Face it JoJo...these people really ARE lower-life forms! Thanks to the Internet they feel they have some form of "anonymity" (hope I spelled it right) that lets them spew their bile and cope with their feelings of inferiority. If they didn't have people like us to hate, they'd have to hate each other (that would be fun to watch).
Face it JoJo...these people really ARE lower-life forms! Thanks to the Internet they feel they have some form of "anonymity" (hope I spelled it right) that lets them spew their bile and cope with their feelings of inferiority. If they didn't have people like us to hate, they'd have to hate each other (that would be fun to watch).
But I know this much: As a displaced Jersey Guy (55 years proud), you simply DON'T f*ck with a Jersey Girl...you will get hurt. I have no doubt that you will put these people back in their place (or under a nearby rock). Keep fighting the good fight and we'll be right here with you.
Face it JoJo...these people really ARE lower-life forms! Thanks to the Internet they feel they have some form of "anonymity" (hope I spelled it right) that lets them spew their bile and cope with their feelings of inferiority. If they didn't have people like us to hate, they'd have to hate each other (that would be fun to watch).
But I know this much: As a displaced Jersey Guy (55 years proud), you simply DON'T f*ck with a Jersey Girl...you will get hurt. I have no doubt that you will put these people back in their place (or under a nearby rock). Keep fighting the good fight and we'll be right here with you.