These Democrat 2024 election ads write themselves. This campaign needs to be about more than Roe. Postmenopausal Grandmas for The Fourth Reich don’t care about Roe, or their perfect granddaughter who would never be in that situation. Over the past several years, maybe they can envision her being shot? Nah, I said people would get Covid v…
These Democrat 2024 election ads write themselves. This campaign needs to be about more than Roe. Postmenopausal Grandmas for The Fourth Reich don’t care about Roe, or their perfect granddaughter who would never be in that situation. Over the past several years, maybe they can envision her being shot? Nah, I said people would get Covid vaccinated as they watched 6 million people die, and frequently “knew someone.”
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin. I’m gonna go with George on this one.
He also said, "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." I've always thought that you can't fix stupid. I've learned there are a couple ways. The first one is illegal in most countries. The other one is known as BFT. Blunt force trauma. The topic of gun safety comes up with some regularity in the crisis stabilization program where I think the war on mental illness is being lost. I have pts who tell me that the reason they have guns is to protect their children. I ask them if their guns will keep their children safe in the event of a school shooting. I've had several tell me yes and then explain to me how that would work. Most of these people are not mentally ill. If they were I would have some compassion for them. Most of them are personality disordered, just like their own personal savior. And most of that group refuses to take responsibility for their own behavior and, and they want the government to support them. However, they want the same government to keep the goddamn Mexicans out because they are stealing all the good jobs. I ask if they are wanting to get on disability because some Mexican got the job they wanted. A couple have insinuated that I think they are stupid. They are, but I don't judge. I'm just making an observation. The good news is that most of these people won't vote.
These Democrat 2024 election ads write themselves. This campaign needs to be about more than Roe. Postmenopausal Grandmas for The Fourth Reich don’t care about Roe, or their perfect granddaughter who would never be in that situation. Over the past several years, maybe they can envision her being shot? Nah, I said people would get Covid vaccinated as they watched 6 million people die, and frequently “knew someone.”
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin. I’m gonna go with George on this one.
He also said, "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." I've always thought that you can't fix stupid. I've learned there are a couple ways. The first one is illegal in most countries. The other one is known as BFT. Blunt force trauma. The topic of gun safety comes up with some regularity in the crisis stabilization program where I think the war on mental illness is being lost. I have pts who tell me that the reason they have guns is to protect their children. I ask them if their guns will keep their children safe in the event of a school shooting. I've had several tell me yes and then explain to me how that would work. Most of these people are not mentally ill. If they were I would have some compassion for them. Most of them are personality disordered, just like their own personal savior. And most of that group refuses to take responsibility for their own behavior and, and they want the government to support them. However, they want the same government to keep the goddamn Mexicans out because they are stealing all the good jobs. I ask if they are wanting to get on disability because some Mexican got the job they wanted. A couple have insinuated that I think they are stupid. They are, but I don't judge. I'm just making an observation. The good news is that most of these people won't vote.