Great letter today,JoJo, and I saw that Ridiculous Hand Shake 😫 what a moron !! What made it worse,was the whole World 🌍 reaction was the same, What a Dumbass... anyway, I'm glad you're having a good day, I'm feeling the positive Vibes here, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍❄️🎄⛄
So proud of you, your ethics, your tenacity, your mothering and loving of your children, your use of language 🙌 but mostly of your heart.❤️ with you xx
Great post as always,except you traumatized me. After four years of Jill Biden's elegant Christmas decorations I had managed to push the image of the be bestest birther bitch's handmaid's tale Xmas trees to the back of my mind. Damn, now I can see them as if it was yesterday.
HOORAYY FOR YOU JOJO. I am SO glad that you have your NJ home!!!
EVERY Thanksgiving since I remember I have signaled the start of the Christmas season by turning on the outdoor lights (not many really) that I put up beforehand and then playing Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song." I have several versions of it including the won that his daughter Natalie overdubbed so they sing "together."
I did not see the handshake, but, I was thinking the other day when I saw Il Douche L'orange shaking somebody's hand that he obviously aligned his body in a fashion to over-leverage the handshake. When I see that coming I change my own body angle. When younger, I was strong enough to be painful for the assholes who did that. It's a fake dominance trick. Don't ever forget that the real name of the orange jesus is Cadet Bone Spurs.
"Merry Christmas to you." The song itself was written near here in Van Nuys, CA, during the summer by Mel Torme and another Jewish guy whose name I've forgotten. I have Mel's version (and a bunch of others). Mel's is not as good. Of course there has never been a singer like Nat, who did not even want to sing but when leading a trio was told if he wanted to keep a certain gig he needed to sing. He became the greatest ever.
AND, you are great at what you are doing. My wife and I are lucky enough to own our place and really truly wish that everyone who wanted to own their own could. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know this was disjointed but I'm late for an appointment now. BEST
I’m so happy for you! And you’re right, we have to find joy where we can and celebrate it. Not just now, not just because of what’s coming, but always. That part is up to us. Sometime I get so wrapped up in my anger over all that’s unjust that I’m blinded. I think, more than ever, I have to try to keep my eyes open for both sides of that stupid coin.
"The dread of the endless fucking idiocy of it all."
Thats exactly right. I MUST shake the dread that I'm carrying. To think we have to go through this AGAIN, the dismal, hurtful, embarrassing bullshit. UGH. Gratitude does give one some strength, though.
Thrilled for your home ownership! Well done. And I had my first taste of Jersey corn this past summer....I'm from the midwest and to say Jersey was much better...well, thats saying something! Have a great week!
Congrats JoJo! This was a great reminder that, oftentimes, success is ahead of us if we just keep going, regardless of how unlikely it may seem. Your posting is also a good reminder that NO ONE can make it alone. We want...we NEED support from others... and that type of assistance helped you make your homeownership happen. It's up to us to support each other over the next few years.
I feel the same. Like a big wave of awful is coming. Trying to see and hear as little of the orange menace as possible.
But on the bright side —
Congratulations, official homeowner!!! That is hard work and you did it! Excellent news!
I enjoy reading everything you write. Spent a summer in New Jersey once with my aunt and uncle. She and I rode the bus to the Port Authority and walked twenty blocks to the office where my aunt worked and I was the temporary summer help, typing, delivering things, helping out wherever I could. Weekends we went places, once to the ocean, big thrill for a landlocked kid.
Congratulations on your house!!🌟 And my favorite Christmas song is ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ by the Pretenders. It’s from the very first ‘A Very Special Christmas’ CD, LP, whatever, and it is perfect. I refuse to comment on the coming hurricane/tsunami/tornado today. We have lots of things that make us better than the orange menace and his fascists. Let’s celebrate those things and let that be enough for now.
And also start focusing on solutions to these criminals who wish to make themselves into the Empire of Star Wars. (They're already buying the truck, you know.)
And tRump has the temerity to claim the world is laughing at us - and act as if he's outraged. I doubt he cares, but he knows his sheeple will double-down on some more gold plated cr4p.
Meanwhile, they ARE laughing at us, because tRump will be (mostly) moving back into public housing, while using our tax dollars to construct the Hugest, Bestest, Most Amazingest Moat In The World around Mar-a-Lago. To contain the sea level rise from the non-existent climate change.
Grateful for strong women like you! Congratulations on your new house. I stepped out of a MAGA marriage 5 years ago and after I dealt with the scars I have bloomed. I love living in my little house with my dog. I do not think of the future, especially with the Orange Fuckwad in the picture. One day at a time is the only way!
I can say I understand what you feel concerning the future, and Congratulations on owning your home. Unfortunately, I’m grieving the death of a close family member, and quite concerned about my only source of income, Social Security. My son in law of 36 years, with whom I was close, passed away on November 3, and my daughter is a widow at 58. This is a very difficult holiday season, so I’m trying to keep up appearances for her sake, she is, obviously, devastated. I’m reading most of the Substacks I’ve subscribed to, but sometimes I just can’t. I know this will pass, but the election results coming so close after Tim’s death has just wiped me out.
I truly appreciate all of my friends on Substack. I have been touched by the caring that is shared everywhere. We all have pain in our lives, but here we all support each other, no matter the circumstances. Thank you dear friends. 💙💙💙
Congrats on the house being all yours. That's a monumental task well done. And I like your taste in Christmas songs and singers. I really like reading what you have to say. (BTW: It's even better when read out loud, even if it's me doing the reading.)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'mm 77 years old, and had never heard that 1946 version of "The Christmas Song." I love anything by Nat Cole, and this made my day. I can even forget the Orange Monster for a few minutes. Thank you so much!
Great letter today,JoJo, and I saw that Ridiculous Hand Shake 😫 what a moron !! What made it worse,was the whole World 🌍 reaction was the same, What a Dumbass... anyway, I'm glad you're having a good day, I'm feeling the positive Vibes here, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍❄️🎄⛄
So proud of you, your ethics, your tenacity, your mothering and loving of your children, your use of language 🙌 but mostly of your heart.❤️ with you xx
Great post as always,except you traumatized me. After four years of Jill Biden's elegant Christmas decorations I had managed to push the image of the be bestest birther bitch's handmaid's tale Xmas trees to the back of my mind. Damn, now I can see them as if it was yesterday.
HOORAYY FOR YOU JOJO. I am SO glad that you have your NJ home!!!
EVERY Thanksgiving since I remember I have signaled the start of the Christmas season by turning on the outdoor lights (not many really) that I put up beforehand and then playing Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song." I have several versions of it including the won that his daughter Natalie overdubbed so they sing "together."
I did not see the handshake, but, I was thinking the other day when I saw Il Douche L'orange shaking somebody's hand that he obviously aligned his body in a fashion to over-leverage the handshake. When I see that coming I change my own body angle. When younger, I was strong enough to be painful for the assholes who did that. It's a fake dominance trick. Don't ever forget that the real name of the orange jesus is Cadet Bone Spurs.
"Merry Christmas to you." The song itself was written near here in Van Nuys, CA, during the summer by Mel Torme and another Jewish guy whose name I've forgotten. I have Mel's version (and a bunch of others). Mel's is not as good. Of course there has never been a singer like Nat, who did not even want to sing but when leading a trio was told if he wanted to keep a certain gig he needed to sing. He became the greatest ever.
AND, you are great at what you are doing. My wife and I are lucky enough to own our place and really truly wish that everyone who wanted to own their own could. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know this was disjointed but I'm late for an appointment now. BEST
You go girl! The truth will prevail!!!!!!
I’m so happy for you! And you’re right, we have to find joy where we can and celebrate it. Not just now, not just because of what’s coming, but always. That part is up to us. Sometime I get so wrapped up in my anger over all that’s unjust that I’m blinded. I think, more than ever, I have to try to keep my eyes open for both sides of that stupid coin.
"The dread of the endless fucking idiocy of it all."
Thats exactly right. I MUST shake the dread that I'm carrying. To think we have to go through this AGAIN, the dismal, hurtful, embarrassing bullshit. UGH. Gratitude does give one some strength, though.
Thrilled for your home ownership! Well done. And I had my first taste of Jersey corn this past summer....I'm from the midwest and to say Jersey was much better...well, thats saying something! Have a great week!
Congrats JoJo! This was a great reminder that, oftentimes, success is ahead of us if we just keep going, regardless of how unlikely it may seem. Your posting is also a good reminder that NO ONE can make it alone. We want...we NEED support from others... and that type of assistance helped you make your homeownership happen. It's up to us to support each other over the next few years.
I feel the same. Like a big wave of awful is coming. Trying to see and hear as little of the orange menace as possible.
But on the bright side —
Congratulations, official homeowner!!! That is hard work and you did it! Excellent news!
I enjoy reading everything you write. Spent a summer in New Jersey once with my aunt and uncle. She and I rode the bus to the Port Authority and walked twenty blocks to the office where my aunt worked and I was the temporary summer help, typing, delivering things, helping out wherever I could. Weekends we went places, once to the ocean, big thrill for a landlocked kid.
Congratulations on your house!!🌟 And my favorite Christmas song is ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ by the Pretenders. It’s from the very first ‘A Very Special Christmas’ CD, LP, whatever, and it is perfect. I refuse to comment on the coming hurricane/tsunami/tornado today. We have lots of things that make us better than the orange menace and his fascists. Let’s celebrate those things and let that be enough for now.
ANYTHING Chrissie Hynde has a hand in MUST be grand!
It’s totally unexpected for the Pretenders, she knocks it out of the park. Look it up and give it a try.
Focus on the good - absolutely!
And also start focusing on solutions to these criminals who wish to make themselves into the Empire of Star Wars. (They're already buying the truck, you know.)
And tRump has the temerity to claim the world is laughing at us - and act as if he's outraged. I doubt he cares, but he knows his sheeple will double-down on some more gold plated cr4p.
Meanwhile, they ARE laughing at us, because tRump will be (mostly) moving back into public housing, while using our tax dollars to construct the Hugest, Bestest, Most Amazingest Moat In The World around Mar-a-Lago. To contain the sea level rise from the non-existent climate change.
Grateful for strong women like you! Congratulations on your new house. I stepped out of a MAGA marriage 5 years ago and after I dealt with the scars I have bloomed. I love living in my little house with my dog. I do not think of the future, especially with the Orange Fuckwad in the picture. One day at a time is the only way!
I can say I understand what you feel concerning the future, and Congratulations on owning your home. Unfortunately, I’m grieving the death of a close family member, and quite concerned about my only source of income, Social Security. My son in law of 36 years, with whom I was close, passed away on November 3, and my daughter is a widow at 58. This is a very difficult holiday season, so I’m trying to keep up appearances for her sake, she is, obviously, devastated. I’m reading most of the Substacks I’ve subscribed to, but sometimes I just can’t. I know this will pass, but the election results coming so close after Tim’s death has just wiped me out.
I’m so sorry Sharon. We’re here for you. Sending you so much love and support. 💞✨
I truly appreciate all of my friends on Substack. I have been touched by the caring that is shared everywhere. We all have pain in our lives, but here we all support each other, no matter the circumstances. Thank you dear friends. 💙💙💙
Thinking about you and sending love.❤️❤️
Thank you Charles. 💙💙💙
DAMN ... you sure can write!
Congrats on the house being all yours. That's a monumental task well done. And I like your taste in Christmas songs and singers. I really like reading what you have to say. (BTW: It's even better when read out loud, even if it's me doing the reading.)
Great news on owning your home. And thanks for reminding us that in the midst of angst and despair good things still happen.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'mm 77 years old, and had never heard that 1946 version of "The Christmas Song." I love anything by Nat Cole, and this made my day. I can even forget the Orange Monster for a few minutes. Thank you so much!