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Great comment .. I’ll commit to being an echo chamber

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Your last sentence says it all: craven cowards!

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

You got that right! Lines of convenience - when approving acceptable behavior - are no lines at all.

I have stopped looking for the word, or more importantly, the concept, of INTEGRITY within the ‘MAGA Republican Party.’ It can't be done, because its not there!

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Hold the line, vote BLUE! Send that traitorous bastard back to his gilded golf motel in Florida. Then send him to prison for a good long time.

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Omg .. what a brilliant comparison .. but WE don’t have to move the line .. we must hold him accountable by giving him the same penalties everyone else gets !

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You know what I could never figure out? HOW the HELL do they *think* we "stole" the election for Biden, but allowed Mitch et al to win? Democrats are not stupid. McConnell was a problem that should have been eliminated before anyone else, yet he won his election. Instead of Ted Cancun Cruz, we could have had Beto Hell of a Drummer O'Rourke! Next, you have to wonder, given the horrendous job they did on covid, why they thought they deserved a rerun? I cannot think of one example where trump made anything better for the average American. I was in college on Long Island in the 70s and I recall the rise of "The Donald" as his first wife named him. Even back then there were the tales of ripping off contractors etc. No one in the Tri-State area should have held him in any esteem at all. That the republican party covered for him remains the biggest tell for why they fell.

Can you get the Daily Beast to publish your essays? I think that would help? Or any other "national" outlet?

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Agreed, more would definitely benefit from JoJo's works.

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Unfortunately, people don't take local elections as seriously as they do Presidential elections every 4 years. That's how the slime balls got in the pipe. This country has become politically immature. Like-minded people vote the dickheads into office. It's very tribal anymore.

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Wanna know why?

Look back to Reagan. It was his ilk that came up with the sheer arrogance of an idea that somehow, Republicans are beyond reach, anything they do is A-OK, and laws are for the little people, not them.

There's a reason there's a sarcastic saying, It's OK If You're A Republican. IOKIYAR.

Name one Republican the party held to account for egregious behavior in the last 50 years. Name one who broke the law and they were shouting "LOCK HIM/HER UP!!"

Name one who stepped in it up to their knees that the party turned their backs on. They were critical of Whatshisname at first, because they knew he wasn't really a Republican. He'd voted Democrat, and given to Democratic candidates and causes for years before coming down that escalator and shocking them all with his announcement that he was running for POTUS as a Dem....OOOPS!!...REPUBLICAN!!

That's when they let out a collective WHHAAAAAAA?!? And began t excoriate him. Had he been a Republican all along, trust me. They'd have fallen all over themselves to support him.

And now, they've done the math and realized that there just aren't enough conservatives in enough states to get them elected over and over like before, thanks to ageing into the great beyond, or being pandemic-ed into it by his utter inability to handle it, they're utter sycophancy, cowardice at the thought of running an actual campaign against a rabid rightie, and have embraced the very people they never gave a shit about in the first place, because they were too buys fluffing their business cronies.

And now, the line keeps moving because they're sticking with the cynicism, and trying desperately to hold onto the "base", without really waking up and realizing that once Whatshisname is out of the picture, without him to tell them who to vote for, they'll simply stop voting. They won't, of course, stop pissing and moaning about everything under the sun that puts a wild hair up their ass, they just won't vote for MAGA anymore because without Whatshisname, there really is no MAGA.

Sadly, I fully believe the Orange Turd will outlive me despite being 10 years older than me.

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Can’t wait for your book, JoJo!

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Jun 2Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Hell yes. All of this.

Who are these freakish contortionists?

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JoJo, great addition to yesterday’s list. If he continues to mouth off, you might get to do a list a day until E day. 😉

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While I am not sure what Boerberting is, it sounds like something that requires full a HAZMAT suit. I disagree with the 'craven cowards' epithet; on January 6th they proved inept at breaking and entering. After watching that clown show, I am convinced they couldn't Boerbert their own joint. Did I use 'boerbert' correctly in that last sentence?

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Hahaha 😂 my friend😆

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You need lots of penicillin.😂😂

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Why would I need a large quantity of water fowl?

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Which confirms my suspicions that something along the lines of a true mob-like organization is somehow intimidating and threatening the politicians. Did you see CNN this Sunday morning? He knows better and is too intelligent to support the orange guy and yet there here is, the governor that backed Haley , swaying he will vote for a convicted felon.

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He acts so mob like .. are we certain he’s not THE mob Don of all dons .. he is quick to intimidate ..

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He IS, but it is the RUSSIAN mob!

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Omg .. you are right .. he is !! I keep thinking of Gotti .. but I’m wrong .. TU

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I get Noel (?) Casler's substack too. He was the warm up guy for the apprentice (?). He seems to know a lot of back story about mr. trump. He says Russian mob was all over the tower...Chinese too. As a Granddaughter of an immigrant, I am proud the Italians turned their backs on him? Let's face it, they had their fingers in the construction biz they knew him for what he was.

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Interesting … so how come the media doesn’e exploit this .. oh wait, they are scared or just chicken shit?

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I vote chickenshit? Look at how they focus on his histrionics instead of all the good work Joe Biden did!

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