And then when the forced fetuses become children, the repugs just consign them to a life where school shootings are just "a fact of life" as if nothing can be done about that. Both mind boggling and mind numbing, when it's easier to get a gun than healthcare. We have to be better than that.

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1000% agree with you on this.

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From my viewpoint of almost 72 years, all of them a raging liberal, I think profit trumps (pardon the pun) all else. All these pseudo Christians worshiping the modern equivalent of the Golden Calf. They make me sick.

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They make me sick too. Truly.

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Worked for adoption lawyers for a few years. All of them know "the baby states" like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia & Tennessee where young women intentionally get pregnant (as their mothers did) to sell the baby to people wanting to adopt. It's literally their freaking 'business'. As an adoptee, it made my stomach turn.

A couple that one atty. rep'd tried to sue him because the baby they adopted did not have blue eyes (birth mother did) and they *had* to have a blue eyed baby because their Jesus told them so. Money, profit, greed, and disgusting 'values'. But someone always made a buck. With Roe, there were less babies to be adopted. America's history on this subject is abominable, unforgivable, and (naturally) never taught in schools/churches, etc.

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You did a very brave thing here. Not only did you share your story, but you reminded all of us that we are not the very worst of us, we’re looking at you trump, vance, robinson, etal, but that maybe there’s some best of us that we need to get out in the open air. We need to stand up, be angry, be outraged, be upset, but mostly remember that we are better than the horrifying monsters who want to rip us apart.

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Exactly!! I mean — wouldn’t that be great?

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Brava my dear Jo. I was absolutely horrified to read this afternoon that republicans are blaming the hospital and the doctors for not providing medical care. While I agree they ARE to blame, I refuse to allow republicans who have tyrannized doctors and hospitals with threats so that they won't provide reasonable medical care the right to blame anyone but themselves. I look at the picture of that beautiful young woman, so full of life and her adorable son and my heart just breaks. I get even more upset because I suspect they don't care how many black women die. These ignorant people, in love with fetuses but clearly not children (if they were they'd ban assault weapons) have no right to be writing laws in the first place that cover medical procedures of which they are totally ignorant. Remember that idiot who declared if it was "real rape" the female reproductive system had a way to shut it down?

This brings me back to the panic I feel with the threat of trump getting another chance to ruin this country. Every day brings more terror. Some mid-west state may become a winner take all just to mess with the electoral college. Can't we PLEASE get rid of the damn thing?

But you know what else I wonder? Where is the medical professional who will risk his/her freedom to challenge these draconian laws? I get why they don't, I'd probably be afraid too, but I become insane when I consider the heartless zealots who preach without ever really acknowledging what Jesus said (according to the all male scribes no less!) It just needs one honest, probably white, male doctor.

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The electoral college HAS to go!!!

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It needed to go 100 years ago.

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As one who also didn’t have to die of sepsis after a miscarriage- there are millions of us, aren’t there, dear Jo?

This makes me infuriated and disgusted with those who deprive women of care, politicians and doctors.

I’ll be voting for our daughters and granddaughters, for every single one of their precious lives.

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Anyone with a daughter, granddaughter,, sister, cousin, friend, neighbor, aquaintance,, or who personally knows a woman by rights should be against this oppressive and unnecessary policy. As a male, I cannot explain why in the 21st century, here in America, we have these kinds of laws. They are killing people. There is no positive to them.

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It’s antithetical to every moral precept. The only rationale I can think of is there must be a line of demarcation in their world - on one side are those who obey and on the other those who must be punished.

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Since Louisiana declared the two drugs used in medication abortions to be controlled substances, those drugs are now under lock and key instead of on the obstetrical carts. That means that a doctor must write a prescription, go to the lock-up to get it filled, and go back to the patient to administer it. The problem is, Misoprostol is also used to stop hemorrhaging after giving birth. Doctors have been timing how long it will take to go through the steps to get the medication to prevent to see if there’s enough time before the patient bleeds out. The legislators are f-ing a$$holes.

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More and more, I realize that the community here on Substack is putting into words what I've been thinking for years. My parents taught their children to aspire to be better. Like you, I may be a tad naive. We can be better. We will be better. Vote Blue.

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One of your best, truly, and for all the wrong reasons.

I do think “we” need to be better, but I do think this is who “we” are, sadly. Until “we” own that, “we” can’t change. The GQP are the obvious encumbrance, but far too many “good” people are looking the other way.

I’m an MD, but not an OB. If I were an OB, you can bet I’d be the first to fucking dare them to take me to jail for being pro-life of the woman. Stand my ground, I would. I’m not new at this, I am a DADT casualty, so I have stuck my neck out before.

Where are our heroes, who are willing to fight?

I can promise you the Talibangelicals will become sentient sometime around the end of Neveruary.

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yeah, the party of "Less government" and "liberty" imposes laws that would jail you for compassion and following your Hippocratic Oath. Remember how they wasted taxpayer money to incarcerate elderly, frail Dr. Kevorkian, who was not a threat to anyone? Talibangelicals (great term!) have taken an oath of their own, only theirs is hypocritical.

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John, DADT?

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Don't ask don't tell.

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JoJo, "“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Your thinking is precisely what contributes to our progress. Keep believing and acting as though we are not victims of our circumstances.

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My God, you are an awesome writer.

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I wish Republicans would recognize the country the rest of the world sees. But apparently to them, getting a gun is far more important than keeping our kids from having to go through active shooter drills. And seemingly far more important than ensuring our children get the chance to grow up without wondering if everyday they'll come home from school.

And when it comes to women, these absolute asshats simply refuse to see the pain and suffering they're inflicting on half the population of their states, simply because they pretend to be "Christians". But it really isn't about religious fervor, or even adherence to a particular doctrine. It's a "We do it because we can" arrogance, and sense of superiority. That women are mere chattel without agency. Just so much breeding livestock to be dealt with out of hand.

And that both infuriates and saddens me immensely, but if also animates me into wanting to vote these horrendous assholes right back under the rocks they slithered out from under.

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It takes me longer than I'd like to calm down about all this. I had a hysterectomy, and my daughter lost her reproductive system to radiation, so it isn't immediately personal. What I guess I cannot rid myself of and what these "Godly" people can't access is empathy. And even more than that, it reflects so badly on the American I grew up believing in and yes, taking for granted. I'm a baby boomer. We had the absolute BEST time to grow and to become adults. A lot of these righteous idjits are around my age. Is it because we wouldn't get high with them? Did they feel left out somehow? My mom wouldn't let me go to Woodstock either, but I'm not holding it against the rest of the country. Not even her really, I hate camping! LOL

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A quote from Atticus Pund on The Masterpiece Theater: “the nazis are like a machine, they’ve lost all humanity.” That is the Republican Party today.

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This is SO true. I also wonder how many of them would avail themselves of the many benefits WE give them to fly any family member out of a deadly red state in case of emergency AND inconvenience. I believe they are do as I say not as I do type of people.

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Spot on!

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The traitor said after one of the mass shootings that we should get over it. That and this is something I will not get over. We should not get over it. He says we are a third world country, if we are it’s because of him and those like him. Georgia is becoming a tragedy. Women have to die in that state and elections interfered with because of republicans. There has to be a price to pay for what they did. Perhaps billboards should go up around the state, in districts where a republican is the state legislator. It has a picture of Amber and a picture of the state legislator with their name under their picture. A simple message a top them: He/she did this.

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Great idea! It’s the truth!

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Thank you for your beautiful and heartfelt words. My resolve has been strong, and you just reinforced my need to persist. JoJo, you’re a national treasure.

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I used to think we are better than this, not so sure anymore. I'm sure there were those in Italy and Germany in the 1930s believed they were better than this at the time. Today I push for more of our eligible voters to show me we really are better than what we are doing.

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THANK YOU. 💕Have been posting about SCOTUS 6 and what it means when they overturned Roe ever SINCE they overturned Roe.

Excellent article. Needed for people to be aware of what has been happening.

Difficult to see the injustice done to girls/women for over 2 years and have people ignore it. Women that MARCHED for Roe are now nearing 80.

Heartbreaking to see that Roe can be overturned and not have it immediately restored.😡

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You’re correct. I’m one of the originals and now 79. Kamala says she will reinstate abortion rights, and I can’t wait to vote for her.

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It hurts my heart that this little boy was deprived of his loving mother by a bunch of soulless monsters. We ARE better than this. I've edited this post five times in the last several minutes. It's hard to find the words to properly express my sadness and anger. It's on us to kill these medieval beasts in November.

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