Oct 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Sad to say, but you have the dude figured out, Jo, better than virtually anyone; keep preaching in your inimitable way; ALL Americans need to hear your message these next 26 days

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Oct 11Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I wasn’t invited to the goat sex party and I’m still upset about it but watching and listening to Barack Obama tonight goes a long way towards making the world right again. He’s still got the power. His hair may have turned white - 8 years of the presidency will do that - but his eyes are still piercing black and lit with intelligence. Gotta love him.

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He was sooooo good.

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Oct 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Ok, I need someone to tell me I'm insane and stop wishing, hoping and praying. Do you think there's ANY chance based on some of those very topics (tests to Putin over Americans, lying to desperate people and on and on) that Biden, if the unthinkable happens, can just negate the votes for trump based on the fact that he broke the Logan Act, is in fact a felon and an adjudicated sex violator? I mean, IF trumplestiltskin had immunity to do damn all then doesn't Biden too? He owes us for placing Garland in DOJ.

I love you Jo.

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Oct 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

He definitely should be disqualified from this race and sent directly to prison while he awaits sentencing. Then we can shred Jiggly Dick (JD) Vance to fucking bits. That would be an easy task. But we know realistically no shrunk dick has the courage to challenge his place in this race. So we continue to expose and debunk and burn them both at the stake of public opinion.

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Oct 11Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Jo, this says it all right here:

“How sad it must be believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty.”

I look at the people I grew up with and see them today and hardly recognize them.

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It's some pretty scary shit, just thinking about that pig stepping onto the Grounds of the Capital makes me sick to my stomach. I've just been diagnosed with acute Hyper Tension and I know it's because of the News cycle!! Thanks for the RANT this evening, JoJo, this way I don't have to 😘

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Yes I have so much anxiety over his bullshit & am sick to my stomach knowing that liar smirks around knowing he is getting by with his fucked up lies and that the Government won't arrest him for his danger to America KNOWING what he has done and still doing! My soon-to-be to be Ex-husband is a Trump Train freak and I never knew how bad it was until recently as he is a very quuet person & I am devastated & OUT OF HERE!! I noticed his personality has changed the last few weeks. He listens to A RIGHT WING radio station on his way to work and now he believes EVERYTHING THEY THROW OUT THERE.ALL IF THE LIES!! It has been a living nightmare for me. I wonder how many Divorces or relationships have been caused by Trump?? Like they say YOU CANT FIX STUPID BUT YOU CAN SELL IT A MAGA HAT!

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Oct 10Liked by JoJoFromJerz

I'm wondering what in the world is so going on behind the scenes here . dt can just be retired if God forbid he would be elected and VD( anyone remember this stands for venereal disease ) could become president ( again God forbid). But I'm certain something more ominous and nefarious has to be going on ' Behind the Scenes ' when the supposed richest man in the world is leapfrogging across the stage ( also the whitest person I've ever seen) and acting a total fool and jackass -- as WHAT EXACTLY??!! THE richest man next to the craziest person along with the sneakest person EVER in the history of our United States government and election process -- WHAT DOES ALL THIS REALLY MEAN FOR US- THE CITIZENS OF OUR GREAT LAND? Something more odorous is happening and no one is really cluing us in. AND THAT'S SCARY!! I DON'T WANT TO FIND OUT. JUST VOTE BLUE 💙

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I believe that the plan is for the traitor to win the election and somewhere during his reign of terror he will resign and the couch fucker will assume the presidency. That’s when the true nightmare begins.

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Oct 11Liked by JoJoFromJerz

The prospect of Trump’s election has me alternating between anger, despair and fear. Keep shouting, Jo. You have a chorus of thousands shouting with you.

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Oct 11Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Jo, your subtitle says it all. Thanks for your excellent summation and taking time from your busy woke day. I myself had to tear myself away from my Weather Creating Machine and researching recipes for the neighbors' cats and dogs. Damn, being a libtard is just SOOOO BUSY

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When Trump loses…

If only our fine President Biden would exercise his very special presidential immunity for official acts, at 12:01am, November 6, with Trump’s Secret Service team taking a sudden coordinated cigarette break while Seal Team 6 swoops in, puts Trump in a body bag, confiscates his smart phone, and takes his fat ass to a CIA black site, fits him with an orange jumpsuit in a padded cell, to remain there until any of his trials require his physical presence. Why? Because Trump’s continued ability to walk free and speak freely constitutes a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

I think over 50% of American voters would have spontaneous orgasms.

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OMG! I’m having the same thoughts!

In my fantasy, Garland expertly unleashes his plan for Trump. Election lost, Trump and anyone in his administration or not in his administration involved in January 6th 2021 coup are whisked off to a secret location, including Clarence Thomas (all 6 eventually)to await trial for treason that just keeps getting delayed and delayed and delayed.

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Replace milquetoast Garland with Sally Yates, and I’m all in, girlfriend.☺️

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Done 👏🏻👏🏻

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Oct 11Liked by JoJoFromJerz

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona are all Democratic executive branch ( governors and Sec of State) so the Repubs cannot mess with the ballots. I think it’s going to be a blowout. I live in a very red county in a somewhat red state and I’ve never seen so many letters to the local paper that begin, “As a former Republican/Independent “ and then go on to lambast trump. I don’t think they are ignoring his supporters and the ratio is about 3-4:1 against the orange guy. I think its going to be a blowout. ( Make sure Comey has no upcoming announcements).

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He's a vile mixture of vanity, stupidity, and evil. How in the actual fuck is this even close? We are the only ones that can put an end to this madness. Our very lives depend on it!

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Go JoJo. Jersey girl tells it like it is! Maybe those comics who thought he was funny will have you on their podcast? You would run right over them.

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Dunno. I thought he was damn funny. "I'm a truthful person."

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He's such a moronic clusterfuck

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Absolutely spectacularl!!

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