Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Absolutely the best column of the year. Fabulous post which does all the right call-outs, and leaves the reader in a state of paroxysm accompanied by gales of laughter. The subject at hand is majorly serious. This piece should be required reading.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz


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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I long for the day when I never have to see that fetid blob of orange protoplasm again. And never have to hear its wretched voice again.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

That day can not come soon enough!

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Great post, and spot on, as is the custom!

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Good bless you and your insight and your passion, Jo. You should be mandatory reading.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Trump's going to "protect women"?

From who? Him?

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Let's see. Donnie Fuck Face is going to protect women like he protected E. Jean Carroll? Like he protected the teenagers at his beauty pageants and on Epstein Island? In the words of a fellow New Jersey an Joe Pesci: "You muthafuckin muthahfucer you!!"😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡 Your final selfie says it all!!😡😡😈

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JoJo you were on fire! Thank you, I loved every word.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

You need to get copyrights on your metaphors, ma'am!!!! You'll make a bundle!!!! My favorite tonight was the toaster in the bubble bath

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That one truly made me burst into laughter!

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Generally speaking, women don’t need protection. Certain circumstances of course, like domestic abuse. However, women need protection FROM Trump, the couch fu**er, Mark Robinson and all trumpers who want to take away all women’s rights.

Jo, you need to be a little less ambivalent.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The eyes have it, in the best-ever image to close out a publication related to our long, national nightmare. Thanks, Jo.

JV Last did a breakdown of the new watch scam, over at the Bulwark. They're using 'dropshipping' as a distribution method, and the $499 version has a value of about $60. The $100,000 watch, at most, $20k to produce. No refunds. All sales final.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

You mean he is ripping off people????????????????????????? Noooooooooooooooooooooo...........

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz


FUCK conOLD all the way to hell. May the devil be cursed with him for eternity 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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conOld is now in my personal lexicon!

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First of all, it's NOT Trump saying "I'll be your protector". It's Stephen Miller (or whatever deplorable writes Trump's speeches for him) putting those words in Trump's mouth, via the teleprompter.

How do I know?

Because, like with so many things Trump reads from the teleprompter, after he says it he stops, as what he just said registers, FOR THE FIRST TIME, on his brain, and he repeats it, as if he's found a new toy: "I will be your protector." (stops and considers what he just said). "That's right: I'll be your protector."

Now, no one who truly felt he would be someone's protector would stop and mull around, in his mind, what he just said. Thus, it's NOT something Trump, himself, came up with. So, it CAN'T be something he truly believes.

Doesn't matter, of course, because, if Trump gets back in office, Stephen Miller will be at his side 24/7. So whether it's Trump (apparently) dishing out this poison or Miller, the result will be the same—and it ain't pretty!

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That motherfucker killed Mikey Tandino.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Donold is a predator of the worst kind. He’s both a sexual predator and a man who preys on people

who have their own grievances and see themselves as victims. He gets his jollies by attempting to exploit everyone he encounters who fit his idea of victimization. He’s even exploiting those who support him by selling them Trump bibles, Trump gold running shoes, and now $100,000 Trump watches, under the guise of promoting his brand. His brand is bull sh*it and should be called out for what it truly is - grifting. He’s the king of grifting and the sooner the MAGA crowd recognizes that it’s being had by the biggest liar on this side of earth, the better off we will all be. Bravo for calling him out as strongly as you did. Others need to start doing it. 🙏👏

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MAGAts are too far gone to have any revelations whatsoever. Like the Moonies, Branch Davidians, Scientologists, Nazis, and even the Manson "family", only one thing will break the fever, and that's deprogramming, unfortunately it is on a nation-wide scale.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

To everyone here, listen to “Lighthouse”, by Stevie Nicks. It should be everyone’s song from now on, especially women. It’s very inspiring and a rallying cry.

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Superb!! Now tell us how you really feel. Hope we don’t get 2025 foisted on us!!

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Sep 28Liked by JoJoFromJerz

He is an asshole for sure. He can’t lead his family.

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