I think the real irony is that the Founders were probably nowhere near as fond of guns as Rethuglicans make them out to be. I expect one day we'll see a museum of all the old Founders with paintings of them next to period-accurate guns as if they were spouses.
Go JoJo! Incredible facts and figures to back up what every mother knows in her heart. Save our living children. Get rid of the weapons of mass destruction.
This is another issue the Dems need to focus on going toward the 2024 elections. A majority of Americans want to feel safe in their homes and communities, but the GOP having been purchased by the NRA, won’t allow it to happen.
Reading this, while watching CNN about yet ANOTHER school shooting at UNLV. I am Canadian, and I just cannot comprehend how they can justify this inaction on such an important issue! Every last POS Republican should be made to stand up in public and explain their reasoning. Do none of them fear that their own children might be killed while attending school?? Make it make sense!!??
a woman I know on fb, has a friend who lives in Florida...a fellow artist who does a number of mixed media works & fabric pieces too. Her daughter was incredibly talented, and was looking to go to either Pratt Univ., or Parson's School of Art... some people were talking with her during her junior year in h.s., about what she could do for a project as an acceptance piece to one of the universities..sadly, she was one of the students killed in the Parkland shooting, and if I even begin to remember the horrific episode, I start to tear up...every time I hear some horrible person saying "we need us our guns" I want to slap them into next week. The NRA has a hold on every one of these sick asshats, and I want them all to just go away.
Powerful Jojo. Need to publish this far and wide. Irony: Rethugs keep telling us to be afraid, very afraid; meanwhile, Wayne LaPierre and Trump are telling them the same thing and it's working.
And after you write this amazing piece, we have another mass shooting in Las Vegas. This bullshit needs to stop. The GOP cares about nothing but power. The NRA finances their campaigns. They own every casualty of every mass shooting.
These Democrat 2024 election ads write themselves. This campaign needs to be about more than Roe. Postmenopausal Grandmas for The Fourth Reich don’t care about Roe, or their perfect granddaughter who would never be in that situation. Over the past several years, maybe they can envision her being shot? Nah, I said people would get Covid vaccinated as they watched 6 million people die, and frequently “knew someone.”
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin. I’m gonna go with George on this one.
He also said, "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." I've always thought that you can't fix stupid. I've learned there are a couple ways. The first one is illegal in most countries. The other one is known as BFT. Blunt force trauma. The topic of gun safety comes up with some regularity in the crisis stabilization program where I think the war on mental illness is being lost. I have pts who tell me that the reason they have guns is to protect their children. I ask them if their guns will keep their children safe in the event of a school shooting. I've had several tell me yes and then explain to me how that would work. Most of these people are not mentally ill. If they were I would have some compassion for them. Most of them are personality disordered, just like their own personal savior. And most of that group refuses to take responsibility for their own behavior and, and they want the government to support them. However, they want the same government to keep the goddamn Mexicans out because they are stealing all the good jobs. I ask if they are wanting to get on disability because some Mexican got the job they wanted. A couple have insinuated that I think they are stupid. They are, but I don't judge. I'm just making an observation. The good news is that most of these people won't vote.
Perfectly stated Jo. thank you. I will be sending this to my congress critter. He's a rethug, and will never reply, but I'm sick to death of being scared to go to concerts, scared when my daughter goes to concerts and reading about the needless deaths of citizens - mostly young ones. Is that part of the problem? The rethugs don't know anyone like that, would make up a story if they did anyway. I give money to different organizations to fight the gun lobby, but even if we all sent in $10. they have SO much money from selling the weapons of death to people with tiny penises (or the inability to use them for more than the ferrying of urine?). Sorry guys and any rational hunters who do the right thing safeguarding them.
Thank you Jojo. I’m sick and tired of children and adults being slaughtered. Yes vote out every fucking republican from Maine to California. Fuck em. When WE get laws passed they must be extreme. Not some swiss cheese bills with lots of loopholes and exceptions.
I know we are all ANGRY. OUR VOTE is our power. Vote Democrat down ballot. Winning back the White House and Congress is our only hope of making much needed changes. 💙
I fear pretty much every Republican in Congress would outright sacrifice a member of their family if the NRA money kept rolling in.
I can’t disagree with that. How unbelievably sad.
I think the real irony is that the Founders were probably nowhere near as fond of guns as Rethuglicans make them out to be. I expect one day we'll see a museum of all the old Founders with paintings of them next to period-accurate guns as if they were spouses.
Would bet on this already being out there already.
And Wayne LaPierre demands no weapons in gatherings where he appears to speak. The @NRA is a death cult financed by enemies of the United States.
Go JoJo! Incredible facts and figures to back up what every mother knows in her heart. Save our living children. Get rid of the weapons of mass destruction.
This is another issue the Dems need to focus on going toward the 2024 elections. A majority of Americans want to feel safe in their homes and communities, but the GOP having been purchased by the NRA, won’t allow it to happen.
Reading this, while watching CNN about yet ANOTHER school shooting at UNLV. I am Canadian, and I just cannot comprehend how they can justify this inaction on such an important issue! Every last POS Republican should be made to stand up in public and explain their reasoning. Do none of them fear that their own children might be killed while attending school?? Make it make sense!!??
a woman I know on fb, has a friend who lives in Florida...a fellow artist who does a number of mixed media works & fabric pieces too. Her daughter was incredibly talented, and was looking to go to either Pratt Univ., or Parson's School of Art... some people were talking with her during her junior year in h.s., about what she could do for a project as an acceptance piece to one of the universities..sadly, she was one of the students killed in the Parkland shooting, and if I even begin to remember the horrific episode, I start to tear up...every time I hear some horrible person saying "we need us our guns" I want to slap them into next week. The NRA has a hold on every one of these sick asshats, and I want them all to just go away.
Powerful Jojo. Need to publish this far and wide. Irony: Rethugs keep telling us to be afraid, very afraid; meanwhile, Wayne LaPierre and Trump are telling them the same thing and it's working.
And after you write this amazing piece, we have another mass shooting in Las Vegas. This bullshit needs to stop. The GOP cares about nothing but power. The NRA finances their campaigns. They own every casualty of every mass shooting.
These Democrat 2024 election ads write themselves. This campaign needs to be about more than Roe. Postmenopausal Grandmas for The Fourth Reich don’t care about Roe, or their perfect granddaughter who would never be in that situation. Over the past several years, maybe they can envision her being shot? Nah, I said people would get Covid vaccinated as they watched 6 million people die, and frequently “knew someone.”
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin. I’m gonna go with George on this one.
He also said, "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." I've always thought that you can't fix stupid. I've learned there are a couple ways. The first one is illegal in most countries. The other one is known as BFT. Blunt force trauma. The topic of gun safety comes up with some regularity in the crisis stabilization program where I think the war on mental illness is being lost. I have pts who tell me that the reason they have guns is to protect their children. I ask them if their guns will keep their children safe in the event of a school shooting. I've had several tell me yes and then explain to me how that would work. Most of these people are not mentally ill. If they were I would have some compassion for them. Most of them are personality disordered, just like their own personal savior. And most of that group refuses to take responsibility for their own behavior and, and they want the government to support them. However, they want the same government to keep the goddamn Mexicans out because they are stealing all the good jobs. I ask if they are wanting to get on disability because some Mexican got the job they wanted. A couple have insinuated that I think they are stupid. They are, but I don't judge. I'm just making an observation. The good news is that most of these people won't vote.
Perfectly stated Jo. thank you. I will be sending this to my congress critter. He's a rethug, and will never reply, but I'm sick to death of being scared to go to concerts, scared when my daughter goes to concerts and reading about the needless deaths of citizens - mostly young ones. Is that part of the problem? The rethugs don't know anyone like that, would make up a story if they did anyway. I give money to different organizations to fight the gun lobby, but even if we all sent in $10. they have SO much money from selling the weapons of death to people with tiny penises (or the inability to use them for more than the ferrying of urine?). Sorry guys and any rational hunters who do the right thing safeguarding them.
As I read this, the news is flashing an active shooter alert at UNLV, possible multiple victims.
Wait what?!???
Perfectly stated, Jo❗️Thx 👍🏼
Thank you Jojo. I’m sick and tired of children and adults being slaughtered. Yes vote out every fucking republican from Maine to California. Fuck em. When WE get laws passed they must be extreme. Not some swiss cheese bills with lots of loopholes and exceptions.
We need to repeal the Second Amendment. I can dream, can’t I?
@JoJoFromJerz, you've done a great job compiling the atrocities of guns in this post. Thanks for putting this together.
(I am yelling this)
I know we are all ANGRY. OUR VOTE is our power. Vote Democrat down ballot. Winning back the White House and Congress is our only hope of making much needed changes. 💙