This quote sums it all up…

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best Black man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”

Lyndon B. Johnson

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The REALLY BAD part is that it's an observation that he made (to journalist Bill Moyers, who worked on his staff) in 1960 that's STILL relevant today. Those who voted for the Mango Mussolini in each of the last 3 elections are proof of this. Unfortunately the more things change...you know the rest...

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I use that one way too often... sad.

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Sad indeed.

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The OrangeFelon is wholly owned by Russia. The reason no longer seems to matter. One way or another it is clear his position along with his minions is on the side of Russia.

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“You’re not his base—you’re his marks.” This is the truth, JoJo. The plain truth. Stuck in the Fox Propaganda Network, there is no hope for them.

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Great song. Great column. At least I can look forward to you and JA tomorrow. The MAGA crowd are the mother fucking stupidest two legged animals I have ever witnessed. Fuck Drumpf, Leon, Fancyfuckingpants, MikeIHaveNoJohnson, PearlClutchingLindsay, TurtleneckMitch, ALL OF THEM. The Oval Brawl was the most disgraceful thing I have witnessed since Nixon.

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Yet ANOTHER winner! Thank you! And the Fanny Pack Fascists - there are a lot of them here (Florida). I watch 'em in the stores stumbling around often one following another who is following another and so on. They remind me of sci-fi post-lobotomy patients - no thoughts of their own. As long as they keep within the sphere of the master brainless wonder, they will always know what to say and where to go. Too bad it isn't a long walk off a short pier.

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New zombie-themed show idea: The Walking Lobotomized MAGAs

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Yeah but it would have to be a documentary. Plus, didn’t we already see that on January 6th, 2021?

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2 thumbs up!!😁

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Thanks for the laughs. As I've said, the world record self-own. What sucks is that they're going to drag us down the shit hole with them. To paraphrase Paddy Mayne: "This has left me in a very poor frame of mind."😡😡 Hang in there and be safe,

Charlie Austin

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Charles, what I wouldn't give for your Dad's B-24 to drop some ordinance on a few places right now

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Good grief these people will be smug about losing, as long as everyone else loses too.

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holy shit! I almost passed out from the heat of the scorching you gave the right here.

smokin'! and every damn word of it well deserved, and well earned.

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Jojo - you are a fucking national treasure - keep calling out the shit show by “agent orange” and his flock of parrots

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More like cockroaches.

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The Party of Obsequious Putinism (POOP) is more interested in owning the libs and oppressing Americans than actual governance. This is coming home to roost in even some of the most cobweb-choked noggins out there in MAGA Cultland. Things are getting interesting.

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Great commentary, as always, JoJo. You really help to keep me sane, no easy task these days.

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Why do I think you did better in Econ than Donny T?

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Spot on!! You said what we all want to say!! Thanks my hero

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Thank you!!!

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I read "Fear and Loathing " in installments when first appeared in RS 50 some years ago. Such writing...scatalogic, tragic, funny and sarcastic as all hell, and brilliant. Something to rail against Nixon and his band of cronies as classmates were coming home from Nam in body bags, the Kent State atrocities came down, the Ellsworth files came out, and a shit storm of madness ruled the time. In all that, Hunter gave me hope, when he was not too drunk and/or stoned to put a coherent thought together. He said, in true virgin "gonzo" what fucking needed said.

From the position of now, all that seems like child's play. A warm up. He was Joe McCarthy with a fake, vacuous, vicious smile.

And Jojo, you are the first person I've encountered (past weekend) to really put out the RIGHTEOUS FUCKING ROYALLY PISSED-OFF INDIGNANT AS ALL HELL ANGER I'm experiencing now. Thank you. Reading you brings me back to the hope and relief l experienced reading Hunter all those years ago. And a call to action. We gotta fucking do something. Now. Before the military is fully co-opted and are shooting at us this spring into summer as we increasingly take to the streets mad as hell and not taking it anymore ( go to the windows and shout it out...lol and apologies to...). Hunter woke a lot of us then.. Keep doing what your doing and wake us up into action now.

Thanks and keep up the great work and keep the gonzo spirit alive, well and agitating the shit out of the stupid.

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😂😂😂 I'm laughing because it's beautifully done.

😭😭😭 I'm crying because it's all fucking true.

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