I am OVERWHELMED by the support I have received for this post. If you can believe it, I’m also at a loss for words. I am typing this through tears because so much of my strength, so so much, comes from all of you. From your words. From your encouragement.

I can promise you that I will never stop fighting and that I will always, always be who I am.

And if you ever read something in which I say Bon Jovi is my favorite band, send help. Immediately. Kidding. Lovely fellows. But for real. Bon Jovi.

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You go girl. Love your humor, and your political savvy I share your wtf , and I’m not a citizen 👍

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Sorry to hear about all the excretment you seem to be the recipient of. All of us average folk are empathetic to your plight. I read and appreciate your commentary. The incel crowd can’t even begin to comprehend or compete on your level, and they know that.

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Incels are the worst. I am so sorry JoJo, please be safe.

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When you get what you want (i.e., owning the libs), and the libs shrug it off, of course you're going to be angry. Your big nothing burger doesn't taste as sweet as you thought it would. These people will never be happy.

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Imagine the disappointment that any woman who they managed to trick, trap and have sex with feels. #IsThatAllThereIs ?

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Having relatives and friends from New Jersey, I’ve learned 2 things.

1: Don’t fuck with Jersey girls

2: See #1

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I’m a ‘Jersey girl’ too. That is if you can call me a girl at 84. I’m with JoJo all the way. I’ve been through some tings as well, and I came out better and stronger. Don’t threaten us, we’re better at fighting back than you can imagine.

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Love the comment bout the Jersey state bird


Jo, PLEASE, we need more like you around here and everywhere. Those 2 children you've raised need a loving mama bear.

SO, please dont hesitate to BLOCK or refer such threats to any law enforcement body you can find ASAP. No excuse for any of those garbage threats to anyone who fights hard but fair, like you. None. Nada.

Do stay safe! We need many like you

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Stay safe. They should be more scared of you (and, apparently are!) than you are of them. Thank you for being the loud, proud, strong, focused, funny, bright light that you are in these dark times.

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They think they’ve won. But they don’t see the big red dildo that Trump is about to run up their back door. Loss of health care, Social Security and most anything else they depend on is on the chopping block. Xmas and Vivek are going to drop the hammer ASAP.

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Gun up, baby. Get a license to carry if you are allowed in your state. This is the Attack of the Killer Incels. I'm so sorry. Also, your comment: "I mean, is a root canal without Novacaine anyone’s idea of fun?" There is indeed an insurance company that thinks this is a good idea. https://www.npr.org/2024/12/05/nx-s1-5217617/blue-cross-blue-shield-anesthesia-anthem

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Some people are uncomfortable owning guns for a myriad of reasons. I have been recommending pepper ball guns. These non-lethal weapons are used by law enforcement and can be purchased by civilians without a license. Examples include the PepperBall launchers and Byrna guns. They use compressed CO2 or nitrogen cartridges to fire pepper irritant powder projectiles, which burst upon impact to create an incapacitating cloud. I have found I’m a better shot without the kickback and can practice shooting in my backyard.

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Good to know!

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Wow, this is really good to know! For the first time in my 56 years of life I’ve been considering buying a gun, but you have given me another option

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Definitely gonna look into this option. Thanks for the heads up!

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Which is why the shitbag CEO of Anthem "got his" yesterday. One down, many to go.

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It was Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare. It is the "Medicare" Advantage company with which my wife and I were, unfortunately, stupid enough to sign up. One word of advice: It is NOT Medicare. It is a scam devised by George W. Bush and his cronies to carry out his threat to privatize (meaning bankrupt) Social Security and Medicare. Thompson was on his way to the company's annual "investor conference," investors being the ONLY people his company and the others in that business give a shit about.

I am truly sorry that his wife and kids lost him. I am even sorrier for all the people who lost loved ones due to his company denying them medical care that they needed. Medicare Advantage Companies, per Thom Hartmann's newsletter today, deny 18% of the claims submitted. It is an industry built upon the sickness and death of their customers, about which Thompson, doubtless to wild applause, was about to inform the "investors."

Thoughts and prayers to his family - isn't that what we do for all shootings? He got where he was and his company got where it is only because anyone in that position is a sociopath - not giving a rat's ass about anyone else's life, feelings, family. So, send thoughts and prayers. Send them also to those in whose deaths he and his company were complicit.

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THIS is just one reason why we need National Health like every other "civilized" country. However, seeing what has just been installed in OUR White House, maybe we are NOT civilized?

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No we are NOT civilized!

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Perfectly said!

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I just finished edits on my newest health care management textbook. Have a chapter on violence in health care and a case study on insurance denials. Did not put the two together. Honestly did not see that coming.

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Take a stroll over to Reddit and peruse some of the threads about the shooting. According to the Daily Beast, some commenters more or less saying he reaped that which he sewed were verified doctors!

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Says it all🤷‍♀️

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It was the CEO of UnitedHealth Care.

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Whichever. The pissants are interchangeable. All bad.

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United Healthcare--or was there another?????????

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Yeah, he's Uited Healthcare - which also pulls shit like Blue Cross does.

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He was being investigated by the DOJ, too, but the words on the bullets are pretty personal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14157793/unitedhealthcare-ceo-brian-thompson-doj-investigation-shot-dead.html

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Yes, and that's what the insurance scumbags should take as truth from this.

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ALL the robber barons should! Rama-lama-ding-dong ought to be quaking in his boots as should Smuk and any other lunatic who thinks they deserve another tax break more than we deserve the health care WE PAY FOR and the retirement we PAID for!

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I read this yesterday. Maximum anesthesia. If your procedure runs over the projected time, I assume BC/BS will bill you for the over the limit time. Or, they just stop giving you the anesthesia you still need? Either one would not surprise me in the least. And United Healthcare CEO gets gunned down in Manhattan? I’m shocked! Shocked I say!

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Nothing to see here. Move along 🤦‍♀️

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I grew up a Jersey Girl and am very proud of it. I am a 77-year-old grandmother of 8 now living in CA. You are an inspiration. Never let anyone shut you down.

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I’m a Pittsburgh woman and I will stand beside you Jo! I’m not a coward. I too have faced evil and fear. The only way to faced down fear is stare it straight in the face (you’ll be scared) but you’ll always know where you stand. That no one can steal away your courage. These cretinous, cowards are motivated by hate, stupidity, ignorance and a case of “the wants”. They’re worried someone else is getting “their” entitlements. They jealous, raging howler monkeys. We all know, I mean us here, many of these MAGA are already receiving public assistance of some sort. Or the wealthy who are trying to shove the 1880’s down our throats cause we don’t feel real awful bad they can own another person anymore.

So at this moment as we stand at the breach, damn the torpedoes! Full steam ahead!

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Former Jersey Girl here too. Always one in my heart. If only Jersey had stayed what it was in the 60s! LOL

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Is it bad that I read this with tears forming in my eyes? I confess, I am somewhat afraid of some of those people. MOST of them are just as impotent as you implied. It's the odd one, who sits with porn until he has a hard on. I don't want him or anyone like him near you. Do you by any chance have a gun license? My husband used to have one when we lived in Orange a million years ago; but I have no idea how hard it is to get these days. Thank the Gods you are keeping a record and so is the FBI and your police department. I'd start a go fund me to buy you a gun and I hate the damn things!

Please, stay safe, aware of your surroundings, keys in between your fingers in parking lots and maybe your adorable Ruby with you as much as possible. You light up our lives in so many ways that you might not even be aware of. (Sing horrid Debbie Boone song if you must here) Due to my insatiable desire/need to "be prepared" for the worst, I freak myself out many times a week and inevitably, I will read something by you and instantly feel better; not so alone (no one around me will talk about the mess we are in - as though ignoring it will make it better), and have a feeling of righteousness come over me.

We all love you Jo. You are important to us, and though we may not say it often, we care a lot about what happens to you and we want ONLY good things from here on out!

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You’re all important to me too. I’m gonna stand up and speak out with whatever time I have left on this mortal coil!!!! We all have to stand up for each other, just like you stand up for me. 💞

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Where did you find that most appropriate sound cut?😂😂 On the subject of "Meal Team Six" (per Malcom Nance), if they fuck with you, they break it off deep in their asses. These modern Neanderthals work on the assumption that we're easy prey. For them, that's a fatal mistake. Stay vigilant, my friend. We got your back! 🤟👍💪😘

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We can also call them the "Gravy Seals"...that's one of my faves!

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We need to pay heed to what the Chief thinks right now.

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Jo - I got distracted about the comment on Brian Thompson, CEO of UHC, below. YOU are an inspiration. I am nowhere near as tough. Forgive me - given the few years left to me I'll try to toughen up as to these cowardly chickenshit rat bastards and their orange jesus. FUCK THEM. And, a-holes, if you're looking at this, I repeat, FUCK YOU.

My flag is out - upside down as promised. I've ordered a TRUCK FUMP bumper sticker for MY bubba truck. Yup, I am tree hugging commie who drives a beater big truck. THANK YOU JO AND BE CAREFUL. For any of you limp dicks threatening her, I repeat, FUCK YOU.

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You go, girl! Your courage gives all of us a spine, even if the scariest thing I’ve done is wear T-shirt that says:

MAGA is a fascist cult, brainwashed, brain dead.

Get a gun, hell, get 10 guns!

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I needed to read this today. I am so fucking tired right now. I was in high school when Ro was passed; it never once occurred to me that one day it might go away - and that my daughters would have fewer rights than I did. When that orange shitgibbon was first allowed to infest the People's House, I joined the Women's March in my city. And I joined them every year during his shitstorm of an "administration." I voted for Biden, even though I'm tired of old white guys. And I was delighted at the outpouring of enthusiasm for Kamala. I didn't think he's ever get near DC again.

And now - I'm tired. I'm too tired to march any more; I'm too tired to fight any more. I will leave that to you younger people, and I'll give what I can spare to groups I believe in. And I'll wear all my snide social/political t shirts everywhere.

But this gave me joy. I love the way you write; I love your command of snark and insults. I've never been to Jersey, but I hear they're all a lot like you. And we need more of you.

Stay safe, keep your kids safe. And dare them to come at you. It won't end well for them.

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Good for you. While strolling what passes for a boardwalk around here I saw a woman wearing a pussy hat. A great friend of ours made one for each of us after she got home from the 2017 DC march. It doesn't actually get cold around here, BUT, my wife and I will re-commence wearing ours, at least during what we laughingly call winter here.

I was in my first year of law school when Roe was decided. Goldwater Goon and chief justice Rehnquist dissented as did Bryon White who played football with a leather helmet. Blackmun, one of Nixon's Minnesota Twins wrote the majority opinion joined by even Lewis Powell, formulator of the fallacious reasoning that led to Citizens United. I wrote a paper advocating the legalization of abortion in my junior year in high school (1962-63) but the teacher, doubtless fearing for her job, asked me to write on another topic. I therefore submitted a paper on the benefits of the use of nitromethane as a fuel in drag racing - I'm sure she understood not a single word. I know it's bad, but, I LOVE the smell of that stuff to this day. Make that VERY bad. Guess I wandered. Time to put on the pussy hats.

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Might I add that there is a brewery in Kappaa town on the island of Kauai that serves "Pussy Grabs Back Ale." I don't drink but if they had it in bottles I'd ship it home to pass out as Christmas presents.

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Face it JoJo...these people really ARE lower-life forms! Thanks to the Internet they feel they have some form of "anonymity" (hope I spelled it right) that lets them spew their bile and cope with their feelings of inferiority. If they didn't have people like us to hate, they'd have to hate each other (that would be fun to watch).

But I know this much: As a displaced Jersey Guy (55 years proud), you simply DON'T f*ck with a Jersey Girl...you will get hurt. I have no doubt that you will put these people back in their place (or under a nearby rock). Keep fighting the good fight and we'll be right here with you.

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Wasp spray. Can is a little unwieldy, but it shoots that stream a long way. Has been recommended as a possible alternative to a gun for emergency use. And noise-lots of noise. ❣️😱🤷🏼‍♀️Love you, Jo, from an UpNorth Michigan Fan

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