Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I WILL NOT QUIT. I will NOT give in. IDGAF what the media is doing or saying about Biden. I will crawl through broken glass to vote for Joe's reanimated corpse. And I will VOTE BLUE from Joe down-ballot to dog catcher. This is just 2024's version of "But her emails!" TFG is an existential threat to OUR COUNTRY! I will never stop, never quit, never surrender!

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I’m with you!

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I’m in it to win it. WE ARE NOT QUITTERS. Now is not the time to roll over, to belly up, to pee your pants because some mean old person said mean things.


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Damn right

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TEAMWORK! UNITED WE STAND! Thank you, JoJo, cheerleader for justice. (I’m not used to using all caps—but the danger demands it.)

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Thousands upon thousands of people have died to protect the liberties we have in this country. Our democracy is directly under attack by the fascist GOP. Do not let the media manipulation of this election get you down or feeling hopeless. It is all about what makes money for them. And keeping people afraid and scared makes them money. This REALLY is a fight for our lives.

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The polls and the media continue to manipulate perception because fear and anxiety helps to create clicks, ratings etc which makes them tons of money. This doesn’t mean that you lose hope as JoJo says. It means you toughen up and fight harder with more resolve. To compare Biden’s age to Trump who is a convicted felon, adjudged rapist, a con man, a sociopath and the greatest threat to our country, as two sides of the same coin is criminal. If Biden remains in the race, and I think he should (he’s been a damn good, under appreciated president), people cannot stay home because he’s “old”. You’re going to hand over the country to the fascist GOP? We will never have a fair and free election again. And all the policies that people debate over won’t matter because you won’t have a seat at the debate table. Debates will no longer exist and any opportunities to have a say in how our country moves forward will be taken away and will be gone. So while Joe may not “excite” you. He may not be the “sexy” choice. He is the ONLY choice to help us preserve this democracy from a fascist GOP regime. In 2028, if we still have fair elections, we can move forward and look to a brighter future. But for now, we need to fucking get there. And Biden can do it for all of us. All of America needs him. We need to rally behind him. We need him to bridge our democracy to the future. DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR! We can save America!!!

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Once again, you nailed it! I'm a competitor. And I have my team's back. I have no use for anyone who doesn't have Joe's back. And I won't forget who bails on him. Like the Mighty Pivog from old school SNL said: "Gonna cost ya!" 😡😡

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It seems every day you read about another senator who “says” he has concerns about JRB being able to win his particular battleground state or a house rep unsure if Biden would be able to lead for four more years. Or another poll that “shows” him now losing to the orange shit stain. And Biden does have to demonstrate that he is strong enough cognitively to serve as president. We know he is but it appears there are more voters who are unsure. The battle seems to be becoming more uphill everyday. But your posts help us stay strong in this fight. That’s what we need. Thank you.

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

That’s right. We all fight to ignore what msm is saying and let it make us stronger.

I’m ridin with Biden!

Thanks Jo, good job.

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

AMEN! I'm too damn old to have to learn how to live under a fascist regime. Put on your big girl panties and get to work. I'd vote for a bedpost if it was running against the orange turd.

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JoJo .. you are on point .. We can never quite .. I mean WTF .. stop listening to all the bs and go talk to your tribe, influence them, send them JoJo’s video .. let’s go kick some ass ..

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I’m not going anywhere.

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<slow clap>Bravo!</slow clap>

You go girl!

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I agree 100%. I have signed up for phonebanks and postcards to get out the vote. I refuse to give up. I lost my left leg to diabetes three years ago and have not given up because of that. I will not allow our country to lose our democracy!

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Jul 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

You go Girl! I am with you! Let's get the job done!

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